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by Raven
Rated: GC · Book · Dark · #2293365
The changing landscape of Metropolis leaves our heroes backed into a corner
#1047392 added April 3, 2023 at 4:47am
Restrictions: None
Chapter 6
Beth and Pam reappeared in their living room, and Beth immediately stormed off and kicked one of their chairs, "Fucking shit!"

"I know you're frustrated, but do not wreck out apartment," Pam sighed as she followed behind her, "Believe me, I'm not any happier about this than you, Kitten, but I'll not have you destroying our things."

"How the hell could Zoey let this happen?!" Beth exclaimed as she stomped her foot and stormed off to the bedroom, "One minute, we're working with the police to save the goddamn city, and the next, we're fucking wanted criminals!"

"I'm not so sure she's involved in this," Pam said, following after Beth who was grabbing equipment and gear, "No doubt, she signed the warrant, but this doesn't seem like something she would purposefully enact. The root is still Meg Myers, Kitten."

"I don't give a shit if she's not directly involved!" Beth shouted as she checked her magazines and grabbed her belt, "I'm still gonna kick her fucking ass for this! After everything we did to help her, help this city, she's going to try to arrest Jake?!"

Pam sighed as she watched Beth work herself into a frenzy. As much as she loved her little firecracker, she knew that there was no talking to her when she was like this. She'd need to calm her down first. Pam walked over and put her hand on Beth's shoulder to get her attention. Beth stopped hee tirade and looked up at her. Pam bent down and touched her forehead to Beth's as she spoke calmly and collectively, "I know you're angry, Kitten, but we need to calm down and act accordingly. Going on the warpath is just going to result in us getting into more trouble. We need to be smart about our next move. Breathe with me."

"Pam, I-" Beth started.

"Breathe," Pam repeated, more sternly, "In and out, Kitten, just a few minutes."

"Okay," Beth sighed as she did as she was told.

Pam gently caressed Beth's neck as the two breathed in union. She knew Beth didn't like it when she had her do this, but it helped more than she cared to admit. Beth had often remarked that she felt like a child when Pam spoke to her like she was, but it was the only way to calm her fiery lover down. After two minutes, Pam stepped back once she felt Beth's fury begin to subside, "There we go, much better."

"I hate it when you treat me like a kid," Beth huffed, although she was certainly calmer.

"Once again, I'm not belittling you, I'm only trying to get you to remain calm," Pam explained, "You know that my intention isn't to insult you."

"I know," Beth sighed, "What are we going to do, Pam? The whole city is gonna be looking for Jake, and they're gonna be trying to arrest or kill us on sight."

"We move when we have to, and we stick to the shadows when we do," Pam answered, "We plan our moves, choose our targets carefully, and make sure that we succeed when we decide to strike."

"What about Jake?" Beth asked, "We need to help him."

"Kitten, if we are seen with him, then it only makes his situation worse," Pam said with a frown, "I know that you want to help him, and I do too, but I'm afraid he's on his own for the time being. Besides, knowing Jake, he'd want us to focus on figuring out what's really going on. Dutchess has been installed as warden, Myers is on a crusade against all of us, and Zoey is somehow involved in this. Whether it's indirect or not, she's somehow connected in all of this. Right now, we need to figure out a plan on what to tackle first."

"Do you think he'll be okay?" Beth asked.

"That boy is rarely okay," Pam said with a rueful smile, "He'll survive, I know he will. Jake has been through more than most people in this city. We're going to get to the bottom of this, and we'll figure out a way to clear Jake's name."

Beth sighed as she rubbed her hands on her pants, "Okay, okay, so where should we start, Dutchess, Myers, or Zoey?"

"Myers is the biggest threat, and I'm guessing the one pulling the strings," Pam said, "However, she's going to be in the public eye more than the others. Assaulting the prison is pointless, and I doubt that Amelia is taking appointments. As for Zoey, contacting her directly is too risky right now. This is out of character for her, and chances are that she's being watched closely right now. We're going to need to think strategically before we act, Kitten. Zoey is certainly our best bet, but we have to find a way to get to her without being discovered. Give me some time to think and figure out a plan."

"We don't have a lot of time, Pam," Beth said, "I'm not trying to rush you, I'm not, but we need to figure something out fast."

"I know, Kitten, but we have to play smart rather than fast," Pam said, "Check your gear, make sure you're ready to move when the time comes, and try not to break anything between now and then."

"Alright, I can do that," Beth said as Pam started to walk out of the room, "Let me know as soon as you come up with something, yeah?"

"You'll be the first to know, I promise," Pam replied as she walked out and Beth grabbed her guns and started cleaning them.


"This has to be a fucking joke!" Alexis screamed as she threw a tray at her monitor and shattered it, "That masquerading cunt is mayor, and fucking Dutchess is in charge of the goddamn prison! Now, this fucking bitch is going after my Jake?! I'll rip her goddamn head off!"

Miri ducked as Alexis flung a knife across the room and just barely missed her head. "Guess this means he's gotta reschedule, huh, boss?" Miri asked, and immediately regretted her question when Alexis whirled around on her.

"What the fuck do you think, Miri?!" Alexis demanded, "He's either on the fucking run, or hes rotting in some shitty prison cell! Ugh, this is so unfair! What did I do to deserve this?! Sure, I've killed people, tortured a few hundred, and threatened the city a handful of times, but is that really so wrong?!"

"Of course not!" Miri exclaimed, she hated seeing her boss this upset, "It's just bad luck, boss."

"Ugh, if they'd let me handle the situation, that freak wouldn't have made it into office!" Alexis roared pacing angrily, "But, no, my methods are too extreme. Ugh, Jake, you beautiful and naive idiot! And what the fuck is Dutchess doing working with that bitch?! She knows Jake is mine, and that moron knows I'll kick her ass if she touches him! Oh, I am so fucking pissed off! What the fuck is Beth doing about this?! Why hasn't anyone called me?!"

Miri watched as her boss paced and continued screaming and ranting. "Uhm, boss?" she said, hoping she wouldn't agitate her further, "Maybe Beth's trying to figure out a game plan? I'm sure she's gonna call as soon as she has something figured out. She's your friend, remember?"

"Well I'm not waiting around!" Alexis snapped, "We tried doing things their way, and look where that got us! Stuck in the middle of yet another cluster fuck, that's where!"

"Yay, time for action!" Miri exclaimed jumping up and down while clapping excitedly, "Whatcha thinking, boss?"

Alexis continued to pace while her mind worked to hatch a plan. She fidgeted with her fingers as she thought out loud, "Okay, okay, let me think. Jake's a wanted man, and that idiot Myers impersonator wants him found. Dutchess, the back-stabbing bitch, has had a thing for my man for a while too, so that means that she'll be throwing her resources at him as well. Finding Jake is gonna be like finding a needle in a haystack right now, but as much as I love him, he's hopeless at not getting captured. They're gonna end up bringing him in, and that means I'm gonna have to break into prison for a change. Boy, that's a first."

Alexis stopped and giggled as she realized she was planning a break into a place she'd broken out of multiple times. "What about me, boss?" Miri asked, "I can help, just tell me what to do!"

"Right, right, right, I'm getting there, I'm getting there," Alexis said hurriedly, "I got it! Miri, you're going to get arrested!"

"Uhm, what?" Miri asked, scratching her head, "Why?"

"Because, you sexy little idiot, I need someone on the inside looking after Jake!" Alexis replied, waving her arms as though it were obvious, "Do you have any idea how many women are in there that either want to fuck or torture Jake? Well, probably both if I'm being honest."

"Oh," Miri said, drawing the word out as she realized what Alexis was implying, "You want me inside to make him my prison bitch! Oh, that sounds like fun. Does that mean I can play with him?"

"You're gonna have to be a little rough and show the others that he's your property, so yes, Miri, you have my permission to have some fun," Alexis replied but added, "You don't hurt him too bad, especially his pretty face and mouth. So help me, Miri, I will make you beg for mercy if you do."

"Kinky," Miri beamed, and Alexis ran her hand down her face, "I'm kidding, boss!"

"You are absolutely…" Alexis trailed off, her conditioning may have worked too well, "Nevermind, just go cause some havoc. I'm going to start planning a way into the prison."

"Why don't I help you with this part first, boss?" Miri asked, rocking back and forth on her heels, "Jake's still gotta get captured, and I think I still have some files from when I was working under Goth. She wanted blueprints for all major structures in Metropolis, and I got an eidetic memory!"

"That's…actually not a bad idea," Alexis said with a thoughtful hum, "Okay, yeah, let's do that before you go out. Come on, I've got a drawing board over here. Let's see how good that memory of yours is."


Jake was speeding through the city streets on his motorcycle. He'd left his suit locked up, but he'd grabbed as much of his gear as he could carry. Thanks to Andrew, the city and police already believed he was supplying The Raven, so there was no harm in carrying his equipment. He'd blown past the officers while they spoke to Bruce, but they'd hastily given pursuit without a second thought. Jake cursed under his helmet as he tried to lose the cops. He just hoped that Beth and Pam had managed to get away safely. Right now, they were the only thing that could put a stop to the madness that was sweeping the city. He wondered if this was what it felt like for the numerous criminals he and Beth had put away. Stressed, mildly terrified, and a hint of adrenaline pumping through his veins.

Three police cruisers had chased him into the city, but he'd managed to lose them by cutting up a narrow alleyway. It wouldn't be long before more showed up, though. He was officially the most wanted man in Metropolis, and every officer was searching for him. The smart thing to do would have been to run, but he needed to uncover what was going on. Dutchess was more of an immediate threat than he'd realized, and now she was over every inmate at Metropolis Corrections. That level of power was horrifying to think about. Even if she couldn't make a direct move, she now had full access to dozens of powerful allies and connections. If left unchecked, she could easily move those people out and use some fake probation story to spirit them away to Smother Ranch. She'd be able to amass an army before long, and his city would pay the price. Jake couldn't let that happen. It didn't matter that he was hated and wanted, he wouldn't let his home be overrun once again.

"Have you forgotten about that cult?" Ashley asked behind him, she held on as he cut through the night air and tried to avoid approaching sirens, "That cow may be a problem, but there are other factors at work, Jake. What about Myers? She's the one who's been calling for your head."

"This is after Amelia reappeared, Ash," Jake said as he took a sharp left, "I'm guessing that she's got something on Meg. It would explain how she managed to get the permits, and why she's suddenly a warden overnight. Meg calling for my arrest is also a surefire way to get me delivered into her hands."

"That's one theory, but I wouldn't put all of our eggs in one basket, Jake," Ashley said, "Right now we have bigger problems, though. How exactly do you intend to deal with the police when we inevitably get cornered?"

"Doesn't seem like you've got a lot of faith in me, Ash," Jake said.

"You know I love you, but you're hopeless when it comes to evading pursuers," Ashley said, "Do you plan on fighting your way out when you're eventually surrounded?"

"I'll do what I have to, Ash," he said, flashing lights appearing in the distance.

"You realize that attacking the police is only going to prove those women's story about you more true," Ashley pointed out, "Why not leave this one to Beth and Pam? We can leave the city, find a safe place to regroup, and strike back when they aren't expecting it."

"I'm not running, Ash," Jake said, jerking his bike to the right and swerving into another alleyway, "I need to figure out what's happening here and now."

"I knew you were going to say that, and, while admirable, it doesn't make you less of an idiot," Ashley sighed as the sound of a helicopter above cut through the sounds of sirens and the city, "I think we have company, love."

Jake could hear the helicopter above them, and he cursed under his breath. He hadn't expected the MPD to deploy such desperate measures just yet. Then again, they were considering him armed and dangerous. He'd have to find some place to hide out in the city soon, but first he needed to get off the streets. His bike was fast, but it was easily identifiable, and it was clear that the cops weren't going to give up anytime soon. He zoomed out of the narrow alleyway and back into the streets. He wasn't sure what part of the city he was in either. He'd fled in such a rush and redirected so many times he'd lost himself in the urban jungle. He headed straight and cut around several cars that were busying the roads. Horns blared as he cut between traffic at a blinding speed.

He hung a left at an intersection, and cursed once again when he saw a police barricade being set up in the distance. They were setting check points up in an attempt to block off his escape. Between the chopper up in the sky and the check points, he was going to have to ditch his bike sooner rather than later. He didn't falter as he sped towards the blockade, and he could see officers scrambling to stop him as he approached. One of the barricades was on its side waiting to be placed, and Jake swerved to use it as a means of bypassing this one. He ran up and over it with a thud, gassing his bike as he prepared for the jump. He could hear officers shouting at him to stop as he went airborne, and then gunshots rang out as they opened fire to try to stop him. The bullets whizzed past him, thankfully, as he hit the ground on both wheels and kept going. That was one obstacle avoided, but things were only going to get harder from here.

"Whatever you're going to do, do it fast, Jake," Ashley said as they sped towards the highway, "They're not pulling punches tonight, and our luck is going to run out soon."

"I'm working on it!" he shouted back, "Kind of making this up as I go, Ash."

"That's what has me concerned," she sighed.

As much as Jake hated to admit it, she had a point. He doubted that he'd get so lucky twice in one night, and his luck was anything but good lately. He cut down another alleyway and grabbed his grappling gun from his belt. A fire escape rested on the side of an apartment complex, and Jake made a last minute decision to use it for his next move. He saw patrol cars at the end of the alleyway, and he jerked his bike to the side as he took aim at one of the rungs up above. Jake kicked off the seat of his bike as he fired his grappling gun and hoped for the best. His bike skidded and sparked as it crashed and flew forward into the patrol cars in the distance. He flew through the air as his hook connected with the fire escape, and he was airborne and moving again within seconds.

He landed on metal bars and raced upward. It bought him time, sure, but how much he couldn't say. Jake made it to the rooftop in no time, and he sprinted across it towards the edge. He looked around for any indicators for where he was. Billboards, landmarks, anything that he could use to get his bearings. An old company advertisement bill rested off in the distance. He was on the Northside of Metropolis; it was one of the few areas that hadn't changed adverts in the last year. He'd made a mistake in his haste. He was heading towards the prison! He needed to change direction quickly unless he wanted to charge straight into the lion's den. However, he knew that east of here was the old condemned suburbs. Beth had told him that Alexis had been using one of those houses as a hideout when he had first surrendered to Goth. Any of those homes would suffice, but he had to make it there first.

He swapped directions once again and headed towards the edge of the rooftop. Jake leapt over the ledge and fired his grappling gun once again. He retracted the cable, and was sent flying towards the next building as the helicopter got closer. A bright spotlight shined down around him as he rolled onto the next rooftop. He picked up his pace as he tried to outrun the spotlight trying to lock onto him. Part of him wanted to look back and see if it was a police chopper or news reporter trying to get first dibs on his story. Did it really matter? The fact of the matter was that they were close, and his plans were already falling into shambles.

Jake landed with another roll, and launched into another sprint. He hadn't run this hard and fast in a while, and his legs were already beginning to burn. At this rate, he wouldn't make it to the suburbs without getting caught. The helicopter continued to chase him down, and he couldn't get out of the spotlight. He glanced over his shoulder and tried to think of what he could do. There was another low-end apartment building across the way, and he made a last minute decision to use it to his advantage. He was sure that he'd terrify whoever the occupants were, but he needed to get out of the open. Hoping for the best, Jake vaulted off of the ledge and dove for one of the adjacent windows. He crashed through the glass, and landed in someone's living room. He guessed he was on the sixth floor, but he hadn't had time to count.

A young man, probably about his age, jumped as Jake got to his feet. "What the hell?!" the man shouted as he took a step back.

"Relax, I'm not gonna hurt you," Jake assured him, watching him closely and slowly making his way towards the door, "I'm just passing through, and I swear that I'm not as dangerous as people say."

"Y-you're Jake Blackridge," the man said, "Holy shit! Dude, please, just take what you want and get out."

"I'm not-ugh," Jake started, and remembered that time wasn't on his side, "I'll have someone fix your window, okay? I gotta go."

Jake ran towards the door and threw it open. He needed to find the stairs before the cops showed up. For all he knew, they were already sweeping buildings. He couldn't remember the last time he'd seen the MPD mobilize this fast. Someone had planned this, and they'd been expecting him to run. He could worry about that later; he needed to keep moving. With a sigh, Jake ran down the hallway towards the door at the end. He threw his shoulder into the door to throw it open and arrived at the stairwell. Only one way to go now: down. Jake shook his head and started practically leaping down the stairs. He bound down them two at a time, skipping steps to save himself as much time as possible. Then, he heard heavy footfalls echoing in the otherwise vacant stairwell. He guessed there were at least a dozen of them, and he cursed his luck as he grabbed his escrima sticks from his belt. He'd have to fight his way out this one, there wasn't another way.

"Jake Blackridge!" one of the officers yelled, "Stop now, and come quietly! You're under arrest!"

"These guys don't quit," he sighed as he kept running.

They kept coming up as Jake continued heading down. One of them met him at the turn, and Jake wasted no time launching into an attack. He didn't want to hurt these men and women for doing their jobs, but he couldn't go down without a fight. It was a male officer with a submachine gun raised at the ready. Jake turned to the side, reached out to grab the barrel of the gun and force it down, and threw his weight into him to knock him off balance. He'd extended his leg to trip as he pushed him back, and the officer fell to the ground just long enough for Jake to keep going. However, a line of officers were right behind him on the stairs, and Jake growled as he launched one of his escrima sticks at the woman's throat. It connected and stumbled her backwards. The stick ricocheted off of her and flew back at him. Jake caught it as she fell back into the officer behind her.

Jake pressed a button on the handle of his weapon, and the end of it opened up into a T shape with the ends jutting off at a slight angle. He hadn't field tested this little modification just yet, but there was no time like the present. He slammed the end down on the railing of the stairs, and jumped over the side hoping for the best. A cable extended out of his escrima stick as he repelled down two more flights. He knew that there wasn't enough for him to be able to make it all the way to the bottom, but he could bypass more of the resistance waiting for him. The officers shouted for him to stop, and some of them even opened fire as he swung himself onto the third floor stairwell. A bullet just barely grazed him as he landed and flipped the switch on the handle to retract the grappling hook. His shoulder had been grazed, but it wasn't anything he couldn't handle.

"Freeze!" another officer yelled, "Hands on your head, and get on the ground, Blackridge!"

Jake frowned as he realized he was still cornered. He didn't have a choice other than to enter the hallway of the third floor. The stairs weren't an option any longer. Growling, he threw the door open and rushed down the hall. This was getting worse by the second. A group of six officers were going door to door in the apartment complex, and they all turned to look at Jake as the door swung open. He swore as he spun around and jammed one of his weapons into the door to jam it, and then took off running down the hall. It was a narrow corridor, and these men and women were armed and ready to kill. Jake dropped down to his knees and slid with his last escrima stick extended as he approached the first officer. He swept her legs out from under her. Her gun went off as she fell to the ground, and Jake sprung back to his feet to continue trying to barrel through the others.

Jake spun and threw himself against the wall as one of the officers tried to line up their shot. Jake jumped and kicked off of the wall to launch himself at the officer. His arm wrapped around his neck, and he flipped him over his shoulder and into another officer behind him. He was inches away from a female cop with her pistol drawn, but Jake swatted her hands away with his escrima stick and struck her jaw with his palm. He hated having to fight the police after working so closely with them for years, but he couldn't risk going to prison. One of the ones he'd knocked down started to get back up, and he threw his weapon at his helmet before he could. The officer was out cold as Jake's stick flew back at him. He caught it and ran forward as one officer opened fire. Jake jerked to the side as to dodge the hail of bullets, and he grabbed onto his submachine gun to rip it from his hands before he accidentally injured a civilian. Jake slung the stock of the gun up and slammed it into his nose, ejected the magazine, and threw it at another officer taking aim at him.

Jake was running again as the gun collided with her chest and staggered her. He reached into his belt one last time, and grabbed a handful of birdarangs. He was almost out of equipment, so he'd have to make these count. He raced forward and jumped into the air with a spin. Years of training came into play as he launched his bridarangs at the muzzles of each gun. They hit their marks, and Jake thanked his lucky stars as they did. The officers opened fire without thinking, and their guns jammed and backfired on them. At least now he'd minimized potential civilian casualties. With the stairs no longer an option, Jake set his sights on the elevator. He didn't have much time before the officers recovered, and he'd have to pry the doors open if he wanted to escape.

Jake reached the steel double doors and jammed his escrima stick into the center. He forced it open as best he could, but his weapon snapped as they started to separate. It was far enough that he could use his hands, though, and Jake used all of his might to force them open. Just as the officers were recovering, the doors opened, and Jake jumped into the shaft. His hands latched onto the cables, and he used them to guide his fall. Thankfully, he'd grabbed a pair of gloves before speeding off into the night. Even so, he could feel the burn through the thick leather as he rocketed down towards the bottom. He landed on top of the elevator, and opened the emergency hatch to drop down. It was empty, and Jake only had to wait for the doors to open. They dinged and began to separate. He froze as he came face to face with Zoey who had her sidearm raised at the ready. She wore a frown, but there was a sadness in his eyes that he couldn't quite understand.

"Don't move, Jake," she said as she kept her gun trained on him, "I don't want to hurt you, but I'll do what I have to to bring you in. Hands where I can see them."

"Zoey," Jake began as he stared at her, "Step aside and let through. I'm innocent, and you know that!"

"I said freeze!" Zoey shouted, stepping forward, "It doesn't matter what you say, Jake. You're a wanted fugitive, and it's my job to bring you in. Now, please, put your hands on your head and come quietly. Don't make me do this."

"Whatever you think is going on, you're being played," Jake argued, "Come on, Dutchess is suddenly the fucking warden?! This is a joke, and I know you're smart enough to see that! Stand down, Zoey. You know you can't beat me, and I don't want to fight you if I don't have to. You're not the only one willing to do whatever it takes, though."

"Goddammit, Jake!" Zoey shouted, her voice breaking, "You don't think I know this whole thing is a farce?! You think I don't know that I can't take you?! What part of this aren't you getting?! I don't have a choice!"

"There's always a choice, Zoey," Jake said quietly, "Lower your weapon, and let me walk out of here."

Zoey closed her eyes for a second, and Jake almost thought she was going to do it. Then, she opened her eyes and pulled the hammer back on her pistol. "I can't do that, Jake," she said as her voice dropped to a whisper and he saw a single tear roll down her cheek, "I can't."

"Why?" Jake asked, "Why are you going along with this? You just said, you know this is bullshit!"

Zoey shook her head and tightened her grip on her pistol, "They have Sam," she whispered, "I step out of line, and they'll hurt her worse. I don't like this shit anymore than you do, but her life is in my hands. Don't make me do this, Jake, please."

Jake froze as he realized just how far things had gone. He'd been so focused on investigating his company that he'd overlooked his family. That was why Zoey was doing this, and if she failed to catch him, Sam would suffer. He bit his lip as he realized he was out of options. "Who has her?" he asked, angry with himself, "Who took my sister?!"

"Keep your fucking voice down," Zoey snapped, looking to make sure they were alone, "I can't answer that, and if anyone finds out I told you, they could kill her."

"Jake," Ashley said behind him, "They've got you over a barrel."

Jake sighed as he did the unthinkable. He put his hands on his head and got down on his knees. "Promise me that you'll find her," he whispered as Zoey holstered her weapon and grabbed a pair of handcuffs.

"I will," she whispered back as she read him his rights, "You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. You have the right to an attorney. If you cannot afford an attorney, one will be provided to you. Do you understand these rights as they've been read to you today?"

"I do," Jake said as Zoey handcuffed his hands behind his back, "You understand that I will get out of this, and that I'll make whoever is behind this pay, right?"

"Stop talking, Jake," Zoey said as she led him downstairs and into the lobby, "All units, this is your Commissioner, I'm bringing Blackridge in. Stand down, I repeat, stand down."

They walked into the lobby and Zoey led Jake out the double doors. Detective Karen Black stood outside of their squad car leaning against it with a wide smile. "Look at that," she chuckled as Zoey led Jake to the car, "You can follow orders. Guess you're not as dumb as you look, boss. Your charity awaits, hero."

Karen opened the door, but Jake rooted himself as he glared at Karen. "I don't know how you're involved in this, but you chose the wrong side," he said, his voice cold and harsh, "I'm innocent, and I'll make sure you pay for this."

"Is that a threat?" Karen asked before punching Jake in the gut, "We'll add that to the record, and we'll make sure to add resisting arrest to your charges. Get in the car, shit bag."

Karen forced Jake into the back of her car and slammed the door. "She's safe, right?" Zoey asked in a whisper.

"For now," Karen answered, "You just keep being a good girl and doing what you're told. Remember, you're being watched closely. Meet me at the prison before heading back to the station. You're going to hand this little bitch over to the warden. Oh, and keep your phone on you in case she calls."

Jake watched Zoey carefully from the backseat. It was clear that she hated this as much as he did, but she didn't have a choice. If only he'd paid more attention to the people around him, then maybe he could have prevented this. Karen got in the car and chuckled as she drove off. "Who do you work for?" Jake asked from the backseat.

"Wouldn't you like to know, shit bird," Karen scoffed, "The city of Metropolis, at least that's all you need to know."

"I've got suspicious activity at the corner of Fifth and Hubbuch," an officer came over the radio, "Looks like some crazy chick is smashing windows, attacking citizens, and spray painting buildings. Making a detour to apprehend this suspect before reporting back in."

"Copy that," Karen said as she grabbed the radio, "Bring her in, and maybe our illustrious new inmate might have a cellmate."

"I'm on it," the officer replied.

"Looks like you might have a playmate, not that they'll be in short supply," Karen cackled, "Don't worry, bird bitch, there's a ton of girls just itching to see you, and the warden is gonna love having you around. Ha, I can't wait to see the look on Zoey's face when she hands you over!"

"You're going to pay for this," Jake sighed as he leaned back.

"Keep telling yourself that," Karen laughed as they sped towards the prison.

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