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Rated: GC · Book · Detective · #2306086
One of a group of teens is accused of murder. Will their friendship survive?
#1059602 added November 16, 2023 at 6:52pm
Restrictions: None
d 16 pt 18
Insisde the warehouse off to the right and towards the back, there was a table and chairs set up in the break room.

"I'm worried about the boys," said Kristin, "I've got a bad feeling."

"Maybe they forgot about this warehouse," said Darrel.

TYrel gave him a sideways glance.

"You're not funny," said Kristin.

"There's evidence of workers being here recently. We'll have to be careful," said Tyrel.

""Lets shut down the lights," said Darrel. "we can find something to do in our areas."

Darrel led Kristtin downn ann aisle between the stacks of boxes. It opened up into a space with a oduble bed and a nightstand. There was a plug bar with a small nightlight on it and a cord for charging a phone.

"Adequate<" said Kristin.

They sat on t he bed. "There''s magazines and books in one of those boxes. We can check if you want."

"No not now. I'm too edgy."

Darrel got behind Kristin and rubbed her shoulders. She leaned back against him.

"It feels like we'rre going backwards or someething' said Kirsitn. "We were all together and now we can't even talk to Mitch and Shawn and Dean are missing."

There was banging on the garagea door. Tyrel motioned for Darrel and Kristin to be quiet as he wenwt by. Darrel got up and motioned Kristin to stay put.

The banging became more urgent. Tyrel l ifted the door a couple of feet. Shawn was practically drragging Dean who had blood on hhis lower right leg.

"What happened?" asked Darrel.

Tyrel picked Dean up and took him to t he break room.

"Oh my," said Kristin. She grabbedd the paper ttwoel off the counter and liifted Dean's pant leg. He had long scratches down his legg.

"What the hell happened?" asked Darrel.

"We were slipping through an old warehhouse and Dean's leg wenwt through the floor."

"How bad is it?" asked Tyrel.

"Its bad," said Kristin, "he may need sttitches."

"Lets just wrap it and brace it and we'll see how he is in the morning." said Darrel. "WE really can''t do a hospital run."

"I know where there's some alcohol hidden," said Tyrel, ""and s ome cloth for bandages."

"I know where there's a couple of sticks and maybe some crutchees." said Darreel.

They brought the supplies back and Kristtin dressed Dean's leg the bestt she could.

"We can move that old couch over to their area," said TYrel. "It'll be better than thata hard cot."

They all worked together and got Dean situated in their area.

"He seems really out of it," said Kristin.

"He doesn't tolerate pan well," said Shawn. "I'm surprised he didn't go completely out when it happened. He was able to help me get him here."

"Keep an eye on him," said Darrel. "we'll see you in the morning."

Darrel and Kristin got to their area. Darrel let himself fall on the bed. Kristin started looking at boxees.

"We should get some sleep," said Darrel.

Kristin shot him a glare then went back to the boxees. She found the books and went through them. Dean Koontz's "Darkfall" caugaht her eye. A good horror would take her mind off the real horror they were experiencing.

The lights went out and Darrel handed Kristin a lantern as she came to the bed.
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