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Rated: 13+ · Chapter · Action/Adventure · #2322113
In which Kai returns to OmniVentures with a new purpose
Rome had texted Kai shortly after he got back to his dorm.
ROME: Reactivated your ID, so you can come in whenever you want
KAI: I saw that. Careful, I might take that invitation the wrong way.
ROME: Don’t be an idiot. Mali’s going to kill me.
KAI: But Jet’s on board. Don’t know why, but he gave me an assignment.
ROME: To look into OmniVentures’ finances, I know.
KAI: You know? How?
ROME: Long story, I’ll tell you when you get in. Just please be careful.
KAI: Everybody needs to stop telling me that! I’m fine. Everything’s fine. Fine, fine, FINE.

Rome had nothing to say after that. Kai kept mentally saying that word as he’d showered, changed and forced himself to eat.
Because it was fine.
Everything was fine.
Perfectly fine.
And if Kai said and thought that enough the knot in his stomach will disappear.
In spite of the nerves, Kai can’t help but smile as the light on the security gate at OmniVentures employee entrance flashes green, meaning his ID has been officially unlocked. And he doesn’t even have to lie when he tells Mali that Jet is in full support of his decision. At least, that’s what it had sounded like when Jet told him to find financial information that no one else could.
Because Jet trusted him.
And he’d missed him.
If Kai heard that two weeks ago, he would have scoffed at his older brother’s words. Now, though…Jet had already made it clear on multiple occasions that he wasn’t going to leave again, but did Kai dare believe him?
Was Kai really going to ask himself the same questions, over and over again, until Jet really had nothing else left to prove? Maybe now, it was Kai’s turn. Maybe, by doing exactly what Jet asked him to do, Kai could return trust for trust.
It’s a toss-up, but Kai is willing to risk it.
Maybe it’s also time to tell Jet what he remembers about the car accident.
No one else is in the hallway leading from the employee entrance in the back to the main public lobby. In contrast to the palace of glass and steel presented to the public, these employee-only hallways are smaller, narrower, and darker.
The air feels heavy, thick with the smell of stale coffee and old dust. The first time Kai walked down this hallway, he was surprised dust even had a smell. Now, that smell isn’t interesting or surprising—it’s suffocating.
Rather than sleek shining floors, dark carpet muffles the footsteps of anyone coming in or out. Apparently, carpet creaks. Kai can hear it each time he takes a step. The lighting is dimmer, fluorescent tube strips rather than the LED or solar powered bulbs that the company uses for their public spaces. This hallway was the only place in the entire building that didn’t ever seem to be taken care of, as though what the public didn’t see didn’t have to be worried about.
As though the CEO might have something, or someone, to hide.
Kai has walked down this hallway hundreds of times before, but this time feels different. One of the lights is in danger of going out soon. The flickering of the dying bulb happens in tandem with Kai’s increasing heartbeat, which does nothing for his rapidly fraying nerves.
This is what you wanted isn’t it?
You practically begged Rome to take you off medical leave, you called Jet an asshole for trying to stop you.
This is what you wanted, Kai.
Do what you need to do.

The lobby is far too bright. Harsh morning sunshine fractures the light in the room rather than spreading it. Kai’s eyes burn, and he fights the urge to blink. The first floor offices and conference rooms are closed, but Kai can see the empty desks and chairs through the glass walls. The only sound is the hiss of the air conditioning through the vents. It seems like the whole building is holding its breath, though whether in anticipation or fear, Kai can’t quite tell. His footsteps across the marble floors echo up toward each successive floor.
It’s too damn quiet.
Granted, Kai hadn’t been here before one p.m. because he’d had classes. But now that finals were over, and they were in semester break, he could come in whenever he wanted. So long as he had permission to be on the premises.
The strident bleep of the receptionist’s phone nearly turns Kai inside out. She gives him an odd look as she chirps into the phone, “OmniVentures Limited, how can I help you?”
Kai gives her a sheepish glance in return and starts up the stairs. His phone buzzes again—not the vibration of a single text, but multiple notifications. This time he answers.
KAI: Why the hell are you texting in all caps?
MALI: This isn’t funny.
KAI: Am I laughing?
MALI: Why did you tell Rome to take you off medical leave?
KAI: Isn’t it obvious?
MALI: [rolls eyes]
KAI: If it helps, Jet is on board.
MALI: I’m going to kill the both of you.
KAI: Me and Rome or me and Jet?
MALI: All three.
KAI: What else do you want me to do?
MALI: As if you’d listen to me. Do I have to ask where you are now?
KAI: Lobby. Heading upstairs now.

“You missed the demonstration.” Nail’s voice sounds just above him.
Kai nearly stumbles on the last step, though whether it’s from Nail’s voice or texting his sister while climbing stairs, he’s not sure. Maybe it was a combination of all three. The assistant to OmniVenures’ CEO stands on the landing, feet apart, arms crossed, effectively blocking Kai’s progress.
“I know from experience you can kick my ass, so why would I want to see you demonstrate it?” Kai forces himself to meet Nail’s gaze and hold it, grateful that his voice stays steady. There’s only the receptionist below him, but she’s still a witness, which means the likelihood of Nail trying anything is minimal.
“Maybe you could have learned something if you stuck around long enough.” Nail takes a step toward Kai, intent on forcing him back down the stairs.
Kai remains rooted. “I had other places to be.”
“Like Nightshade?” Nail is so close that Kai can smell the Scotch on his breath. Does Nail really drink at nine in the morning or is that leftover from last night? “With my sister?”
“Would that bother you?” Kai can’t attack Nail physically, but he also can’t resist the temptation to do it vocally. “She happens to like me.”
Nail’s jaw tightens. “Pepper tends to make her share of questionable decisions.”
“Meaning she doesn’t like to play it safe.” Kai translates, wondering where this sudden boost of snarky confidence is coming from. He takes a step forward, so that he and Nail are on the landing, their noses centimeters apart. “Neither do I.”
For a moment, neither of them move. Nail’s glare could cut glass, but Kai refuses to back away. Below them, the receptionist hangs up the phone and calls Nail’s name.
“You’re on a tightrope, Kai.” Nail takes a step back, unwilling to escalate things now that they have the receptionist’s attention. “One missed step, and you fall.”
“If you’re going to make threats, Nail,” Kai takes another step forward. “Then do what you did the last time and actually carry them out.”
The receptionist calls Nail’s name a little louder than she did the first time.
Nail growls, shoving Kai aside. “Get out of my way.”
Kai lets out a slow breath as Nail descends the stairs. Whatever adrenalin had rapidly boosted his confidence is just as rapidly leaking out of him. He glances down at his right hand, half curled into a fist.
This is what he needs in order to do what Jet asked. When he’d stepped toward Nail the first time, Kai had managed to slip Nail’s ID badge off his belt loop. The second time, he’d removed something dangling next to the laminated badge. When Nail had shoved Kai out of the way, he’d replaced Nail’s ID badge. Maybe it wasn’t on the same belt loop as before, but it had been returned to his person.
Nail’s personal passkey—a round piece of plastic given to a select few of OmniVentures’ top-tier employees—is now in Kai’s hand.
Kai slips the passkey into his pocket, aware of the receding tension in his legs, that leaves his calves aching. Confronting Nail as cover to get access to what he needed had been on his to-do list, but he’d already done it as hadn't even been here fifteen minutes. The actual method of getting Nail's passkey had been Rome's idea, and Kai was surprised it turned out this well. He’d seen the maneuver done in movies, but never actually thought it would work—especially since it was something he’d never tried before.
Nail glances over his shoulder as he continues to descend the stairs. The receptionist repeats his name, but Nail’s eyes are on the kid scrambling down the hall, headed in the direction of Rome’s office. Predictable.
He slides his thumb over the now empty belt loop, where his ID badge still hangs. The passkey is definitely missing. Kai had taken it, just as planned.
Did the kid really think he’d been clever? That Nail didn’t know why he’d stood so close? Far from intimidating Nail, Kai’s actions amused him. Amused him so much, he’d let Kai take his passkey.
It wasn’t carelessness. Kai had no idea how easily Nail could have stopped him. But why bother? The kid definitely had grit—Nail had almost missed having him get underfoot all the time. Let him think he’d won, for now. The passkey was meant to end up in Kai’s hands anyway—just not in the way he thinks. Rome’s plans always worked in his favor. Nail made sure of that, same as he always did with Kai, or Chalam, or anyone who offered the best angle.
Nail reaches the bottom step, his polished shoes clicking against the smooth floor. He doesn’t look back up the stairs. He doesn’t need to. He just keeps walking, the faint taste of Scotch lingering in his mouth. Let them play their game—Nail will always be able to anticipate the next move.
And it will always work in his favor.
The door to Rome's office flies open before Kai can knock. Mali stands in the doorway.
“You--you idiot.” Clearly, Mali wants to say something else, but given that they’re in a public place of business, she controls herself with an effort. “How could you be so stupid?”
“What is that supposed to mean?” Kai modulates his own voice, equally aware of how good the acoustics on this floor are. “You think I’m just going to stick my head in the sand until this is all over?”
Rome appears behind Mali, gently pulling his girlfriend back from the door. “Let’s let your brother all the way into the office. That way, you can have your shouting match behind closed doors.”
Mali glares, but moves back far enough that Kai can enter the office and close the door. Kai leans against the wall, trying to appear nonchalant despite the adrenalin still coursing through him.
“So,” Rome raises his eyebrows at Kai’s deliberately casual expression. “Was Nail as predictable as we thought?”
“Just like in the movies.” Kai confirms, holding up Nail's passkey.
“You two planned this.” Mali doesn’t bother to make it a question, her face now a mixture of exasperation and relief. “You do realize how risky that was, right? What if Nail figured out what you were up to.”
“But he didn’t.” Kai points out with more confidence than he actually feels. “He was too occupied with intimidation to notice anything else.”
Mali rolls her eyes. “The two of you are insane, you know that?”
“But you still love us, huh?” Kai’s smirk changes to a mock pout as Mali flicks his forehead. “Ow, what was that for?”
“Overconfidence.” Mali returns Kai’s smirk before turning her attention back to her boyfriend. “So are you and my brother going to tell me the rest of the plan you made behind my back?”
“It wasn’t behind your back,” Rome reassures her. “Kai figured out what it was he stole.”
“Part of it.” Kai corrects him. “I’m sorry, Mali, but I didn’t want to tell you until I knew what it meant.”
“And I’m guessing ‘it’ would be the infographic you texted me this morning?” Mali still sounds a little irritated.
“I really am sorry I didn’t show you before.” Kai looks guilty. “I thought I could figure it out, and then tell you, but that didn’t work. Then I thought if I kept it to myself Nail would leave you alone. Only he didn’t.”
“It would have been a nice addition to the information we already had, that’s all.” Mali mutters, pacing around the office. “What was your plan for interpretation in the first place?”
“Pepper studied Accounting at university.” Kai’s answer is reluctant. “She said she would interpret it for me if I got her more detailed information.”
Mali frowns. “Which is where Nail’s passkey.”
“Rome told me that Talay has everything you and he could find about OmniVentures’ shell companies.” Kai holds up the passkey. “But there’s also documentation only certain people can access. Chalam is still watching both of you, but he won’t pay much attention to me if he thinks Nail can still scare me into submission.”
“So we get Nail’s passkey,” Rome adds. “And let Kai do a little digging.”
“You’re both insane, you know that right?” Mali throws up her hands. “Stealing the passkey of the second highest ranking employee in the company.”
“You’re just mad you didn’t think of it yourself.” Kai points out with a smirk. “And it worked, didn’t it? Now I can find what we need.”
“You’ll have to be quick about it,” Rome points out. “Nail’s bound to notice it’s missing sooner or later. Remember the cameras. If you can get to the service panel behind the door, you should be able to interrupt the feed for a few minutes. ”
“Right.” Kai nods. “I’ll be quick.”

"26. Analysis

Read from beginning: "1. Ignored
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