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by Korosu
Rated: ASR · Book · Activity · #2325450
A blog about something I don't know yet
#1075513 added August 20, 2024 at 4:00pm
Restrictions: None
Brunt of the Weekend
I'm pretty understanding and use both logical and emotional values to decide anything. I've held myself at my own standards that tend to be a bit odd to some, but I'd think that goes for everyone, no? So why do I bring this up, you're prolly wondering. We'll, this weekend was anything but a decent use of my time.

First thing I wake up, I hear an unfamiliar voice knocking at my door. My bedroom door is fairly hollow so anything more than a gentle tap sounds like a bomb went off! I'm typically a very heavy sleeper and I was so groggy. I put on my flesh prison cloth, and opened it.

Now don't get me wrong here. I'm a very nice, decent person. But who I faced instantly set all my triggers buzzing. Of the 4 roommates I tolerate, this woman is one special kind of words. I stared at her for a moment with my eyes still caked with crust and felt a dull pressure in my forehead. Then I said as mentally withholding of irritation, "What are you doing with my meds?"

There's a rule at my house in regarding medication. Other roommates are NOT allowed to administer them to each other. So that was my first thing of the day.

"Well she's busy," the roommate said in a rather gentle tone, "I was told to give them to you." I grew a immediate cross brow at the statement.

"I have to take it in front of her." I took the small white medicine cup and glass of water from her. I then proceeded to walk downstairs. I walk into the office and repeat myself. The person doesn't even give me a glance. I don't recall any words were spoken but I proceeded to take them anyways.

That happened at 9am, Saturday. But it wouldn't end there. Oh no, it only got worse as 6pm rolled around. I was contently scrolling through Writing.com and my arms began to burn and itch. It was rather distracting, so I figured due to the heat my skin was dried out. Now naturally I figure, let's take a nice shower. Wash that grime off and lather my arms back to normal.

About 30 minutes later, refreshed and in good mood, I come back to an empty table. All my things are gone, packed up, and put away. Now understand, here at this house we do have a rule of picking things up before heading to our rooms. That would've been an acceptable reason to up and take my stuff and put it in a secure location.

But no, this wasn't bedtime, far from it. I was mildly baffled and felt a small sense of annoyance stir in my mind. Come to find out, the person, not my roommate, took everything without reason others than it was sitting out. I'm fairly reasonable so I was simply going to brush it off.

However, when I asked why they took it, they said in a low voice "There's a new rule, don't you remember? Anything left out in the common areas are now to be locked up for 24 hours inside the office." My eye twitched as I bared a smile, eyes locking on her temple. She was doing something and yet again, did not acknowledge me.

"Oh? I don't recall that one." I was genuinely intrigued at that moment.

"Yeah you were told about it. Everyone already knows about it". My temper was calm and yet I felt the chill of the behind my eyes as she spoke. My look became a glare.

"That's odd, I don't recall. Usually something like that we'd all be told." The lady insisted, without a single glance at me. I wasn't about to fight over such a pathetic lie, so I held my tongue, took my stuff and existed.

About two hours later my roommate from earlier suddenly has the brilliant thought to screech and yammer about me. From the other room, within ear shot. I'm not sure why exactly, but my head soon began to thrum as she rampage for about an hour about me. No shame, no tact, no kind of regret at all.

It wasn't anything new to me that I already hadn't heard her say in her passive aggressive mood swings. What really irked me...she literally spoke to my other roommate as if I wasn't just a few feet behind her. Again, I had been quietly minding my own business and didn't say a peep.

Again, and again, and AGAIN for an hour she repeated her displeasure of me. It was quite spiteful and made me seem like some kind of spawn of evil. Yet I remained silent, in the dark, on my computer. Purple static blurred my vision as I felt my insides squirm.

After her joyous rant, she walked past me without a single look my way. Took a soda from the fridge and went back to her room. I was less stunned and more baffled if anything. I had no words and was feeling literally nothing. I wasn't even mad funny enough, I was numb to such insulting childlike behavior.

My roommate that had to endure the whole hour face to face with the rattler, came over to me wide eyed and a sour expression lingered upon her face. For about the next half hour we whispered our frustration. It was if we couldn't express our anger due to the others thumb on our lips.

I stayed up much later than I had planned, but after venting and my disbelief exhausted, I shrugged it off.

And so my weekend was nothing but more drama and continued to repeat itself into Monday as well. Hopefully everything will be sorted out soon, as I really wanted to throw hands. That's all I really have to say about my weekend, somehow I was the target and I still in the end will won. I can't wait to see the ending, as I knew she was in the wrong...

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