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Tools for the trade.
The following is a guide and reference tool for poets. There will be links throughout - leading to articles on or off Writing.com - for further information. Many, but not all Writing.com articles are created by myself. I will try to link each article so it shows the author.



~"WC Newswletter #152 - Rhyme Time! PART 1 [E] by Red Writing Hood <3
    The many types of rhyme. Part 1 - Varitions of perfect rhyme. ~
~"WC Newswletter #154 - Rhyme Time! PART 2 [E] by Red Writing Hood <3
    The many types of rhyme. Part 2 - Varitions of imperfect rhyme. ~
~"WC Newsletter #157 - Rhyme Time Part 3 [E] by Red Writing Hood <3
    The many types of rhyme. Part 3 - "Other" variations of rhyme. ~
~"WC Newsletter #172 - Rhyme Time Part 4 [E] by Red Writing Hood <3
    The many types of rhyme. Part 4 - Rhyme placement. PLUS alliteration and more! ~


~"Poetic Meter [E] by Turtle ~ KanyáthÆko:wa:h
    Meter used in the English Language. ~


~"Voice Choice [E] by Red Writing Hood <3
    Testing, testing, 1, 2, 3. I am a poet and I have something to say! POETIC VOICE ~
~"Poetry Newsletter March 25 [ASR] by Vivian
    Poetry newsletter March 25, 2004, subjective/objective point of view ~


~"Imagery - I Want My PTv! [E] by Red Writing Hood <3
    Literature is the TV (big screen, of course) all authors have their own channel on it. ~
~"February 26 issue [ASR] by Vivian
    February 26 issue, sensory words ~

                   *extended* ~"Poetry * April 2006 * Similes, Metaphors & Poetry Threads by Red Writing Hood <3 ~ (new compilation of two older articles)
                             "Like an Onion by KimChi

         *Simile* ~ "Straightforward Simile [E] by Red Writing Hood <3
    Simile: Like totally compare it!
                   "Like an Onion by KimChi

                   (Here is a direct link to the definition from dictionary.com:

         *Allusion* ~"Allusion Infusion"   by Red Writing Hood <3 ~
                   (Here is a direct link to the definition from dictionary.com:

         *Oxymoron* - a pair or combination of words that are opposite of each other.
                   (Ex. Military Intelligence ~ MY personal favorite, tee hee)
                   (Here is a direct link to the definition from dictionary.com:

         *Personification* - Taking the qualities of people and applying it to inanimate objects.
                   (Ex. The chair cries in desolation, longing for her return...)
                   (Here is a direct link to the definition from dictionary.com:

         *Ambiguity* - Purposely playing with your words to create more than one meaning.
                   (Here is a direct link to the definition from dictionary.com:

         *Ambivalence* - Similar to ambiguity, ambivalence is concerned with emotion, meaning that you choose your words to create the feeling of more than one emotion at once, within your poem.
                   (Here is a direct link to the definition from dictionary.com:

         *Metonymy, Symbol and Synecdoche* - All of these are similar in what they do. Basically you use a replacement for the real name of something.
                   (Ex. The big apple for NYC, bean pole for a tall person, or "the twins" for the World Trade Center Complex)
                   (METONYMY - Here is a direct link to the definition from dictionary.com:
                   (SYMBOL - Here is a direct link to the definition from dictionary.com:
                   "Classic Rock by KimChi
                   "Action/Adventure Newsletter (August 20, 2008) by NanoWriMo2018 Into the Earth
                   "Poetry Newsletter (July 2, 2008) by Joy
                   (SYNECDOCHE - Here is a direct link to the definition from dictionary.com:


~"OuLiPo: A Brief History and Overview by Red Writing Hood <3 ~

*FORMS* ~In alphabetical order, various authors~ (IF YOU have done a "How-To" on a poetry form, feel free to email me for inclusion, EVEN if the form is here already. :))

         *160, The*
                   ~"The 160 by Bianca ~
                   ~"ABCeDarius by Bianca ~
                   ~"Merge Two - Create Something New by Red Writing Hood <3 ~
                   ~"Acrostic by Bianca ~
         *Acrostic, Double*
                   ~"Acrostic, Double by Bianca ~
         *Acrostic, Monorhyme*
                   ~"Acrostic Monorhyme by Bianca ~
         *Ae Freslighe aka Ai Fhreisligi*
                   ~"Ae freslighe by Bianca ~
                   ~"Luck o’ the Irish - Irish Poetry Forms by Red Writing Hood <3 ~
                   ~"Luck o’ the Irish - Irish Poetry Forms by Red Writing Hood <3 ~
         *Alba aka Aubade aka Tagelied*
                   ~"Romance Poetry: The Morning Song by Red Writing Hood <3 ~
                   ~"Take a Chance & See--Chance Poetry Form by Red Writing Hood <3 ~
                   ~" Alexandrine by Bianca ~
         *Alfred Dorn Sonnet*
                   ~"Romance Poetry: Sonnets Part 2 by Red Writing Hood <3 ~
         *Anagrammatical Text*
                   ~"OuLiPo: A Brief History and Overview by Red Writing Hood <3 ~
         *Anagram Poetry*
                   ~"Word Play! - Playing With Poetry by Red Writing Hood <3 ~
         *Anna, The*
                   ~"In Honor Of - Honoring Through Poetry by Red Writing Hood <3 ~
                   ~"Speak to Me about Poetry by Red Writing Hood <3 ~
                   ~"Anustubh by Bianca ~
         *Anustubh Meter*
                   ~"Anustubh Meter by Bianca ~
         *Archimedes' Pi*
                   ~"Pi - Archimedes' by Bianca ~
         *Ars Poetica*
                   ~"Speak to Me about Poetry by Red Writing Hood <3 ~
                   ~"Romance/Love - May 2004 - The Aubade by Red Writing Hood <3 ~
         *Australian (aka Bowlesian) Sonnet*
                   ~"Romance Poetry: Sonnets Part 2 by Red Writing Hood <3 ~
                   ~"Romance/Love - June 2004 - The Ballad by Red Writing Hood <3 ~
                   ~"Poetry Newsletter (August 27, 2008) by Kate - Writing & Reading ~
         *Beymorlin Sonnet*
                   ~"Romance Poetry: Sonnets Part 3 by Red Writing Hood <3 ~
         *Bio Poem*
                   ~"WC Newsletter #125*Poetry For Beginners [E] by Red Writing Hood <3
    From kids to adults, it's poetry for beginners! ~
         *Blank Verse Sonnet*
                   ~"Romance/Love - July 2004 - Sonnets by Red Writing Hood <3 ~
                   ~"June 17 Poetry Newsletter [13+] by Vivian
    Poetry Newsletter for June 17, 2004, blank verse and free verse ~
                   ~"The Blason & Contre-blason poetry forms by Red Writing Hood <3 ~
         *Boonstra Brain Function Form*
                   ~" Boonstra Brain Function Form by Bianca ~
         *Bop, The*
                   ~"The Bop: a Brief History and Overview by Red Writing Hood <3 ~
         *Bowlesian (aka Australian) Sonnet*
                   ~"Romance Poetry: Sonnets Part 2 by Red Writing Hood <3 ~
         *Blues Sonnet*
                   ~"Romance Poetry: Sonnets Part 2 by Red Writing Hood <3 ~
         *Bref Double*
                   ~" Bref Double by Bianca ~
                   ~"The Short End of the Poetry Stick by Red Writing Hood <3 ~
         *Brisbane Sonnet*
                   ~"Romance Poetry: Sonnets Part 2 by Red Writing Hood <3 ~
         *Butterfly Form*
                   ~"A Spring Poetry Fling by Red Writing Hood <3 ~
                   ~"Writing Women by Red Writing Hood <3 ~
                   ~"Canticle by Bianca ~
                   ~"Romance Poetry: Canzone by Red Writing Hood <3 ~
                   ~"Some More Luck o’ the Irish by Red Writing Hood <3 ~
         *Catalog Poem*
                   ~"Checking it Twice: The List Poem by Red Writing Hood <3 ~
         *Cautionary Verse Poetry Form*
                   ~"Curses, Charms, and more—Oh my! by Red Writing Hood <3 ~
                   ~"Poetry Newsletter (March 5, 2008) by Red Writing Hood <3 ~
         *Chance aka Chance Operations*
                   ~"Take a Chance & See--Chance Poetry Form by Red Writing Hood <3 ~
                   ~"CHANT RANT [E] by Red Writing Hood <3
    It's not just for meditation anymore! ~
         *Charm Poetry Form*
                   ~"Curses, Charms, and more—Oh my! by Red Writing Hood <3 ~
                   ~"Chronos~s by Bianca ~
                   ~"Chronos~w by Bianca ~
         *Cinq Cinquain*
                   ~"Cinq-Cinquain or Crown Cinquain by Bianca ~
                   ~"Cinquain by Bianca ~
         *Cinquain, Butterfly*
                   ~"Cinquain, Butterfly by Bianca ~
         *Cinquain, Double*
                   ~"Cinquain, Double by Bianca ~
         *Cinquain, Mirrored*
                   ~"Cinquain, Mirrored by Bianca ~
                   ~"The Cinquiano by Bianca ~
         *City/Urban Poem*
                   ~"Location, Location, Location by Red Writing Hood <3 ~
         *Clarity Pyramid*
                   ~"Poetry Newsletter (February 6, 2008) by Red Writing Hood <3 ~
         *Cleave Poem*
                   ~"The Cleave Poem by 100373130 ~
                   ~"The Comedic Clerihew [E] by Red Writing Hood <3
    Four lines, what could be easier to do/learn?! ~
                   ~"Poetry Newsletter (May 28, 2008) by Red Writing Hood <3 ~
                   ~"Clerihew by Bianca ~
                   ~"Couplet Poetry Forms Part 2 by Red Writing Hood <3 ~
         *Clogyrnach, The*
                   ~"Clogyrnach by Bianca ~
         *Cloned Lined Poem*
                   ~"Poetry Newsletter (April 23, 2008) by A Non-Existent User~
         *Companion Poem*
                   ~"Poetry Partners: Partners in Rhyme by Red Writing Hood <3 ~
         *Concept Poem*
                   ~"WC Newsletter #125*Poetry For Beginners [E] by Red Writing Hood <3
    From kids to adults, it's poetry for beginners! ~
         *Concrete (shape) Poetry*
                   ~"Poetry Newsletter (August 22, 2007) by Red Writing Hood <3 ~
                   ~"The Blason & Contre-blason poetry forms by Red Writing Hood <3 ~
         *Converse in Couplets*
                   ~"Couplet Poetry Forms by Red Writing Hood <3 ~
         *Cornish Sonnet*
                   ~"Romance Poetry: Sonnets Part 2 by Red Writing Hood <3 ~
         *Corrupted Form*
                   ~"April Fools: Pranky Poetry Forms by Red Writing Hood <3 ~
         *Count up & downs*
                   ~"BLAST OFF, with the Countup & Countdown! [E] by Red Writing Hood <3
    The count up and count down poetry form. ~
                   ~"Count Up by Bianca ~
                   ~"Count Down by Bianca ~
         *Crown Cinquain*
                   ~"Cinq-Cinquain or Crown Cinquain by Bianca ~
         *Crown of Sonnets/Corona of Sonnets*
                   ~"Romance/Love - July 2004 - Sonnets by Red Writing Hood <3 ~
         *Curse Poetry Form*
                   ~"Curses, Charms, and more—Oh my! by Red Writing Hood <3 ~
         *Cyhydedd Fer*
                   ~"Cyhydedd Fer by Bianca ~
         *Cyhydedd Hir*
                   ~"Cyhydedd Hir by Bianca ~
         *Cyhydedd Naw Ban*
                   ~"Cyhydedd Naw Ban by Bianca ~
         *Cywydd Deuair Fyrion*
                   ~"Couplet Poetry Forms by Red Writing Hood <3 ~
                   ~"Take a Chance & See--Chance Poetry Form by Red Writing Hood <3 ~
                   ~"Some More Luck o’ the Irish by Red Writing Hood <3 ~
                   ~"Decastich by Bianca ~
                   ~"Decuain by 100373130 ~
                   ~"MissMatchPaddyWhack Make Yourself a Poem by Red Writing Hood <3 ~
                   ~"Diamante by Bianca ~
         *Didactic Poetry*
                   ~"Poetry Newsletter (April 2, 2008) by Red Writing Hood <3 ~
                   ~"Dirge by Bianca ~
                   ~"Dodoitsu by Bianca ~
                   ~"Romance/Love * May 2005 - DODOITSU by Red Writing Hood <3 ~
         *Double Exposure*
                   ~"Poetry Partners: Partners in Rhyme by Red Writing Hood <3 ~
         *Double Sonnet*
                   ~"Romance/Love - July 2004 - Sonnets by Red Writing Hood <3 ~
                   ~"The Doublet by Bianca ~
                   ~"Dorsimbra by Bianca ~
         *Echo Sonnet*
                   ~"Romance Poetry: Sonnets Part 2 by Red Writing Hood <3 ~
         *Ecphrasis/Ecphrastic Poetry*
                   ~"Poetry Newsletter (September 17, 2008) by Red Writing Hood <3 ~
                   ~"Eintou by Bianca ~
         *Ekphrasis/Ekphrastic Poetry*
                   ~"Poetry Newsletter (September 17, 2008) by Red Writing Hood <3 ~
                   ~"WC Newsletter #188 - The Elegy [E] by Red Writing Hood <3
    Learn the in's and out's of writing an elegy; a genre poetry form. ~
                   ~"Poetry Newsletter (October 15, 2008) by Red Writing Hood <3 ~
                   ~"Poetry Newsletter (March 4, 2009) by Red Writing Hood <3 ~
         *English Ode*
                   ~"Ode: A Brief History and How-To by Red Writing Hood <3
         *Englyn Milwr*
                   ~"The Poet Newsletter - Edition 13 [E] by Red Writing Hood <3
    July 22, 2002 Edition #13 edited by me :) Featuring the Englyn Milwr ~
                   ~"Englyn Milwr by Bianca ~
         *Englyn Penfyr*
                   ~"Englyn Penfyr by Bianca ~
         *Englyn Unodl Crwc*
                   ~"Englyn Unodl Crwc by Bianca ~
         *Englyn Unodl Union*
                   ~"Englyn Unodl Union by Bianca ~
         *Envelope Sonnet*
                   ~"Romance/Love - July 2004 - Sonnets by Red Writing Hood <3 ~
         *Epic Poem*
                   ~"Poetry Newsletter (June 4, 2008) by Kate - Writing & Reading ~
                   ~"Poetry Newsletter (March 4, 2009) by Red Writing Hood <3 ~
                   ~"Puntdicht/Epigram by Bianca ~
                   ~"Poetry Newsletter (October 15, 2008) by Red Writing Hood <3 ~
         *Epistle Poetry Form*
                   ~"Please Mr. Postman: Epistle poetry form by Red Writing Hood <3 ~
                   ~"Poetry Newsletter (October 15, 2008) by Red Writing Hood <3 ~
         *Epithalamion aka Epithalamuim*
                   ~"Occasion Poetry by Red Writing Hood <3 ~
                   ~"Epulaeryu – Poetry Food for Thought by Red Writing Hood <3 ~
                   ~"In Honor Of - Honoring Through Poetry by Red Writing Hood <3 ~
                   ~"The Short End of the Poetry Stick by Red Writing Hood <3 ~
         *Etheree, Reverse Etheree, Double Etheree*
                   ~"Etheree Poetry Forms by Red Writing Hood <3 ~
         *Fantasy, The*
                   ~"Newer Poetry Forms Created by Women Pt 2 by Red Writing Hood <3 ~
         *Fib (aka Fibonacci), The*
                   ~"Poetry Newsletter (January 9, 2008) by Red Writing Hood <3 ~
                   ~"The Fibonacci by Bianca ~
         *First Lines Poem*
                   ~"Poetry Newsletter (March 5, 2008) by Red Writing Hood <3 ~
                   ~"Forensic Poetry by Red Writing Hood <3 ~
         *Found Poetry*
                   ~"Poetry Newsletter (March 5, 2008) by Red Writing Hood <3 ~
         *Free Verse*
                   ~"June 17 Poetry Newsletter [13+] by Vivian
    Poetry Newsletter for June 17, 2004, blank verse and free verse ~
                   ~"Poetry Newsletter for August 12 [ASR] by Vivian
    The newsletter for August 12 on free verse ~
         *Free Verse Sonnet*
                   ~"Romance/Love - July 2004 - Sonnets by Red Writing Hood <3 ~
         *Gaines Verse*
                   ~"Poetry Newsletter (August 20, 2008) by Red Writing Hood <3 ~
         *Gayatri Meter*
                   ~"Gayatri Meter by Bianca ~
                   ~"Occasion Poetry by Red Writing Hood <3 ~
                   ~"WHAT IS A GHAZAL AND HOW TO WRITE IT? [E] by Dr M C Gupta
    About a ghazal and how to write it, with practical examples and question-answers. ~
                   ~"Romance/Love - April 2004 - The Ghazal by Red Writing Hood <3 ~
                   ~"Ghazal by Bianca ~
         *Glorionic Sonnet*
                   ~"Romance Poetry: Sonnets Part 3 by Red Writing Hood <3 ~
                   ~"Poetry Newsletter (January 30, 2008) by A Non-Existent User~
                   ~"The Haibun by Bianca ~
                   ~"WC Newsletter #93 * Haiku [E] by Red Writing Hood <3
    Writers' Circle newsletter #93, edited by me! Topic: Haiku - More than 17 syllables. ~
                   AND briefly mentioned here:
                   ~"WC Newsletter #114 - Senryu & Zappai [E] by Red Writing Hood <3
    Find out a bit more about Haiku's cousins... The Senryu & Zappai ~
                   Other articles on Haiku can be found below:
                   ~"Poetry Newsletter (February 15, 2006) by John~Ashen ~
                   ~"Poetry Newsletter (July 11, 2007) by A Non-Existent User~
                   ~"Poetry Newsletter (April 9, 2008) by Kate - Writing & Reading ~
                   ~"BASIC FACTS ABOUT HAIKU: editor's pick [E] by Dr M C Gupta
    Basic information about haiku. ~
         *Heroic Sonnet*
                   ~"Romance/Love - July 2004 - Sonnets by Red Writing Hood <3 ~
                   ~"Hexaduad by 100373130 ~
                   ~"The Hendecasyllabic by Bianca ~
         *Horatian Ode*
                   ~"Ode: A Brief History and How-To by Red Writing Hood <3
                   ~"Couplet Poetry Forms Part 2 by Red Writing Hood <3 ~
                   ~"The Huitain. by Bianca ~
         *"I Am" Poem*
                   ~"WC Newsletter #125*Poetry For Beginners [E] by Red Writing Hood <3
    From kids to adults, it's poetry for beginners! ~
         *Ida's Sunshade*
                   ~"Ida's Sunshade by Bianca ~
         *Illini Sonnet*
                   ~"Romance Poetry: Sonnets Part 3 by Red Writing Hood <3 ~
         *Incantation Poetry Form*
                   ~"Curses, Charms, and more—Oh my! by Red Writing Hood <3 ~
         *Inventory Poem*
                   ~"Checking it Twice: The List Poem by Red Writing Hood <3 ~
         *Irregular Ode*
                   ~"Ode: A Brief History and How-To by Red Writing Hood <3
                   ~"Jánakù by 100373130 ~
                   ~"Jozzonet by Bianca ~
                   ~"Katauta by Bianca ~
         *Keats Sonnet*
                   ~"Romance/Love - July 2004 - Sonnets by Red Writing Hood <3 ~
                   ~"Kyoka by Bianca ~
                   ~"WC Newsletter #121 * Kyrielle [E] by Red Writing Hood <3
    Featuring the poetric form - Kyrielle ~
         *Kyrielle Sonnet*
                   ~COMING SOON!~
         *La Courante*
                   ~"Courante, La by Bianca ~
                   ~"Lannet by 100373130 ~
                   ~"Let there be light: Lantern variations. by Red Writing Hood <3 ~
                   ~"Paper lantern/Little Lantern/Lanterne by Bianca ~
         *Lanterne or Lanturne*
                   ~"Let there be light: Lantern variations. by Red Writing Hood <3 ~
                   ~"The Lilibonelle by Bianca ~
         *List Poem*
                   ~"Checking it Twice: The List Poem by Red Writing Hood <3 ~
         *Little Lantern*
                   ~"Let there be light: Lantern variations. by Red Writing Hood <3 ~
                   ~"So you want to create a Limerick... [E] by Red Writing Hood <3
    Everything you've ever wanted to know about Limericks but were afraid to ask! ~
                   ~"Limerick by Bianca ~
                   ~"Poetry Newsletter (November 22, 2006) by Melissa is fashionably late! ~
         *Lucky Leaf*
                   ~"A Spring Poetry Fling by Red Writing Hood <3 ~
                   ~"Lune 1 by Bianca ~
                   ~"Lune 2 by Bianca ~
                   ~"Poetry Newsletter (June 13, 2007) by Red Writing Hood <3 ~
         *Linking Poetry Form*
                   ~" Linking Poetry Form by Bianca ~
         *Lyric Poetry*
                   ~"Poetry Newsletter (March 4, 2009) by Red Writing Hood <3 ~
                   ~"2013: What will it bring? by Red Writing Hood <3 ~
         *Mason Sonnet*
                   ~"Romance Poetry: Sonnets Part 3 by Red Writing Hood <3 ~
                   ~"Occasion Poetry by Red Writing Hood <3 ~
         *Métro poem*
                   ~"OuLiPo: A Brief History and Overview by Red Writing Hood <3 ~
                   ~"Creating a Poetry Form Part 2 by Red Writing Hood <3 ~
                   ~"Minute by Bianca ~
                   ~"Poetry Newsletter (January 2, 2008) by A Non-Existent User~
                   ~"Newer Poetry Forms Created by Women Pt 2 by Red Writing Hood <3 ~
         *Mirrored Refrain*
                   ~"Mirrored Refrain by Bianca ~
                   ~"Monchielle by Bianca ~
                   ~"Poetry Newsletter (October 15, 2008) by Red Writing Hood <3 ~
                   ~"Poetry Newsletter (March 4, 2009) by Red Writing Hood <3 ~
         *Monologue (AKA Dramatic Monologue Poetry)*
                   ~"WCNewsletter192Monologue*Narrative*Prose [E] by Red Writing Hood <3
    Monologue/Narrative/Prose Poetry - What makes each unique and how are they similar... ~
                   ~"Mono-Rhyme by Bianca ~
                   ~"The Short End of the Poetry Stick by Red Writing Hood <3 ~
                   ~"Monotetra by Bianca ~
                   ~"Naani by Bianca ~
         *Naga Uta*
                   ~"The Naga Uta by Bianca ~
         *Narrative Poetry*
                   ~"WCNewsletter192Monologue*Narrative*Prose [E] by Red Writing Hood <3
    Monologue/Narrative/Prose Poetry - What makes each unique and how are they similar... ~
                   ~"Poetry Newsletter (November 8, 2006) by A Non-Existent User~
                   ~"Couplet Poetry Forms Part 2 by Red Writing Hood <3 ~
                   ~"The Neuvain. by Bianca ~
                   ~"In Honor Of - Honoring Through Poetry by Red Writing Hood <3
         *Ninesquare, The*
                   ~"Ninesquare by Bianca ~
                   ~"Nonet by Bianca ~
                   ~"The Poet Newsletter - Edition 12 [E] by Red Writing Hood <3
    July 15, 2002 edition of "The Poet" edited by me :) FEATURING: Nonce poetry ~
                   ~"Newer Poetry Forms Created by Women Pt 2 by Red Writing Hood <3
                   ~"Octet by Bianca ~
                   ~"Oddquain and Its Variations by Red Writing Hood <3 ~
         *Ode, English*
                   ~"Ode: A Brief History and How-To by Red Writing Hood <3
         *Ode, Horatian*
                   ~"Ode: A Brief History and How-To by Red Writing Hood <3
         *Ode, Irregular*
                   ~"Ode: A Brief History and How-To by Red Writing Hood <3
         *Ode, Pindaric*
                   ~"Ode: A Brief History and How-To by Red Writing Hood <3
         *Ode, Ronsardian*
                   ~"Ode: A Brief History and How-To by Red Writing Hood <3
         *Onda Mel*
                   ~"Newer Poetry Forms Created by Women Pt 2 by Red Writing Hood <3
         *Onzain Neerlandaise*
                   ~"Onzain Neerlandaise by Bianca ~
                   ~"Writing Women by Red Writing Hood <3 ~
         *Ottava Rima*
                   ~"Ottava Rima: A Brief History and How-To by Red Writing Hood <3
                   ~"Palindrome by Bianca ~
                   ~"Pantoum by Bianca ~
         *Paper Lantern*
                   ~"Let there be light: Lantern variations. by Red Writing Hood <3 ~
                   ~"Paradelle by Bianca ~
                   ~"April Fools: Pranky Poetry Forms by Red Writing Hood <3 ~
         *Parallelismus Membrorum*
                   ~"Parallelismus Membrorum by Bianca ~
                   ~"Poetry Newsletter (May 28, 2008) by Red Writing Hood <3 ~
         *Pastoral Poem*
                   ~"Location, Location, Location by Red Writing Hood <3 ~
         *Pathya Vat*
                   ~"Pathya Vat by Bianca ~
                   ~"Forensic Poetry by Red Writing Hood <3 ~
         *Pensee, The*
                   ~"Pensee by Bianca ~
                   ~"Writing Women by Red Writing Hood <3 ~
         *Phoebe's Form*
                   ~"A Gift for Phoebe: Phoebe's Form by Red Writing Hood <3
         *Pindaric Ode*
                   ~"Ode: A Brief History and How-To by Red Writing Hood <3
                   ~"Pleiades by Bianca ~
         *Pregunta, The*
                   ~"Pregunta by Bianca ~
         *Prime, The*
                   ~"Prime by Bianca ~
         *Prose Poetry*
                   ~"Poetry Newsletter (March 31, 2010) by Red Writing Hood <3 ~
                   ~"WCNewsletter192Monologue*Narrative*Prose [E] by Red Writing Hood <3
    Monologue/Narrative/Prose Poetry - What makes each unique and how are they similar... ~
         *Prothalamion aka Prothalamuim*
                   ~"Occasion Poetry by Red Writing Hood <3 ~
         *Pushkin Sonnet*
                   ~"Romance/Love - July 2004 - Sonnets by Red Writing Hood <3 ~
                   ~"Couplet Poetry Forms by Red Writing Hood <3 ~
                   ~"WC Newsletter #131 * Quatern [E] by Red Writing Hood <3
    Learn the QUATERN poetry form. ~
                   ~"The Quatern by Bianca ~
         *Quatern, Sophy's*
                   ~"Sophy's Quatern by Bianca ~
                   ~"Poetic Music of the Quintilla [E] by Red Writing Hood <3
    Short Spanish Poetic Form - Used in song and the theater for more than 500 yrs. ~
                   ~"Quintilla by Bianca ~
                   ~"The Quintine by Bianca ~
                   ~"Quinzaine by Bianca ~
                   ~"Poetry Newsletter (September 13, 2006) by A Non-Existent User~
         *Red Sonnet*
                   ~"Romance/Love - July 2004 - Sonnets by Red Writing Hood <3 ~
                   ~"Redondilla and Serventesio by Bianca ~
                   ~"Poetry Newsletter (July 25, 2007) by Red Writing Hood <3 ~
                   ~"Poetry Newsletter (July 25, 2007) by Red Writing Hood <3 ~
                   ~"Poetry Newsletter (July 25, 2007) by Red Writing Hood <3 ~
         *Response Poem*
                   ~"Speak to Me about Poetry by Red Writing Hood <3 ~
                   ~"Poetry Newsletter (February 27, 2008) by A Non-Existent User~
                   ~"The Rictameter by Bianca ~
                   ~"2013: What will it bring? by Red Writing Hood <3
         *Ronsardian Ode*
                   ~"Ode: A Brief History and How-To by Red Writing Hood <3
         *Rothko Poem*
                   ~"Poetry Newsletter (January 9, 2008) by Red Writing Hood <3 ~
         *Rubaiyat Sonnet*
                   ~"Romance/Love - July 2004 - Sonnets by Red Writing Hood <3 ~
                   ~"Rubliw: History and How-To by Red Writing Hood <3
                   ~"Poetry Newsletter (September 5, 2007) by Texas Belle ~
         *Sandwich Sonnet*
                   ~"Romance/Love - July 2004 - Sonnets by Red Writing Hood <3 ~
         *Saraband Sonnet*
                   ~"Poetry Newsletter (June 18, 2008) by A Non-Existent User~
                   ~"Poetry Newsletter (May 28, 2008) by Red Writing Hood <3 ~
                   ~"Sedoka by Bianca ~
         *Semi Cento*
                   ~"Poetry Newsletter (March 5, 2008) by Red Writing Hood <3 ~
                   ~"WC Newsletter #114 - Senryu & Zappai [E] by Red Writing Hood <3
    Find out a bit more about Haiku's cousins... The Senryu & Zappai ~
                   ~"Poetry Newsletter (July 11, 2007) by A Non-Existent User~
                   ~"Poetry Newsletter (April 9, 2008) by Kate - Writing & Reading ~
                   ~"Sept by Bianca ~
                   ~"Septet by Bianca ~
                   ~"Newer Poetry Forms Created by Women Pt 2 by Red Writing Hood <3 ~
         *Septet, Fox*
                   ~" Fox Septet by Bianca ~
         *Septolet, The*
                   ~"Septolet by Bianca ~
                   ~"Redondilla and Serventesio by Bianca ~
         *Sestet - Rime Couée*
                   ~"Sestet - Rime Couée by Bianca ~
                   ~"The Sestina by Bianca ~
                   ~"Writing Women by Red Writing Hood <3 ~
                   ~"The Shadorma by Bianca ~
         *Shape (concrete) Poetry*
                   ~"Poetry Newsletter (August 22, 2007) by Red Writing Hood <3 ~
                   ~"Sijo by Bianca ~
         *Sizain hétérométrique*
                   ~"Le Sizain hétérométrique by Bianca ~
         *Slam Poetry*
                   ~"Poetry Newsletter (May 10, 2006) by John~Ashen ~
                   ~"Somonka - a Love Letter in Poetry Form by Red Writing Hood <3 ~
         *Sonetto Rispetto*
                   ~"Romance/Love - July 2004 - Sonnets by Red Writing Hood <3 ~
         *Sonnet, Alfred Dorn*
                   ~"Romance Poetry: Sonnets Part 2 by Red Writing Hood <3 ~
         *Sonnet, Australian (aka Bowlesian)*
                   ~"Romance Poetry: Sonnets Part 2 by Red Writing Hood <3 ~
         *Sonnet, Beymorlin*
                   ~"Romance Poetry: Sonnets Part 3 by Red Writing Hood <3 ~
         *Sonnet, Blues*
                   ~"Romance Poetry: Sonnets Part 2 by Red Writing Hood <3 ~
         *Sonnet, Bowlesian (aka Australian)*
                   ~"Romance Poetry: Sonnets Part 2 by Red Writing Hood <3 ~
         *Brisbane Sonnet*
                   ~"Romance Poetry: Sonnets Part 2 by Red Writing Hood <3 ~
         *Sonnet, Caudated*
                   ~"Romance/Love - July 2004 - Sonnets by Red Writing Hood <3 ~
         *Sonnet, Cornish*
                   ~"Romance Poetry: Sonnets Part 2 by Red Writing Hood <3 ~
         *Sonnet, Couplet*
                   ~"Romance/Love - July 2004 - Sonnets by Red Writing Hood <3 ~
         *Sonnet, Curtal/Curtailed/Contracted*
                   ~"Romance/Love - July 2004 - Sonnets by Red Writing Hood <3 ~
         *Sonnet, Echo*
                   ~"Romance Poetry: Sonnets Part 2 by Red Writing Hood <3 ~
         *Sonnet, Elizabethan*
                   ~"Romance/Love - July 2004 - Sonnets by Red Writing Hood <3 ~
         *Sonnet, French*
                   ~"Romance/Love - July 2004 - Sonnets by Red Writing Hood <3 ~
         *Sonnet, Glorionic*
                   ~"Romance Poetry: Sonnets Part 3 by Red Writing Hood <3 ~
         *Sonnet, Illini*
                   ~"Romance Poetry: Sonnets Part 3 by Red Writing Hood <3 ~
         *Sonnet, Italian*
                   ~"Romance/Love - July 2004 - Sonnets by Red Writing Hood <3 ~
         *Sonnet, Keats*
                   ~"Romance/Love - July 2004 - Sonnets by Red Writing Hood <3 ~
         *Sonnet, Mason*
                   ~"Romance Poetry: Sonnets Part 3 by Red Writing Hood <3 ~
         *Sonnet, Miltonian*
                   ~"Romance/Love - July 2004 - Sonnets by Red Writing Hood <3 ~
         *Sonnet Redouble'*
                   ~"Romance/Love - July 2004 - Sonnets by Red Writing Hood <3 ~
         *Sonnet, Shakespearean*
                   ~"Romance/Love - July 2004 - Sonnets by Red Writing Hood <3 ~
         *Sonnet, Sicilian*
                   ~"Romance/Love - July 2004 - Sonnets by Red Writing Hood <3 ~
         *Sonnet, Spenserian*
                   ~"Romance/Love - July 2004 - Sonnets by Red Writing Hood <3 ~
                   ~"Poetry Newsletter (March 26, 2008) by A Non-Existent User~
         *Sonnet Sequence/Sonnet Cycle*
                   ~"Romance/Love - July 2004 - Sonnets by Red Writing Hood <3 ~
         *Sonnet, Tailed*
                   ~"Romance/Love - July 2004 - Sonnets by Red Writing Hood <3 ~
         *Sonnet, Visser*
                   ~"Romance Poetry: Sonnets Part 3 by Red Writing Hood <3 ~
         *Sonnet, Zealandish*
                   ~"Romance Poetry: Sonnets Part 3 by Red Writing Hood <3 ~
         *Spanish Sonnet*
                   ~"Romance/Love - July 2004 - Sonnets by Red Writing Hood <3 ~
         *Suburban aka Suburbanic*
                   ~"Location, Location, Location by Red Writing Hood <3 ~
                   ~"Tanka by Bianca ~
         *Tanka, Dutch*
                   ~"Tanka, Dutch by Bianca ~
         *Tanka, English*
                   ~"English Tanka – The Other White Meat"   by Red Writing Hood <3 ~
                   ~"Tanka, English by Bianca ~
                   ~"Newer Poetry Forms Created by Women Pt 2 by Red Writing Hood <3 ~
                   ~"Telestich by Bianca ~
                   ~"Three forms of the Tercet by Bianca ~
                   ~"Poetry Newsletter (December 27, 2006) by Red Writing Hood <3 ~
                   ***NOTE:updated and improved from a Writers' Circle article from July 2003***
                   ~"Terzanelle by Bianca ~
                   ~"Merge Two - Create Something New by Red Writing Hood <3 ~
         *Terza Rima Sonnet*
                   ~"Romance/Love - July 2004 - Sonnets by Red Writing Hood <3 ~
                   ~"Terza Rima Sonnet by 100373130 ~
                   ~"September 9 Poetry Newsletter [ASR] by Vivian
    Poetry Newsletter September 9, 2004, Terza Rima Sonnet ~
                   ~"WC Newsletter #135 The Tetractys [E] by Red Writing Hood <3
    Learn the tetractys poetry form! ~
                   ~"Tetractys by Bianca ~
         *Tetractys, Double*
                   ~"The Double Tetractys by Bianca ~
         *Than Bauk*
                   ~"Than Bauk by Bianca ~
                   ~"Toddaid by Bianca ~
                   ~"The Triad by Bianca ~
                   ~"Tri-fall by 100373130 ~
                   ~"Trilonnet by 100373130 ~
                   ~"Triolet by Bianca ~
                   ~"Triplet by Bianca ~
         *Tripada Gayatri*
                   ~"Tripada Gayatri by Bianca ~
                   ~"2013: What will it bring? by Red Writing Hood <3 ~
                   ~"Tritina by Bianca ~
                   ~"Trois-par-Huit by Bianca ~
                   ~"Location, Location, Location by Red Writing Hood <3 ~
                   ~"Villanelle by Bianca ~
                   ~"Merge Two - Create Something New by Red Writing Hood <3 ~
                   ~"Virelay by Bianca ~
         *Visser Sonnet*
                   ~"Romance Poetry: Sonnets Part 3 by Red Writing Hood <3 ~
         *Walk Poem*
                   ~"Poetry Newsletter (December 12, 2007) by Red Writing Hood <3 ~
         *Waltz Wave, The*
                   ~" Waltz Wave by Bianca ~
                   ~"Whitney by Bianca ~
         *Ya-Du, The*
                   ~" Ya-Du by Bianca ~
                   ~"WC Newsletter #114 - Senryu & Zappai [E] by Red Writing Hood <3
    Find out a bit more about Haiku's cousins... The Senryu & Zappai ~
         *Zealandish Sonnet*
                   ~"Romance Poetry: Sonnets Part 3 by Red Writing Hood <3 ~

FOR MORE info on poetry forms click here:

"Poetry Forms [13+] by Bianca
    Poetry Forms Easily Explained - a work of Bianca with additions by kansaspoet

For information on poetry contests, click here:

*"Poetry Newsletter (June 25, 2008) by Red Writing Hood <3 *

FOR MORE info on poetic devices, click here:

*"Romance/Love - March 2004 - Love Poetry*What NOT to do*

***FEATURED in the Writers Circle Newsletter #127***

***FEATURED in the 10/19/2005 Poetry Newsletter***

***FEATURED in the 10/12/2006 Poetry Newsletter***

***FEATURED in the 1/24/2007 Poetry Newsletter***

***FEATURED in the 06/21/2007 Poetry Newsletter***

***FEATURED in the 3/31/10 For Authors Newsletter***

***FEATURED in the 11/16/17 Poetry Newsletter***

© Copyright 2002 Red Writing Hood <3 (redridinghoo at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
Writing.Com, its affiliates and syndicates have been granted non-exclusive rights to display this work.
Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/554651-A-Poets-Tool-Box