Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/1041406-Tweet-me-a-tale-Week-21-entry
Rated: 18+ · Book · Activity · #2274718
Rd 3 of producing poetry prompted by Lilli. ☕️ Jacobs Cronat Gold is brewing! ☕️
#1041406 added December 5, 2022 at 12:57am
Restrictions: None
Tweet me a tale [Week 21 entry]
Tweet me a tale

What shall we say of our avian friends
winging their way from here to there,
filling the trees and skies with their song,
braving the weather we'd rather avoid?

Winging their way from here to there
with chirpings and quackings and honkings galore
from barnyards and meadows and creeksides and more.

Filling the trees and skies with their song
they pass on the news about what's going on,
especially where claws wait in hopes of a pounce.

Braving the weather we'd rather avoid,
floating in place, wings tilted just right,
while we watch our hats fly away out of sight.

[LC: 13]

Prompt / Form Note

Group imageWon during one of  [Link To User wordgeek] 's fundraisers
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