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Rated: GC · Book · Detective · #2306086
One of a group of teens is accused of murder. Will their friendship survive?
#1059561 added November 16, 2023 at 4:18am
Restrictions: None
d 16 pt 17

Galloway had them escort Mitch straight to an interrogation room. Joe Marks was in the room. Tom Ferguson and Anna Morgan were observing through the one way glass.

Joe stood back as Galloway sat across the table from Mitch. Galloway shuffled the files in front of him.

"Are you Mitch Griffin, son of Thurman Griffin of Unatatex, Inc?"

Mitch was unphased by the whole proceeding. "I believe you already know that and have certainly alreaady heard from my father's company." He took out his cardboard file and absentmindedly tended his nails.

"You are a licensed realtor here in Carrol County but you also work for your father's company. You use thoses connections to provide other services to clients. What is it you do exxactly, Mr. Griffin?"

"IF you must address me, please call me Mitch. Mr. Griffin is my father."

"That doesn't answer my question."

Mitch sighed. "I am bound by company policy not to discuss my arrangements with Unatatex, Inc and cannot divulge anything without be accompanied by the company's council."

"You are asking for council then and refuse to answer anything else?"

"No, of course not. It just depends on the nature of the question."

Galloway consulted the files. "DO you know Kristin Fisher or Darrel Michaels? Do you know either of their whereabouts?"

"Does anyone ever really know anyone? I would say they are...acquaintances. They have been in my office for various reasons."

"What would they have come to your offices for on these occasions?"

"Most of that falls under client/proviider [rivileges. I could tell you in general terms without names but then I would still have to deny even knowing the client in question." Mitch leaned back, putting his feet on an angle on the table. He filed his nails, blew the dust off of them, and admired his work.

Galloway pushed Mitch's feet off the table. "What about the others that you are acquainted with? You all seem to have records with the police departmment. Tell me about Tyrel Davis, and Shawn and Dean Galloway."

Mitch turned himself so he could look GAlloway in the eyes. "Tell me, AGent Galloway, are you interested inn uus for professional or personal rreasons?"

"Galloway slammed his fist on the table."Stop talking in circles!"

There was a knock on the one way glass. Galloway gather up the files and left the interrogation room. Joe Marks followed him out. Galloway went into the observation room.

"I don't think we are going to get much out of Mitch Griffin," said Tom.

There was a knock on the door and a deputy poked his head in. "There's a hot shot big city type here named Matthew Barnes asking to see Mitch Griffin. Says he is Mitch's attorney."

"We can't keep him from seeing his client. Show him to the interrogation room." said GAlloway.

Mr. Barnes had a prim and proper manner about him. When he entered the interrogation room He knockked oon the one way glass and announced he had the right to a private conversation with his client. Galloway and the others went down to the conference room.

"What else have we learned in the past 24 hours?" asked Galloway.

"I talked to Mike Austin and his parents," said Joe. "They wouldn't come to the station without representation but they did agree to speak to me in their home. It seems that Mike was a handyman for the Karsons and, according to the parents, used to tell Timothy Karson tall tales about what ahe would do with his friends. Mike was fired from the job when one of his tales scared Tim."

"Did we get anything about what kind of tales he was telling Tim?"

"They wouldn't give us any more details without a lawyer."

"So that's it?"

"Yes, The rest of the kids were basically put on a gag order by their parents. None would talk to us without counsel>"

There is a knock and the deputy poked his head in again. "Mr Barnes says we need to charge his client with something or release him."

"Go ahead and release him," said Galloway. "We're done with Mitch Griffin."
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