Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/1009354-Elemental-Seasons
Rated: E · Book · Activity · #2222258
A poem a week for a year.
#1009354 added April 29, 2021 at 10:31am
Restrictions: None
Elemental Seasons
Elemental Seasons

Spring peers from the wings,
smiles, retreats, appears again,
crocus pushes through the melting snow,
rain grows the puddles to rushing rills
and sunlight crowns the damp grass
with bright reflection
between the showers of indecision.

Summer reigns the drying earth,
brings new growth to maturity,
the grass pales in the silent heat,
foliage darkens with intensity,
soil hardens in the furnace days
and the shouts of children in the shade
greet the humming mowers.

Autumn drifts in as a fire,
painting the leaves with colours of flame,
drawing the dust of harvest through seared nostrils,
leaching the blue of skies to cirrostratus,
shaking the fruit from wearied branches,
‘til the first frost silvers the lawn,
draws patterns on our panes.

Winter arrives in the wind,
with the sharp scent of cold plucking at the skin,
the nights hard, long and testing the house,
morning sounds dulled with muffler snow,
light strained through the clouds of breath,
and the days, though short,
pile in the corner uncounted.

Line count: 28
Free verse
For Promptly Poetry, Week 48
Prompt: Write a poem about all four seasons.

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