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by Raven
Rated: GC · Book · Action/Adventure · #2304463
With Beth compromised, Jake & Pamela go to extreme lengths to save their friend
#1055688 added September 13, 2023 at 3:38am
Restrictions: None
Chapter 18
Ingrid rushed down the stairs to the chairs holding her players. If they weren't going to die in her game, then she'd kill them in real life! Damn whatever Eva wanted, these two were going to ruin her plans. They'd already wrecked her precious game, and she wasn't going to let them take Beth from her. She stopped as she saw Pam's monitors going haywire. Her heart rate was elevated, her brain waves were off the charts, and her body was convulsing in the chair. What the hell was this woman? Was she really some sort of witch? No, magic wasn't real!

Ingrid shook off her momentary hesitation as she bent down to unplug her. "Ingrid, stop!" Beth shouted from up above.

"Stay out of this, Beth!" Ingrid snapped, "I am not losing again!"

"Not like this," Beth said, "You're better than this, aren't you?"

"They cheated first!" Ingrid argued, "Your little girlfriend managed to wipe and fry my entire system! She dies, Beth, here and now!"

"Don't!" Beth screamed, praying that Ingrid might reconsider, "If you do this, I'll never forgive you!"

Ingrid wasn't phased by Beth's threat, but she never got the chance to reach the plug. Pam's body stopped convulsing as her machines beeped and started to hum. She looked up and backed away as Pam's arm moved. Damn, she was too late to finish her. Ingrid glared at Pam as her hand reached up to rip her headgear off. She'd been so close, but she wasn't through yet. Ingrid stood up and put more distance between them before Pam got completely to her feet. She still didn't fully believe she was magic, but she couldn't explain what she'd seen Pam do in her game. It was better safe than sorry, and she knew Pam was equally as possessive of Beth.

Pam pulled her headgear off and did her best to ignore the splitting headache behind her eyes. They were free, but her body and mind were screaming at her. Her feelings for Beth helped push her through the waves of pain and discomfort washing over her as she tried to stand up. She looked back to see Jake doing the same and spotted Beth at the top of the stairs. Ingrid wasn't with her, so that meant she was nearby. Her eyes landed on the troublesome and meddlesome young girl with a hardened glare. She was going to make her pay for what she'd done.

"Stop!" Ingrid shouted, holding her hand out and hoping her powers were still working, "Don't move, either of you!"

Miraculously, Jake and Pam found themselves rooted in place. "What the hell?!" Pam growled as she tried to force herself to move, "What is this?!"

"I can't move," Jake said, trying his hardest to take a step forward.

Ingrid smirked as she realized that she still had an ace up her sleeve. "Jake, Pam, she's got some kind of control powers!"

"That's enough, Beth!" Ingrid snapped, "You're still in trouble for costing me back there!"

"Don't talk to her like that," Pam glared at Ingrid.

"Or else what?" Ingrid asked, deciding to get closer to Pam, "You're not going to do anything other than what I tell you, and neither is Beth. I could have you both if I wanted to, but you're beneath me, Pammy. I should call my boss to let her know to come pick you two up, but I think I'll wait a bit."

"Ingrid," Jake said, "Whoever you're working for-"

"Save it, Jake," Ingrid cut him off, "Beth has already tried, and I'm not interested in working with two losers. Besides, you two are my ticket to getting exactly what I want."

"You are a bigger fool than I thought," Pam snapped, "You think the people you work for will uphold their end of your bargain? You mean nothing to them."

"They'll give me what I want because I'm giving them what they want," Ingrid countered, "I'm keeping Beth for myself, and you two are going to be the newest toys for your old doctor friend. But, I'm not completely heartless. How's about I let you watch while I have some fun with Beth? She'll have to be punished, of course, but I can show you how it's supposed to be done. How does that sound, Pammy?"

Pam clenched her fists as her blood began to boil. The smug look on Ingrid’s face, the threat of her beloved being tortured, and the idea of being sent to Anna Murray had her reeling with rage. "Touch her, and you'll see just what kind of woman I am," Pam growled, shocking Ingrid as she managed to take a step forward, "Keep talking, little girl, you're burning whatever mercies I might have shown you!"

Ingrid took a hurried step back as Pam broke free of her control. That shouldn't have been possible, yet Pam was moving despite her command. Pam extended her fingers, and Ingrid’s jaw dropped as she saw it begin to glow. It looked like something out of one of her anime shows on her hand. Pam lunged at her and Ingrid shut her eyes and screamed, "I said stop!"

Pan was inches away from running Ingrid through with the energy blade covering her hand when she was forced to freeze again. "If you think that your sad little power is going to keep me from my beloved, you are sorely mistaken," Pam said, her arm shaking as she fought to break, "You're going to pay for what you've done!"

"Pam!" Jake shouted, still rooted in place, "We can't kill her!"

"Listen to your friend, blondie," Ingrid said, taking another step back as Pam slowly broke free.

"Enough!" Pam screamed, a shockwave of energy ripping from her body and knocking Ingrid back as she broke free, "You've killed dozens, and you threaten the woman that I love! Worse, you have the audacity to tell me you're going to make me watch! No trials, no, I am your end, you miserable little wretch!"

Ingrid stared in disbelief as Pam stepped forward. A glowing aura radiated off of her that somehow darkened the room. She scooted away as Pam glared down at her. "Get the hell away from me!" she screamed, praying her powers might have some sort of effect, "Stay back, dammit!"

"You die here," Pam growled as her anger surged and her powers overrode Ingrid’s control.

"Pam, stop!" Beth screamed from up above, "Please, she doesn't deserve to die for all of this!"

Ingrid marveled as Pam stopped in her tracks and looked up at Beth, "She took you away from me! She hurt you, and she tried to kill Jake and I!"

"She never hurt me!" Beth argued, surprising Ingrid, "I'm not saying what she did was right, but she leave her alive!"

Ingrid was mildly touched by Beth's intervention, but she knew it wouldn't last long. If the roles were reversed, Ingrid wouldn't listen for long. She needed to get to her mech. It was the only chance she had of getting out of this alive, so she scrambled to her feet and ran while the two lovers argued, "I can't let this go, Beth, I won't. She has to pay!"

"Fuck you!" Ingrid shouted as she cleared the room.

"Dammit!" Pam exclaimed as Ingrid got away, "There is nowhere you can hide from me, little girl! I will find you and tear you limb from limb!"

Pam stopped to try to track Ingrid. She needed to find her, but she also needed to break Beth and Jake free. Her outrage was growing by the second. She held her hand up and quickly clenched her fist. It wouldn't permanently sever Ingrid’s powers, but they'd be free for the moment. With that done, she could focus on finding the little vermin that had caused so much trouble for them. She'd put her down for good, and she'd be sure she would suffer.

Beth raced down the stairs the second she was free. She threw herself in front of Pam before she could storm off, "Pam, stop! Please, listen to me."

"Out of my way, Beth," Pam said, "She's caused nothing but trouble for all of us, and she will pay for what she's done."

"Pam, listen to me," Beth repeated, "I know you're pissed, and I don't blame you, but Ingrid isn't the same type of villain we're used to dealing with. She pulled back, and she tried to restrain herself with me."

Pam stared at her a moment before asking, "Did she make you sleep with her?"

"I-," Beth had to look away, "Please, she's been obsessed with me for-"

"She gets no mercy from me," Pam growled, hating the image of Beth laying with Ingrid, "I'm going to send her to Hell piece by piece!"

"Pam, stop!" Jake shouted from behind, "This isn't how we do things now. Remember what you told me? You said that heroes have to show restraint. That people need a symbol to look to, not to fear."

"I am no hero," Pam glared at him.

"You've been a hero to me," Beth whispered, and Pam felt a hint of apprehension creeping into her mind.

"She's done nothing but insult and undermine me," Pam defended, "She wants to hand us over to Murray, and she wants-"

The floor shook beneath them as they continued to argue back and forth. Pam braced herself for whatever was about to happen, but she wasn't prepared for the crashing and slamming that came next. A gigantic metal arm shot up out of the floor and grabbed Beth. Pam's eyes widened as she tried to get to Beth, but the floor collapsed as a titanium automaton of some sort broke through it. Pam had to use her powers to catch herself and Jake to prevent them from falling as the mechanized monstrosity continued to rise. The damn thing was huge, and it was going to break through the ceiling!

"Unhand her!" Pam screamed as she caught herself and Jake.

"You want her?" Ingrid’s voice came through the mech, "Come and get her, Pammy! She's mine, and I'm not giving her up without a fight!"

"Insufferable little harlot," Pam growled as the mech brought its hand close to its chest and stuffed Beth inside of it, "Hurt her, and death will be the last thing you have to worry about!"

"I already told you," Ingrid laughed as she broke through the ceiling and prepared to take flight, "I'll take better care of her than you ever did!"

Pam raised her hands and summoned a barrier to shield herself and Jake from the debris raining down at them. It wasn't long before it stopped, and she and Jake were left alone in the crumbling warehouse. "Still think she deserves mercy, Jake?" Pam asked, raising them into the air.

"I think she's misguided, Pam," Jake replied, "She needs help, and we can't get her that if she's dead."

"She lost her chance for that the second she forced Beth to put a gun to her head," Pam frowned as she set Jake down on the ground, "I'm ending this, and I suggest you stay out of my way."

"Pam!" Jake shouted, but she was already flying and giving chase to Ingrid, "When the fuck did she get that ability?"

"Most likely from a projection of her emotions," Ashley answered as she appeared behind him, "She's furious, but she's fighting on a united front. Everything that we did was to save Beth, and every facet of Pam is screaming for the same thing. Save her, kill Ingrid, and damn the consequences."

"We have to do something," Jake sighed, getting to his feet, "We can't let her do this, Ash."

"There is nothing either of us can say to dissuade her, love," Ashley shook her head, "Love is a powerful sword, but it is double edged. No threat or reason will stop what is about to happen. The only hope that girl has is in Beth, but I'm not even sure Pam will listen to her at this point."

"Goddammit," Jake grit his teeth, "Then we need to try to minimize collateral damage. The last time Pam was this angry, she wiped out an entire battalion of Rebecca's followers. She nearly killed her that night, and before that was Abigail. Between her fucking temper, and Ingrid’s goddamn mech, the city might wind up in ruins."

"Then let's move," Ashley nodded, "If we're lucky, their fight will be contained to this district, but your luck is rarely that good."

"Tell me something I don't know," Jake sighed as he looked for his bike.

Pam cut through the skies like a knife as she chased after Ingrid. She would dismantle that damned machine, and she'd pull Ingrid’s body from its cockpit before killing her. If it was the last thing she did, she'd watch that meddlesome troublemaker die. Twice now Ingrid had taken Beth from her, and she wouldn't stand for it again. Suffering would teach her fear, and Pam would drink in and savor that fear. She could see that abomination in the distance as it raced for the city, but Pam wasn't going to let that happen. The last thing she needed was to worry about civilians while she taught Ingrid a lesson in respect.

Pam stopped and held out her hands to let her anger flow through her. Every one of her emotions were screaming to be let out and used, and Pam intended to utilize all of them to win. Two ghostly looking specters of herself shot out of her arms and zipped past Ingrid. They flew to the edge of the old district before colliding with one another. They exploded in a brilliant flash as a wall of crystalline energy rose up to stop Ingrid and her toy. The girl must have seen enough to believe something in her powers because she stopped her fleeing before she hit the wall. The metal monster turned to face her, and Pam was ready for the fight about to come.

"I'm going to enjoy snuffing you out," Ingrid spat as the mech's arm extended and a large sickle took shape in its hand, "Tech beats magic every time, Pam!"

"Do you ever stop talking?!" Pam demanded as her body began to glow, "Shut up and fight, or give me back my girlfriend!"

"Tch, come take her, if you think you can!" Ingrid mocked.

Pam didn't need another invitation as her body temperature rose. Ingrid’s voice may as well have been nails on a chalkboard to her, and she was going to enjoy shutting her up once and for all. She shot out at Ingrid in hopes of piercing through her robot, but the mechanical marvel was surprisingly fast. She had to roll to the side to avoid the blade of her scythe. Ingrid shifted the weapon and swung it at an angle at Pam before she could retaliate. The crescent blade of the sickle came at her, but Pam held up her hands and summoned a shield to stop its approach. She was sent flying backwards a ways, but she stopped herself before she crashed into a building. Ingrid was already advancing, though.

Pam glared at the gigantic mech as rushed at her with its weapon behind it. Ingrid swung up with the blade coming directly at Pam. Pam stood her ground and brought her hands together to create a runed shield that deflected the blade, but Ingrid spun it around and tried for an overhead swing. Again, Pam deflected it as she raised her hands overhead. The second it bounced off of her shield, Pam's hand shot out and summoned an ethereal chain to wrap around the pole of the scythe. She clenched her fist and pulled her arm back as she tried to rip the weapon from the mech's hands. She held it in place, but Ingrid pivoted and spun around to deliver the heel of the mech's boot to Pam's side. Her barrier was still up, but the blow broke it and sent her flying into the distance.

Pam stopped herself, but Ingrid and her mech were right behind her. She felt the weight of that titanium fist crash into her body and send her hurtling towards the ground. She crashed into the pavement with a painful impact. A small crater formed as she smashed through the broken streets. Ingrid was above her and slammed the hilt of her scythe down on Pam before she could get up. Pam screamed as she felt her body start to break. Ingrid raised her weapon and brought it down a second time. She'd wind up as paste on the ground if she didn't do something quick. Her powers would only shield her for so long.

Inside of the mech, Beth watched as Pam was pounded into the ground. "Ingrid, stop!" she screamed, looking up at the control seat, "You're going to kill her!"

"That's the idea, Beth," Ingrid grinned, "She got in my way, and now she's going to pay for it. Don't worry, I'll be good to you. I'll even count this as part of your punishment; watching your ex get destroyed seems fitting enough."

Beth's fist shook with rage as she stared up at Ingrid, "You do this and-"

"That's enough!" Ingrid screamed, finally hitting her breaking point, "I have been patient with you, but you betrayed me, Beth. Now, shut up, turn around, and watch as Pam gets what she deserves."

Ingrid’s harsh words came through the speakers on her mech, and they reignited the fires within Pam. "Get up," the voice of her rage echoed in her head, "Move, you lazy bitch! She's making our pet suffer, and you're letting it happen! Get off of your lazy ass and fight!"

Pam's eyes snapped open as the hilt rocketed towards her again. She raised her hand and a snake-like red flame ripped from her arm. It shot up and coiled around Ingrid’s weapon before swelling in size. "What the hell?!" Ingrid screamed as the features of Pam appeared amidst the burning red serpent.

"Release her!" the serpent shrieked as it coiled around Ingrid’s scythe and snapped it in half.

Ingrid threw her weapon to the ground and jumped back. Pam got to her feet as her rage retracted back to herself. "About time, you sad excuse for a mistress," Rage growled in her head, "I thought I was going to have to do this myself."

"Shut up," Pam grunted as she reset her shoulder, "Arguing with myself…I'm starting to sound like Jake."

"Don't compare us to that halfwit!" Rage growled.

"Focus!" the voice of Wisdom exclaimed, "Our priority is Beth, remember? We need to be united if we are going to stand a chance here."

"Would you all be silent?" Pam winced as she collected herself, "Never a word until things hit the fan, and then suddenly you all want to scream and shout. Let me work, stop talking, and help me, dammit!"

The voices stilled as Pam channeled her powers and emotions. It was true that her emotions and alters were typically silent unless she was meditating or conjuring them, but the mutual concern for Beth often overrode their complacency. Her experience within the virtual world may have also been playing a part, but she couldn't be sure of that. All she knew for certain was that every one of her emotional facets were crying out for the same thing: to save Beth. Each of them wanted it, but some wanted more bloodshed than others. Pam needed to remind them, and herself, that she was the one in control. They existed as extensions of herself, but moreover they existed to serve her. With the yawning silence in her mind, Pam felt the surge of magic begin to flow once more.

It had only been seconds, but Pam felt the flow of time slow around her as she looked up at Ingrid. Colors began to blur and shift as arcane torrents bubbled and swelled within her. She saw various missiles rise up on the shoulders of the mech, but she didn't move or try to run. Ingrid was hurling another insult or obscenity at her, but she paid her no mind. Eight large explosive missiles shot out at her, but Pam held up one hand as she watched them crawl towards her. A shockwave rumbled from her hand and caused the air to ripple around her. The missiles slowed again until they came to a stop in midair. Pam raised her other hand to flip the suspended explosives around and aim them at Ingrid. She doubted it would be enough to destroy that metal monstrosity, but it would send a poignant message to the nefarious young woman. She flicked her fingers outward and sent them rocketing towards Ingrid.

They flew at her, and Pam disappeared amidst the distraction. Ingrid was pushed on the defensive as she dodged, deflected, and shot the missiles out of the air. Meanwhile, Pam appeared in the air above her with a swirling vortex taking shape in her hands. It swirled and swelled like a small galaxy. As the last missile was dealt with, Pam unleashed the Astral energy she'd been building. Ingrid whirled around as the energy left Pam, and she brought the mech's hands up to try to catch the blast. Pam saw a reflective light radiating from that thing's hands, but she wasn't sure what it was. The symbols on it were familiar, and she suspected that this wasn't entirely Ingrid’s designs. Those were runes carved on the forearms and wrists of that thing, and Ingrid had made her disposition on magic clear. No, someone had done this for her.

Ingrid caught the vortex and stopped it from crashing into her. Pam held her hand out and pushed it forward in hopes of breaking through her guard. Ingrid was pushed back a bit, but the vortex wasn't breaking through her defenses. Pam frowned as she realized they were getting into a stalemate, and she clenched her fist to detonate the spell. Tendrils of purple energy erupted from the vortex and attacked Ingrid’s armor. They peeled away at bits and pieces, but it wasn't enough. A blade shot out of the arm guard on Ingrid’s mech as she took a swing at Pam, but Pam had already disappeared once again. The blade sliced through the air as Pam reappeared behind Ingrid once again.

Pam wished she knew more about technology as she looked at the back of the mech. If she could find a weak spot, or even a core, maybe she could shut this thing down. As it stood, she was taking shots in the dark to try to break down the mechanical monster. She was preparing a spell when Ingrid whirled her giant mech around and snatched her. The steel fingers curled and squeezed at her, but Pam merely glared up at it. If she wanted to play rough, then Pam would be more than happy to oblige. She didn't need her hands to cast every spell she knew, not in her current state.

"Is that your best, Pammy?" Ingrid asked as she continued to squeeze Pam and try to break her, "I'm disappointed. I expected more after all that tough talk!"

Pam narrowed her eyes as she concentrated on the air around them. The sky grew dark as clouds formed overhead. It would hurt, but pain was only temporary. Ingrid was too busy gloating to notice the darkened skies above, and by the time she heard the thunder it was too late. A bolt of crimson lightning shot down from the skies and struck Pam. Pam used herself as a conduit for the bolt of fury, and she channeled it from herself into Ingrid’s mech. The shock of the systems was enough to break the hold, and it left an opening for Pam to strike. Her body now glowing and crackling with red electricity, Pam proceeded to call down multiple strikes that rained down on Ingrid.

"I'm just warming up, girl," Pam spat as she focused on a different element, "Your arrogance will be your undoing."

Inside of the mech, Ingrid was fighting to keep control of her systems. The electric overload was causing problems, and she had to activate the cooling mechanisms to keep her baby from overheating. "Damn her," she growled as she turned a few dials, "She's not taking you from me!"

Beth shook her head as she watched the control panel emit a shock before the alarms sounded. "Ingrid, she's going to kill you!" Beth shouted at her, "Stop this and let me go, dammit. Let me talk to her, and I can make sure you live."

"A life without you isn't one I want," Ingrid whispered, "No, only one of us will walk away from this. Ugh, what is she doing now?!"

Ingrid looked at her screen as Pam's body flashed a brief shade of blue. The energy readings from her sensors were off the charts, and she'd never witnessed displays like this before. She spun another dial and pulled a lever as she glanced at the temperature gauges. She did a double take as she saw the needle dropping at a rapid rate. A chill ran through the air within the cockpit, and she was starting to regret her decision to use her cooling mechanisms. Was this her plan? She had to do something fast before Pam did whatever the hell she was going to do! She grabbed the controls and pushed forward to try to knock the unsightly blonde out of the air and break her concentration.

Pam was pulling molecules of water out of the air one by one. The temperature outside was dropping at a rapid rate, but that was the point. An icy wind cut through the desolate city as she started to form crystalline shards around her. The mech was advancing on her, but Pam didn't move to retreat. Instead, she doubled down on her efforts. Frost started to form on the joints of the mech, and it slowed down as her atmospheric manipulation continued. That titanic fist stopped inches from her body. With it stalled for a moment, Pam unleashed the spears of ice she'd been building. They slammed into the body and joints of the mech before exploding on impact one by one. The blasts chipped away more of the armor, and it pushed the construct back little by little.

Pam moved in to try to pierce through the mech, but a slot on its head opened up as she got close. While the limbs and armor had been damaged, the neck still seemed to function. A concentrated beam of energy ripped from the slot between the eyes, and Pam barely had time to raise a shield to block. The force knocked her back, but she managed to avoid the scathing temperature of the beam. However, she could feel the heat radiating from it as she was pushed further back. The beam stopped soon enough, but Ingrid was already regaining control of her machine. This was getting tiresome, but she'd done significant damage to that thing now. She readied herself for another round, but frowned as she watched pieces of armor begin to fall away from the mech. Steam rolled off of it, but it's frame was now much leaner than before.

"I've had enough of this!" Ingrid’s voice came through the speakers as she pulled two blades out of the fallen armor, "No more games, Pam, this is where you fall!"

Pam scoffed and rolled her eyes as Ingrid prepared for another assault. Her hubris was infuriating. She was shocked when Ingrid and her mech launched themselves at breakneck speeds. She once again barely had time to deflect an incoming swing at her body. The armor had been weighing that thing down, and now it was incredibly fast. She could handle it, she knew she could, but she'd need an opening first. That was something that Ingrid refused to give, though. The swings came at blinding speeds and different angles. It took everything Pam had to keep from getting cut in half. Her defenses were waning, and each consecutive strike came harder and faster than the last. She was surprised when she was kicked and sent flying by a roundhouse from Ingrid. She hadn't expected something so massive to move so elegantly and quickly.

Pam crashed into a nearby ruined building, and Ingrid was on top of her before she could recover. The tip of the sword was coming straight for her, and there was nothing she could do to stop it. Had she been too confident in herself? No, this wasn't how she died. She closed her eyes as she felt her emotions scream in unison. Time seemed to slow down as the edge of the blade came closer. She wouldn't lose here, she couldn't! So, she let everything that had been screaming within her come to the surface. If Ingrid wanted a fight, then that was what she would get. Her body flashed different colors as her projections came out in droves.

Ingrid was grinning ear to ear as she drew closer to finally ending the person keeping her from being happy. Her face fell as a sudden plume of smoke blocked her vision outside. Was this another of Pam's tricks? It wouldn't save her, not for long. Her blade was stopped, but when she tried to pull it back it wouldn't budge. Had she cut too deep into the rubble? No, that wouldn't have affected her controls. She tugged once again, but she gasped as a crimson hand shot out of the smoke. It was huge, easily the size of her robot's face! It seized her face and pushed her back without a word. What the hell was happening?! The alarms sounded again as pressure was applied to the head of her mech, but she severed the arm with her other sword. Ingrid released the blade that had been stuck and fell back.

From the smoke, a figure took shape. It shouldn't have been possible, but she watched as Pam stood at the same height as her mech. What was this woman?! Her body seemed ethereal and shifted between various colors, and in her hand was the blade Ingrid had given up. Pam stepped down from the ruins and rubble, but there were no facial features on her head. All that she could see were two glowing white slits for eyes amidst the myriad of colors flashing back and forth. Ingrid swallowed as she tried to keep calm in the wake of a giant Pam.

"Doesn't matter how big you are!" she screamed, "You'll die just the same!"

Pam's body flashed red as she charged at Ingrid with the blade behind her back. Ingrid swung her sword at her, but it was met with Pam's blade. She tried to pull it back, but one of Pam's hands grabbed hold of one of her arms. The alarms got louder and warning signs flashed across her screen. "Warning, warning, immediate danger detected," an automated voice repeated.

Ingrid shook her head and tried to break free, but Pam pulled back and tugged the arm of her mech from its socket. She threw it down and destroyed another building before shifting the blade to aim it at her chest. Ingrid managed to dodge, but she only had one arm to fight with now. Pam dropped the blade and twisted as her hand shot out and grabbed the head of the mech. She pushed upward before slamming it down to the ground. Ingrid was nearly thrown from her seat from the sudden jarring impact. She could hear the sound of the metal cracking and snapping overhead. She flipped a switch in hopes of pushing Pam off once and for all. The last of her rockets shot out from what was left of her mech's shoulders.

The missiles passed through Pam, but they detonated as they did. The close proximity of the blast did more damage to Ingrid’s systems, but she needed to create some breathing room between her and Pam. Whatever damage it did to Pam seemed minimal, and the crimson titan drove a fist down against the mech's chest. The cockpit shook from the shattering force of the blow, and Ingrid felt fear for the first time. She couldn't kill her. Whatever she'd turned into seemed immovable by comparison. The metal outside creaked and groaned as Pam continued to beat down against her. She cursed as she unfastened her belts and tried to run. However, the light from the outside came through as a final groan escaped the mech. Pam had breached her hull, and Ingrid was out of places to go.

Ingrid looked up as Pam's titanic body burst into strangely colored flames. A torrent of fire surged down and straight for her. The sounds of helicopters outside could be heard in the skies. Ingrid closed her eyes and waited for the burn that was about to come, but instead she felt a hand on her throat. She opened her eyes as she was lifted up and looked down at Pam's hate filled eyes. She tried to shout at her, but Pam had a tight grip on her throat. She was going to choke her!

"This ends now," Pam growled at her as she extended her other hand and let it ignite, "You will pay for what you've done. More than that, you'll pay for taking my beloved away from me!"

"Pam, stop!" Beth screamed before Pam could deliver the final blow, "Please don't do this! It's not her fault."

"The hell it isn't!" Pam barked as she stared at Ingrid, "She took you away from me, nearly made you kill yourself, tried to murder Jake and myself, and was prepared to destroy the city to kill me! Everything that's happened has been because of her, and she will learn what it means to know fear!"

"If you do this, you're no better than all the others we've put down and put away!" Beth argued, climbing up to the console, "All of those pieces of shit that we've ended, they all had justifications for their actions. What makes you better than them? I thought you were better than Goth!"

"Do not compare me to her!" Pam screamed, tightening her hold on Ingrid's throat, "She beat and broke the man she loved, but I am doing this to save you! Everything I've done, I've done to get back to you, Beth."

"And you have," Beth said, "I'm right here, and I'm safe and sound. Killing her won't solve anything, and you'd be killing someone because of how they feel."

"No, it's because of what she's done," Pam argued, "She dies, and that's all there is to it."

Ingrid closed her eyes as she watched Pam's hand draw closer to her chest. Once again, the painful feeling never came. She opened her eyes and would have gasped if she could as she saw Beth holding a glowing sword. Where had she gotten that? "I can't let you do this, Pam," Beth shook her head, "Everything she did, she did because I lied to her. I avoided her, and I was too afraid to approach her. You two aren't that different."

"Stand. Down. Beth," Pam warned, "Do not presume to compare me to this tedious little whelp."

"What would you have done in her shoes?!" Beth screamed at her, "What would you have done if you loved me from afar, but were rejected because I wasn't into girls? Then, you find out that I'm dating another woman!"

"I wouldn't have kidnapped you, if that's what you're implying," Pam scoffed.

"Except that's exactly how we ended up together," Beth argued, "You made me a deal that I accepted, but I never had a damn choice! Be yours, or be a slave to women that wanted me dead."

Pam faltered for a second and loosened her grip on Ingrid enough for her to catch a breath. "Are you saying you regret us?" Pam asked, hurt seeping through her rage.

"No, you know I'm happy with you," Beth shook her head, "I'm just saying that you two wanted the same thing. You took a deal with Goth for power, and she took one from another psycho. Both of you were taken advantage of, both of you only wanted to succeed, and both of you are stupidly stubborn. You changed, so why can't she?"

"She won't stop coming," Pam said, sensing everything radiating from Ingrid.

"Then we deal with her when that time comes," Beth said, "Give her a chance to change. You did, and Alexis tried to change. It's not impossible. Be the hero that I know you are, Pam. Please, do this for me."

Pam closed her eyes for a moment before dropping Ingrid. The purple blade surrounding her hand disappeared, but she opened her hand and slammed her palm against Ingrid’s chest. A shockwave of electricity shot through her body for a split second, and Ingrid screamed in pain. She laid on the ground panting as she looked up, "What the hell did you do? Tell me!"

"I'll tell you, but not because you ordered me to," Pam scowled at her, "Your little powers are gone, thanks to me. You rely too much on technology as it is."

"You fucking bitch," Ingrid snapped as she tried to stand up, but felt a wave of pain wash over her, "Ugh, my head…my eyes…I can't see!"

"Be thankful that you still draw breath," Pam scoffed, "You owe your life to this little woman here, and I'd advise you to remember that the next time you think about coming for her. I won't show leniency a second time, Ingrid. This is the price you pay for your choices and arrogance, but it could have been much higher if it weren't for Beth."

"What did you do to her?" Beth asked, dispelling her sword.

"I believe the term you and Jake use is an EMP," Pam replied, "Whatever technology she was using won't work anymore. It's her own fault for choosing to use such risky methods."

Beth knelt beside Ingrid and took her hand as Pam watched her carefully. "Beth," Ingrid said, her voice breaking, "Please, I love you…please don't leave me."

Pam kept her frown up, but she could feel the heartbreak rolling off of Ingrid as she begged Beth to stay. She was reminded of Ashley's words as she remained silent. "I told you," Beth said, her tone softer than usual, "I told you that win or lose, you'd have to accept the outcome. This is the best I can do for you, Ingrid. I'm sorry, I really am."

"Pam!" Jake's voice came from behind.

"She's alive, Jake," Pam sighed as their friend climbed into the cockpit, "I didn't kill her, although I wanted to. People need a symbol to put hope in, not fear, right?"

Ingrid shook as she started to sob. Her body and head hurt, but her heart was breaking. "I'll come visit you, I swear," Beth assured her, "I'll make sure that you're treated fairly, and Jake will too."

"Excuse me?" Pam asked.

Beth shot her girlfriend a hard look, "I'm not backing down on this, Pam. She made a choice, a bad one sure, but I pushed her to this point. This is just as much my fault as it is anyone else's. She's not a monster, she's another victim."

Ingrid shook her head as she brought her knees to her chest. Static filled her vision as she tried to make sense of what was happening. "Ingrid Isley," Jake sighed, grabbing a pair of handcuffs from his utility belt, "You have the right to remain silent…"

She barely heard Jake reading her her rights, and was barely aware of the cuffs locking on her wrists. She'd given everything she had in hopes of getting what she always wanted, but it hadn't been enough. She'd lost, and she was going to prison for this. Beth's promise to visit was a small comfort, but it didn't overshadow the fact that she still didn't have her. All she'd wanted was to be happy with the love of her life, but she'd lost that chance. All because of her belief that magic wasn't real. She'd lost to a witch, and now she was going to pay dearly for it. Too tired to fight, Ingrid let Jake haul her to her feet. Her vision became clear for a second, just long enough for her to see Beth. The look on her face didn't help, but she could see that this wasn't what her love had wanted. Maybe she should have listened, but it was too late now. All that was left was darkness and static.

"You really intend to visit her?" Pam asked as Jake led Ingrid out of the cockpit.

"Yeah, I do," Beth nodded, "If I'd have just been woman enough to talk to her, maybe this wouldn't have happened. You two are a lot alike."

"I doubt that," Pam rolled her eyes, "She has good taste in women, but that is where the similarities end."

"Both of you were victims of women that wanted to use you," Beth said, "You're both passionate about who you care about, and you both have good intentions."

"Need I remind you that she was going to have you shoot yourself?" Pam asked.

"I don't think she would have done it," Beth sighed, "I think she wanted to see how much you cared. She had her moments, but she kept trying to keep herself in check with me. It doesn't excuse the things she did, but I really think that it wasn't all her."

"You think someone was controlling her?" Pam asked.

"Nah, I think that the tech inside her was bringing out the worst," Beth replied, "Remember when Goth finally went down? She had that moment of clarity and regret with Jake. I think that if something is pulling on the darkness in someone's heart, it'll bring it out if it pulls hard enough. I have to believe that there's hope for her, Pam. Otherwise, I'm just the same as all the other assholes in the city."

"Very well," Pam sighed, "I can see you're not going to let this go, and this is a reminder of why I love you. I trust you and your judgment, but I may come to you when you do see her. I don't want her taking you again."

"Just try to be civil when the time comes," Beth said, "Can we go home?"

"We need to meet Jake back at the manor," Pam sighed, "There's nothing I want more than to return to our apartment, crawl into bed, and hold you, but I'm afraid we still have business to tend to."

"Damn," Beth sighed, "Let's at least get my guns then. I missed you."

"I missed you too, Kitten," Pam smiled as she reached into her pocket and retrieved the collar she'd found, "I believe this belongs to you, my lovely little pet."

Beth's eyes lit up as she spotted the familiar stone and torn band. "My collar," she grinned, "I've felt naked without it."

Pam smiled as she placed it back around Beth's neck and cast a simple mending spell on the band. It was restored snugly around Beth's neck, and she adored the way her girlfriend smiled as she touched the stone. "You are, by far, the most incredible woman I've ever met," Pam said as she pulled Beth into a hug, "Let's go get your equipment and meet Jake. The media vultures will be looking for us, and I don't want to be seen right now."

"You look like shit," Beth chuckled, returning Pam's embrace, "A badass, but you look rough."

"I look like a woman that was pushed too far," Pam countered as shadows bubbled and pulled around them, "I'll be taking a shower while we wait for Jake. Care to join me, Kitten?"

"Yes please," Beth blushed as they disappeared into the shadows.

One threat had been dealt with, but more lurked on the horizon. Beth had a name she needed to share, but nothing else to go on. Her time with Ingrid had confirmed that there were more threats than they knew working in secrecy. She'd reveal her findings soon enough, but first she needed her stuff. Alexis was also someone needing to be addressed, but one thing at a time. As she traveled through the portal with Pam, she wasn't worried about the dangers slowly surrounding them. No, she was content to be reunited with her lover and mistress once again. A small victory to some, perhaps, but a monumental one to her.
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