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Rated: GC · Book · Detective · #2306086
One of a group of teens is accused of murder. Will their friendship survive?
#1058832 added November 3, 2023 at 6:12pm
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d2 pt2

Rage of Envy NaNo 2023 d 2 pt 2

Special Agent Kory Galloway was frowning. A dirty blonde curl fell on his darkly patched face as he surveyed the scene outside the Hall’s home. The medical examiner, Dr. Jamie Solanum had teamed with him before on homicides. She pulled her red blonde hair up in a pink scrungie out of her green eyes. She threw the rest of her cigarette down in the grass.

A plump little man in uniform tried to greet them, “You must be the out of town detectives. I’m Sheriff Downing.” He stuck out a chubby hand coated in donut filling.

“Let’s get a look inside,” said Galloway.

Dr. Solanum’s evenly proportioned body squatted down to take a better look at Rick Hall.. “He’s been beaten. I won’t know anything else with much certainty until I get him back to the lab.”

“It doesn’t look like there’s a note here like there was at the scenes in Waterton.” Said Joe Marks. He was a balding special agent with muscle on muscle.

“There is the shape of a note left here in the blood splatter. Could be someone picked it up.” Said Solanum.

“The family wasn’t allowed in the home except for the father, and he was closely monitored,” said Marks

“Do we know of anything is missing from the home?” asked Galloway.

Rachel Fisher, the local sheriff’s department’s secretary, pushed her black hair behind one ear as she paged through her notes. “From the mess Mr. Hall couldn’t really tell,” she winked at Joe Marks. “Mrs. Hall go so distraught when she was told about Rick that she had to be sedated. Then little Julie had an asthma attack. The family is at the hospital.”

“Can you estimate a time of death?” asked Galloway.

“By the condition of the body and what I can get of a temperature I’d say f our to six hours ago. I’lll have a clearer time when I get him t o the lab.” Said Solanum.

A skinny deputy with a mop top of brown hair and a wrinkled uniform came into the room. “Sheriff Downing? We found this book bag by the front door. It’s marked as belonging to Kristin Fisher.”

“Sign it into evidence and the CSI unit headed by Dr. Solanum will take care of it. This is a federal case now,” said Galloway.

“Didn’t that secretary say her last name was Fisher?” asked Dr. Solanum.

“Probably coincidence.”

“There was a cellphone on the counter,” said Rachel Fisher, “and fingerprint smears in the blood on the floor and on the back door. The backdoor window was smashed from the outside. May have been how the killer got in.”

“Are you any relation to this Kristin Fisher?” asked Solanum.

“Yes, Ma’am. She’s my little sister,” said Rachel.

“Is there any reason why she should have been here?” asked Galloway.

“No sir. In fact, she is supposed to avoid Rick Hall as much as she can……”

Special Agent Galloway sighed as he looked at the team he was working with. They were disheveled but ready to work.

Dr. Tom Ferguson was the skinny geeky type. The kind with tape on his glasses and a pocket protector. His brown hair was a messy mop oh his head and his clothes were wrinkled. He was the federal psychologist who helped with profiling.

“Let’s get down to what we know,” said Tom.

Anna Morgan was the only woman on the team. Galloway thought she was as alluring as a super model with her long raven waves and olive skin.

“From the coroner’s reports, we know that the other victims were stabbed with various types of knives but that all their throats were slit with a small sharp object like a scalpel,” said Anna.

“Which eliminates Timothy Karson as a victim of our unsub. He was stabbed with something larger, like a hunting knife but his throat was not slit. Also, there was no note.” Said Joe.

“I think it is safe t o say that Rick Hall is our fourth victim, and our unsub has crossed state lines.” Said Tom.

Phone rings. “Ferguson here.” He put it on speaker.

“Galloway it is Solanum. We have finished processing the body if you would like to come down.”

“Alright let us finish up here.” Hangs up.

“Anna, you go to the hospital and speak with the Halls. Joe, I want you to follow up with the witnesses around the scene. I will check with Solanum and see what she has. Tom can start going over the case files and see if we got a profile yet.”


Merry Meet and Blessed Be
then Merry Meet again!

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