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Rated: GC · Book · Detective · #2306086
One of a group of teens is accused of murder. Will their friendship survive?
#1058838 added November 4, 2023 at 1:18am
Restrictions: None
d 3 ptt 3
Kristin seen that they were headed for Tunning. When the warehouses had been booming, that was where many people called home. It was filled with small houses, apartment buildings and low rent residences. It was considered worse than slums now; populated by homeless squatting in what houses were still livable, pimps and their girls staying in the apartments and gangs making their presence known on the open streets.

The van pulled into a garage next to a boarded house. It looked abandoned and locked up tight. Shawn went to the back door and pounded on it three times. He then pulled on one of the boards. Two more boards slid out of the way. Each of the group slipped in through the hole.

Mitch switched on his flashlight on his phone. “Let’s go find your boyfriend.”

The house was pitch dark and dusty. Kristin could only sense Darrel, whom they were getting closer to. Mitch navigated their way through the kitchen to a room just off it. Beyond the door lay Darrel, face down and snoozing on a queen sized bed.

“Doesn’t look like someone who committed murder to me,” said Mitch.

Darrel stretched and turned over. “I was wondering when you were going to show up.”

“Yeah well you know. Sometimes we can’t get them motivated for anything,” sai
d Kristin.

“Hey I resemble that remark,” said Shawn peeking in the door. “Tyrel wants to know if we can hit the lights.”

“Let’s wait,” said Darrel. “There should be enough candles around for now.”

Kristin jumped onto the bed next to Darrel. She wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed his cheek.

“I think that’s our cue to leave,” said Mitch. He turned Shawn around and shut the door behind them.

Darrel laid back. “I found this house when I first got to Carrol County. The neighborhood wasn’t bad then. The warehouses were just starting to bottom out. I claimed squatter’s rights and the owner said I could have it if I fixed it up.”

Kristin stretched. “So what do we do now?”

“Hope for the best but be prepared for the worst,” Darrel stretched and yawned. “With the incidents we had with Rick I think they will be looking for us. For now get some rest. We’ll figure out what to do in the morning.

Kristin laid back and put her arm around Darrel. She started remembering all the incidences they had with Rick………

A couple of weeks ago everyone was talking about the death of Timothy Karson. Classes had let out and Kristin went to the girl’s locker room. The last thing on her mind was the recent obsession that Rick Hall seemed to have for her.

“Well look what we got here,” said Rick.

Kristin turned around. Rick was right in her face. Rick’s friends, Toby Bryant and Grant Mitchel were blocking the door.

Rick had that slick James Dean look that seemed so popular. Kristin knew it was all Botox and plastic surgery that had ugliness underneath. Toby Bryant looked like the monster he was; a star linebacker of the football team with a military haircut like his father so he wouldn’t have all those blonde curls. Grant Mitchel, on the other hand, had a head of black curls that looked good on him. Even though he was just the mascot of the team he had kept himself fit.

“Can’t you guys read? It says ‘girls’ on the door,” said Kristin.

Rick stepped forward pushing Kristin up against the lockers. He put hiis hand on her leg sliding it up toward the edge of her skirt. Toby Bryant stepped forward eagerly. Kristin slapped Rick’s hand away.

“That’s okay, Kris, the rougher the better,” said Toby.

Rick leaned in. Kristin pushed him back. He moved forward again and Krisstin shoved him back over the bench. She did a twist avoiding Toby’s grasp and pushed Grant out into the hallway. She kept running.

When s he got to the house Darrel was outside. She flung herself into his arms shaking. He got ther to tell him what happened.

Darrel snored and rolled over.

Two days later, Darrel and the others were headed to their favorite field for some mud football. Darrel caught sight of Rick with his Auto Club friends. They turned in that direction.

“Rick, I hear you have a problem with my girl,” said Darrel.

Mike Austin and Brian Applegate were with the usual trio. Mike was a shy geek with constantly wet brown hair and a sweaty T shirt. Brian was a bright redhead with the cocky attitude to match. They all belonged to the Auto Club called The Gators and were polishing and working on their cars.

“No problem,” said Rick, “I just thought that the five of us wouldn’t be a problem saying she was already doing the five of you.”

As Rick’s group laughed, Kristin could feel the anger in her group. Darrel hit Rick in the jaw.

Toby Bryant started moving toward Darrel. He stepped back when Tyrel stepped forward to meet him.

“Stay away from her, Rick, or you will be in a world of hurt,” said Darrel.

Rick just grinned, a trickle of blood in the corner of his mouth. “You can’t watch her twenty-four-seven and you rejects aren’t allowed near our school.”

Kristin curled up in a ball.

The day before his death, Rick made his move. Kristin was at the public library looking for books. Rick came up behind her and grabbed her bottom. When Kristin straightened up there was a knife at her throat. Rick moved h is other hand to her crotch as he spoke.

“I could take you right here and no one would do anything. We tell everyone they saw nothing, that’s what they’ll see.”

Suddenly Darrel was there. He grabbed a handful of Rick’s hair. The knife prressed against Kristin’s throat and Rick’s hand dug into her crotch.

“Darrel,” whimpered Kristin.

Darrel didn’t blink. He grabbed Rick’s knife hand and pulled it over Rick’s head.

“Let go completely Rick before I do serious injury to your back with my knee.”

Rick’s other hand slid away. Kristin put a hand to the trickle of blood at her nneck.

“Alright, Darrel, I’m okay. Let him go.”

“I told him what would happen. Am I to go back on my w ord?”

Rick turned pale and was shaking. Everyone else seemed frozen.

“Nothing will happen but your butt in jail,” said Kristin.

Kristin shivered and buried her face in the pillow.

The final incident happened the morning before Rick’s murder. Kristin was walking down the hall with her homework piled in her arms. Grant Mitchel tripped her. Rick rushed to her side. As he helped her up his hands went to her breasts and massaged. She pulled away from him and ran as everyone laughed. That afternoon, Rick and his friends were laughing about it in front of the convenience store. Shawn and Dean overheard them and told Darrel…..

It had all lead up to Kristin finding Darrel over Rick’s dead body…..

Kristin shook off the memories and cuddled against Darrel. He petted her hair.

“It’s okay we’ll get through this you’ll see.” Said Darrel.

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