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Rated: 13+ · Chapter · Action/Adventure · #2322560
In which Jet navigates car tests and personal intrigue.
New Message From MALI: We need to talk.
New Message From KAI: I need to talk to you.
New Message From LUCA: Dinner?

It’s been three days since Kai returned to OmniVentures, but this was the first Jet had heard from either of his siblings. Luca, however, had both seen and texted him every day since. The two of them have gone running and then out for coffee. Luca hasn’t said anything about OmniVentures since his initial offer to help, but Jet is sure he will if given the opportunity.
“That’s your third text in two minutes.” Kit’s voice sounds just over Jet’s shoulder.
Jet moves his phone out of Kit’s line of vision. “Adults don’t peer over their friends' shoulders to read personal texts.”
“Even if I know who every single one of those texts are from?” Kit retorts, not looking the least guilty at being caught.
“Jealous?” Jet grins at him. “If it helps, they’re from three different people.”
Jet gives him the finger, then slides his phone back in his pocket and turns his attention back to the race track as Zone rounds the bend. The newly modified Koenigsegg Regera hugs the track perfectly and the roar of the engine sings as the car accelerates.
From what Jet had heard, it had taken all of Kit’s skill to secure the car from its initial owner, and it had taken all of Kam’s skill to modify the already rare vehicle without compromising the original performance. Zone had shown it off on Instagram once modifications were complete and tagged Manirat Nexus, Manirat Luxe and ManiratInfiniteDrift, bragging about his brothers’ prowess, and the manager of a racing team had called Kit with an interest in buying it. Kit had agreed, with the stipulation that ManiratInfiniteDrift be brought on as team sponsor and Zone be added to the team roster. If today’s test drive failed, there were consequences for all parties concerned.
Which is why Jet is at the racetrack this afternoon and not in his office.
“Modifications are holding up,” Jet comments, eyes following the sleek vehicle. “Handling’s smooth, and the speed’s on point.”
Kit nodded. “Yeah, but the engine could still overheat if Zone pushes it too hard.”
“You want Kam to look at it again?” Jet knows the answer, but asks the question anyway.
“Kam’s a mechanic, not an engineer.” Kit reminds him. “And he’s not associated with the team. Zone’s the one who’s in the car, so I’ll see what he says before I talk to the team manager.”
On the other side of the track, Iris is snapping photos. Kit had turned his phone off to avoid the constant buzzing of each update Iris posts to ManiratInfiteDrift’s social media. Jet hadn’t. He watches Iris balance between taking photos on her DSLR and her phone.
“She’s really good.” Jet can’t quite keep the surprise out of his voice. “You’re doing the Eyebrow Thing again.”
Kit acknowledges both points by raising his favorite eyebrow. “You think I hired her just because she’s dating my little brother?”
Before Jet can answer, Zone pulls into the pit, bringing with him the smell of exhaust and hot rubber. The engine goes quiet, but steam hisses as it escapes from under the hood. The brakes don’t protest as the car pulls to a stop. There’s only the faint click of metal, accompanied by the sharp aroma of overheated brake pads and burnt oil. In other words, exactly what all three of them are expecting.
“Damn!” Zone’s face is flushed with excitement and adrenaline as he removes his helmet. “This is a badass beast!”
“Language.” Kit warns.
“I’m twenty-one, I can say what the hell I want.” Zone glares at him. “You use worse words than I do.”
“I also use better grammar.” Kit smirks. “So maybe I’m allowed to. Just not in a professional setting like this one.”
Before Zone can voice his opinion on his older brother’s definition of a professional setting, Jet intervenes.
“How’s the handling?” Jet leans closer to Zone so that Kit is temporarily blocked from view. “Any issues?”
“None so far,” Zone replied. “The acceleration feels smooth, but we should let the team engineer do more tests before we push it.”
“You sound like a pro already.” Iris joins them, camera still in hand. She shows them a few previews. “I got some great photos, but you can decide which would look best for the promotional shots. ”
Jet scans through the photos, amazed at how Iris was able to get shots of both the car and the driver inside it. “What about all the ones you put up on IG?”
“These are highlighting the prowess of ManiratInifiteDrift and their innovative automotive designs.” Iris holds up her phone before gesturing back to the camera. “Those are highlighting the prowess of the team’s newly acquired racer.”
Kit grins at Jet. “And that is why I hired her as ManiratInfiniteDrift’s Social Media and Marketing Intern.”
“I’ve never questioned your business acumen.” Jet retorts.
“I have.” Zone quips as he gets out of the car. “But I’m just the kid brother, so what do I know? And how does the team’s ‘newly acquired racer’ actually look?”
Iris turns the camera so that he can see the previews. “Sexy and professional, as expected.”
“Aw, thanks, baby.” Zone pulls Iris in for a quick kiss.
Kit rolls his eyes. “No PDA on the track.”
“No jealousy either.” Zone quips, kissing his girlfriend a second time and flipping his older brother the bird while he’s at it. “And all you did was provide the car, which means you’re not on the team, so you can’t make any rules.”
Jet’s phone buzzes again.
MALI: We found something. Call me.
KAI: Call me when you’re free.

Kit raises his favorite eyebrow. “Everything okay?”
“I’ll deal with it later.” Jet slips his phone back into his pocket. “Zone should run a few more laps. See how it handles at top speed. Then we can let the engineer do more detailed tests.”
Kit nods and turns back to his younger brother. “Push it this time. We don’t want the engine overheating during an actual race.”
Zone salutes him. “You got it.”
Jet leans inside the car as Zone resumes his seat, lowering his voice so only Zone can hear. “Listen, is Kai ok?”
“So far as I know.” Zone shrugs. “Why don’t you ask him? I thought you two had some weird deal where you have to see each other every day.”
“We do.” Jet confirms, not bothering to ask why Zone knows this. Kai probably tells his best friend everything. “But I haven’t seen or heard from him in a couple of days, so I just wondered.”
“He’s been…kind of quiet, I guess?” Zone gestures toward Jet’s phone. “He just texted you, huh?”
Jet nods. “Hasn’t talked to me for three days and suddenly sends two texts saying he needs to talk. Just—keep an eye on him?”
“Always do.” Zone smiles at him and replaces his helmet.
Jet steps back to allow Zone to start another loop around the track. Kai’s texts sounded so casual, but if he’d sent two in a row, that wasn’t casual. It couldn’t be. What had he found at OmniVentures? Is that what he had texted Jet about, or was there another reason? And was it the same reason that Mali wanted to talk to him? Jet doesn’t want to push, he doesn’t want to act paranoid, but he’s sure neither of his siblings would be this eager to talk to him without a good reason.
Especially if that reason had anything to do with that shark of a CEO.
“A racetrack is the last place I thought I’d find you.” Luca’s voice sounds behind him, causing an uptick in Jet’s pulse rate. Jet turns to see the younger man leaning against the wall of the pit bay, looking amused. Sunlight catches on the silver hoops in his ears, sending shimmering lines across the deep green silk of his shirt.
Jet’s smile is a little lopsided. “You can add that to your checklist of things you know about me.”
“That racing is one of your hobbies?” Luca’s answering grin has that same magnetic pull Jet felt the first time they spoke.“Or is this strictly business?”
“ManiratInifiteDrift just modified a…Koenigsegg Regera.” Iris is too busy stumbling over the name of the car to notice the sudden charged atmosphere between Luca and Jet.
“That’s one of the rarest cars in the world.” Luca looks impressed. “How the hell did you get your hands on it?”
“Kit’s business acumen.” Jet jerks his head in the direction of his friend.
“Combined with your charm, you mean.” Luca waggles his eyebrows.
Kit’s own brow shoots up again at Luca’s words, but he says nothing.
“Zone’s testing it today.” Iris shows Luca one of the pictures she’s taken, clearly eager to brag about her boyfriend. “He’s going to drive it in the next race.”
“So it is business.” Luca confirms, winking at Jet. “Not pleasure.”
“Little bit of both.” Kit corrects him. “Not every day you get paid to see your little brother push four hundred kilos without worrying about a speeding ticket.”
“What about hospital bills?” Luca quips. “Or do they take care of themselves?”
Jet adjusts his sunglasses. “Don’t you have business of your own to do?”
“Wednesdays are my day off.” Luca pushes himself away from the wall. “I’m perfectly free, so I want pleasure.”
“You sure there’s nowhere else you’d want to be?” Jet checks his watch for emphasis, biting back a smirk. Luca’s easy charm isn’t exactly something he wants to avoid. Not this time, anyway.
“Only if I can go there with you.” Luca is winking so much Jet is surprised the other man doesn’t have eye strain. “Besides, you still owe me new clothes.”
Both of Kit’s eyebrows are threatening to disappear into his hairline. Jet’s gaze holds Luca’s for a split second, before forcing it back to the track, feeling the uptick in his pulse rate. This time, he lets the smile play across his lips, half hoping Luca sees it.
Iris stares. “New clothes?”
“Black Russians and silk don’t mix.” Luca informs her.
Now Iris looks totally confused. Which, Jet realizes, was probably Luca’s intention. By contrast, Kit’s expression looks a little more knowing than Jet would like, but he doesn’t say anything. Instead, he pulls a KitKat out of his sports jacket pocket and pops it into his mouth, before offering one to Iris. Iris looks like she wants to say something, but seeing Kit’s look, she just silently unwraps and eats the KitKat.
Luca jerks his head in the direction of the track.“The COO of ManiratInfiniteDrift decided to join the racing circuit?”
“The CEO did.” Jet corrects him. “The COO is just along for the ride. Keeps things interesting.”
Luca’s eyes sparkle as he steps closer. “I like interesting. But I’ll leave if I’m bothering you.”
The silk of Luca’s shirt brushes against Jet’s sleeve, sending a shiver up his spine. Jet stays where he is, not about to give Luca the satisfaction of moving away, even though part of him wants to lean into the warmth of Luca’s presence.
Ti rendi conto che sei dannatamente bello, vero?” Luca has caught the smile tugging at the corners of Jet’s mouth. His own grin widens as Jet forces himself to keep his eyes on the track, his breath stirring the fine hairs on Jet’s neck.
“I’m good looking, huh?” Jet raises an eyebrow, fully aware of the color creeping up his face. He gives in to the temptation of answering in Italian. “Stai cercando di sforzarti troppo. You’re trying too hard.”
“You really do speak Italian.” Luca leans closer, his shirt brushing against Jet’s sleeve again. “I could never try too hard with you.”
Jet smirks. “What makes you think that line’ll work?”
“Maybe I like seeing how far I can push you.” Luca shrugs, leaning even closer. “Ti adoro quando fai così.”
“You only adore me when I’m like this?” Jet stays where he is, pressing his lips together to keep his grin from widening. “That doesn’t even make sense.”
Luca’s voice takes on a teasing note. “Should I say ‘I adore you anywhere and everywhere’ instead?”
Jet’s pulse quickens. Again. “You done?”
“Not yet.” Luca’s eyes glint with mischief. “Tesoro.”
Luca calling him “darling” in Italian rather than Thai does funny things to certain parts of Jet’s anatomy. He keeps his face neutral, but can’t stop the smile still tugging at the corners of his mouth.
Jet finally turns to face him, their eyes locking. “You’re annoying.”
“And yet,” Luca chuckles. “Here you are.”
A flash of light and a low clicking sound interrupt them. Jet glares at Iris, who lowers her camera, looking completely unembarrassed.
“What?” Iris smirks. “Zone is going to want to know what he missed.”
Kit turns his snicker into a cough. “Sorry. Swallowed the KitKat too fast.”
“Of course you did.” Jet rolls his eyes.
“How does it look?” Luca steps over to Iris, gesturing at the camera. His grin widens when she shows him. “Can you send me this?”
Iris nods, giving Jet another satisfied smirk over Luca’s shoulder. Jet and Kit exchange a look, and Kit walks over to join Iris.
“We need more shots of your boyfriend on the track.” Kit puts a hand on Iris’ elbow, gently guiding her away from Luca. “Let’s leave Jet to his.”
Jet glares. “Luca’s not my—”
“Thanks,” Luca cuts off Jet’s protest. “Enjoy the rest of your modification testing.”
Kit smiles at him, steering Iris back toward the track as Zone completes another lap.
Luca turns back toward Jet, smirking at the look on the other man’s face. “What?”
Jet’s arms are crossed, and he’s trying and failing to look unimpressed. “You always know how to make an entrance.”
“One of my many skills.” Luca’s smile turns mischievous. “So we going clothes shopping or what?”
Jet hesitates. The texts from Kai and Mali weigh on his mind, making his phone feel heavy in his pocket. At the moment, though, there isn’t much he can do, since both Kai and Mali are in the middle of the work day.
“Fine,” Jet concedes. “But no more talk about Black Russians and silk. You’ll give people the wrong idea.”
“I’ll add more context next time.” Luca reassures him. “But I’m pretty sure Kit and Iris had the right idea.”
Jet snorts. “Is that why you showed up? To make sure they had ‘the right idea’?”
“I heard you were out here.” Luca shrugs. “Just figured I’d drop by.”
“And if I was busy?”
“I’d have waited.” Luca twirls his car fob around one finger. “Maybe tonight I’ll get you relaxed enough to talk about that tattoo of yours. If you want to talk about it, that is.”
Jet raises an eyebrow. “Still on about that?”
“Just curious.” Luca’s eyes flash with an unreadable expression. “Ouroboros means cycles and rebirth, among other things. So what’s it mean to you?”
“It’s a reminder.” Jet hesitates, then meets Luca’s gaze. “Things fall apart, so you start over as many times as you need to. I’ve been doing that my whole life.”
Luca’s expression is one of genuine surprise. “That’s…actually pretty profound. I should have guessed that from someone who was able to get his hands on one of the rarest cars in the world and runs at five-thirty in the morning.”
They’ve reached the parking lot, mostly empty since there’s no race today. Jet recognizes Zone’s car, and Kit’s, since that’s the one he came in. Luca’s car is not at all what Jet expected. He vaguely remembers being in it before, but due to his alcoholic haze, he hadn’t been able to register much.
“That’s a Ferrari Roma.” Jet can’t quite keep the awe out of his voice.
“Yeah,” Luca winks at him. Again. “She’s my baby.”
The car is in mint condition. Sunlight dances across the deep blue azure of the exterior, a symphony of automotive curves and angles crafted to perfection. The classic Ferrari grill punctuates the front end, while sculpted lines flow seamlessly toward the rear, where the subtle spoiler hinted at its pedigree of performance. Luca opens the passenger door, and Jet gets in without a word.
It's one of the smoothest rides Jet’s been on in a while. The shift of the gears is hardly noticeable, and the leather seats still have that fresh new car smell.
A satisfied smirk plays across Luca’s face. “You’re wondering how I can afford this car on my current salary.”
If anyone else other than Luca asked Jet that question, he’d be tempted to lie. Instead, he just shrugs. “Maybe a little bit.”
“I can’t.” Luca confirms Jet’s unspoken suspicions. “Actually, I bought it second hand from some jackass who turned the front end into an accordion and was selling for parts. Kam rebuilt it for me and takes the parts and labor costs out of my Nightshade paychecks. He leaves me with enough for living expenses, though, so that’s nice. Worth the whole fifty million.”
Jet’s eyebrows shoot up. “Fifty million baht on a car?”
“Up front.” Luca confirms. “The day I quit my last job, I took all my savings and severance package and blew it on this baby.”
This is the second time Luca has referred to his previous employment without mentioning its name, and Jet’s curiosity is again peaked. “Why did you quit?”
“Call it a twinge of conscience.” Luca shrugs again. “We’re getting food first, and then I’m going to take you somewhere magical.”
Jet’s lips twitch. “Don’t oversell it.”
He’s not protesting. Not this time.

"29. Magical

Read from beginning: "1. Ignored
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