Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/1009644-Cloudy
Rated: E · Book · Activity · #2222258
A poem a week for a year.
#1009644 added May 4, 2021 at 12:18pm
Restrictions: None

Cumulus like cotton wool
fluffy, soft and billowing,
the stuff of dreams and light,
is what we mean by “cloud.”

Cirrus is drawn upon the sky
in pastel strokes of chalky streaks
high up across the sky,
cross hatch, scribble, patterns.

Nimbo drapes the sky in grey,
rain or snow it promises,
a swathe of gloom above,
featureless and plain.

Stratus weighs upon the earth,
heavy, dark and moody,
lays claim to world above,
yet mostly only drizzles.

Then there’s family combinations,
names and titles intertwining,
cumulonimbus, altostratus,
stratocumulus, cirrostratus,

cirrocumulus, nimbostratus,
altocumulus, cumulostratus,
names to conjure, words and mists,
ethereal and vaporous.

Line count: 24
Free verse
For Promptly Poetry, Week 49
Prompt: Title your poem "Cloudy." Whether you stick with weather imagery or explore emotive ideas, try to keep the title in mind as you write your poem.

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