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Rated: XGC · Book · Action/Adventure · #2314954
Spike Drakeson makes a wish while holding a special ring in a alleyway. Chaos is ensured!
#1064988 added February 27, 2024 at 10:41am
Restrictions: None
Day out with the Genie Sisters! Day Breaker's enticement!
Two weeks later after the grand opening, news of the cafe spread like wildfire. As the days went by, more and more customers soon arrived to partake in the confections and performances of the dancers.

Even the classes at night for belly dances was a big hit. So big of a hit they had to schedule lessons for only twent-five poeple a night for five days a week.

But the biggest surprise was when Spike gave each of the girls a pay for there hard work. They tried to say no to it, saying they could just conjure up whatever they wanted, but Spike was determined to set a few rules down to keep from suspicion of any customers down and out.

~Day After Grand Opening~

The day after the grand opening, Spike is seen handing out a envolope to each of the girls, and explained what was inside of them was a equal amount of the tips they made after dividing it up among the eight of them.

Confused, each of them looked inside to find they each had a grand total of three hundred dollars. As they began handing the money back to him, held a hand up, as if telling them to keep it.

"No, you girls keep it. This way if you decide to go out, you won't have to conjure the money up with the possibility of being caught using magic. Plus, it'll give you girls time to go out and explore when your not working or training, and who knows, you might make a few friends you can connect with, maybe even help you realize your full potential."
~End Flashback~
~Present Time~

Yeah, Spike remembered that day clearly. It took him a whole hour to get them to understand how money made today exactly worked. Especially when he found himself in a hug with eight pairs of breast sufficating the air out of him.

'At least if I did die that time, I would of been a happy with how I went to the next life. It was really comfy feeling all that- NO!! Bad Spike! No pervy thoughts today!!'

Dressed in brown leather boots, blue jeans, a red T-shirt, and grey vest. Placing a pair of black leather wrist bands with a dragon's head insignia on them, he finnished dressing by placing a watch onto his arms. Spike looked himself in the mirror before heading outside his bedroom, and out of his apartment to find a certain pair of genies dressed and waiting for him. Upon seeing the two, he blushed at how they dressed so there fashion sense matched there interests.

Looking at them, he see's they were wearing the same light blue sleeveless shirt with small holes in the shape of six pointed stars in the center of their shirts, just above there bussoms, to show the valleys that where hidden away squeezed together tightly. But to his surprise, Sci-Twi went with a violiet skirt with a picture of her cutie mark as a patch on her right side with white leggings, violet knee-high socks, and white sneakers. As for Tilight, she had jean shorts with, and just like her sister, she had her cutie mark patched into the design on the left side pocket, lavender knee-high socks, and blue sneakers.

"Hey girls, sorry if I kept you two waiting. Had a few things to handle."

Turning to him, the sisters grinned as he approached them. Only to turn into love filled gazes as they took in his attire. Only for Twilight to snap out of it when she felt a bit of drool on her lower lip.

"It's okay Spike. We weren't waiting that long."

Giggling as she brought herself back from her lust filled fantasy from her day dream, Sci-Twi brought herself back under control as well.

"Um, yeah! Your good Spike. But are you sure the girls will be okay running the cafe without us? They are just rookie genies after all. Anything could happen if something goes wrong."

Chuckling, Spike set a reassuring smile on his face as he began to walk with the sisters towards the bus stop nearby.

"They'll be okay with Diane in charge as assistant manager. Plus Carmelita can act as security if need be while working as a waitress. Pluss Cynder can handle herself in a fight as extra muscle if needed. And Renamon and Black Renamon can just disappear if they need to, and the audience will still think that it's part of the show. Plus, like you just said Sci-Twi, they are rookie genies. This will be good practice for them for when they find there own future masters."

Tilting her head a bit, Twilight was still a bit worried about leaving the cafe in the hands of the rookie genies.

"But what about Amy and Rouge? What can they do if trouble arrises?"

Chuckling, Spike only nodded as he worked to reassure the doubts in the minds of the sisters.

"Turns out Rouge can pack a mean kick when needed. As for Amy, apparrently she has a expandable hammer, and she knows how to use it too. Can even just poof it back to her hand if she looses her grip or throws it. Plus, I think that all of you are still sore that Cynder won the contest on Nightmare Night."

At the mention of the Nightmare Night contest, both genie girls began to get irritated, due to the fact she won by putting a picture of herself in a bikini with each order that was sent out. Noticing this, Spike gently kissed the two on the cheek, causing them to forget of the contest and blush furiously from the contact.

As the trio make it to the bus stop, the three took a seat on the bench. With each girl taking a spot next to Spike on either side of him, he began to blush as he felt there generous bussoms press into his arms. Taking the peace in, Twilight had to ask a question that was nagging at her for most of the morning.

"So Spike, what's the plan? You kind of left us in the dark when you told us we had to go with you into town today."

Chuckling, Spike only shook his head as Sci-Twi began to give him her best puppy dog eyes. He kind of wished he had his phone.

"Yeah, what is with all the mystery sneaky planning your doing? You really got us wanting to know what your up to, Spike! So please, tell us? Pretty please, with a cute wittle tiny smiling cherry on top?"

Shaking his head, he noticed the bus just pulling up to the stop. Standing up, he moved forward before looking to the two girls.

"Nice try girls, but if you want to know what I'm planning, then you'll just have to wait and see."

Pouting at having failed to get him to spill his plan of taking them out somewhere, the two sisters followed him as he paid the fair for the three of them before taking there seats as the bus began to drive deep into the city.

Deep into Cantorlot City, the three stepped off the bus after arriving to there destination. Looking around, the two genie sisters where in pure aw of the location they were standing in front of.

It was a two story building that was as long as a football field with many different stores, different food stands, movie theater, and a arcade area. To Spike, this was paradise.

But to the two genies, there drooling faces told Spike that this place was heaven for the two of them.

Seeing the girl like this, Spike chuckled as he led them inside.

"Girls, welcome to Canterlot City Mall. A great place to relax while shopping, talk with friends, enjoy a good movie, and many more things to list off. And today, I'm treating the two of you to a day here, as a way of saying thank you. So today, we are going to enjoy a day here at this place of many choices. "

Following Spike, they continued till they spotted a few stores that interested them, as a gleam came to each of there eyes.

It was then that a all too familliar chill went up his spine. A all too familliar chill he knew all too well that ussually left a good sized dent in his wallet, and a pain in his back the next day.

As the sisters grabbed his arms and began to lead him to the first store, poor Spike began to re-think his idea of repaying the two genies.

'I can already hear the funneral bells ringing for my wallet. Hopefully it won't as bad as I think it's going to be.'
~Shopping Montage~
Book Emporium

With the bookstore known as the 'Book Emporium,' one would see shelf after shelf of books of all genre's.

Upon further inspection, one could see a violet blur moving from one shelf to another in very high speeds, with Spike and Sci-Twi watching from a distance as Twilight went on a book frenzy throughout the store.

Tech Universe

The next stop left Spike and Twilight speechless as the tech store known as 'Tech Universe,' they both watch as Sci-Twi runs around as she looks for anything to update not just her sound system at the cafe, but also the Dell laptop she bought.

Thinking, Spike smiled as he relaxed a bit, thinking of how much this'll cost in the end.

'Well, least I got a new phone before letting her loose in here. Maybe I'll take Sci-Twi's offer to make it genie proof.'

Looking over his shoulder and to his new phone in wonder, she tried to poke it, only for Spike to grab her finger between his thumb and index finger, and shaking his head no.

Chuckling nervously, she placed her hands back behind her back.

Arcadium Arcade

At the center of the mall, we see a two story store filled with nothing but arcade games for every age. Currently, we see Spike standing in front of a dance game machine, watching with a heavy blush upon his face as he watched the sisters dance battle against each other. Both skillfully allowing there bodies to act seductively with each movement they made.

Looking around, he saw as many young teenage boys began to record them as they danced. Thinking, he took his new phone out and began to record the two as they danced, making he got clear view of Sci-Twi's hip bounce, making her skirt to give a peek of her purple panties, and Twilight as she seductively ran her hands around her bussom.

At the end, the sisters are seen back to back, each with a raised arm into the air as they intertwined there hands, putting there free hands together to form a heart aimed straight at Spike. With a loud applause, the teo took a bow before returning to Spike's sides and headed out.

~End Shopping Montage~

Currently sitting at a table in the food court, with shopping bags full of items around there feet, the three were enjoying eating a pizza together. To Spike's amusement, it was a dish that seemed to act as catnip to the two of them as they gushed over how good it tasted.

Chuckling, Spike was tempted to take a picture of them, but stopped himself as he figured he could do it anytime.

"So girls, you two have fun?"

Snapping out of there gushing states, both girls relaxed as they in turn got dreamy eyes towards him with Twilight answering first.

"Yeah, we had a great time Spike. Thank you for this."

Taking a sip of her drink, Sci-Twi fixed her glasses a bit as her mind raced with a few idea's to thank him.

"It was really thoughtful of you to do this Spike. Thank you."

Looking at the time, Spike noticed it was getting late. Not wanting to be out late at night, Spike began to cover the pizza back in the box and picks it and the many bags back into his arms.

"Well, we best be heading back to home ladies. We may of had today off, but we have work tomorrow."

Nodding in agreement, both girls picked up a single shopping bag before guiding poor Spike back to the bus stop to head home.

Far out of the city, and out into the country was a giant patch of land filled with thousands upon thousands of tree's. But, upon further inspection, many notice that the tree's produced a certain fruit, and upon seeing what fruit the tree's brings forth.

Apples. Acres and acres of apples.

But not just any kind of apple's. These were the apple's of the Apple family farm. World famous for there Zap Apple Jam that the matriarch of the family, known to all as Granny Smith Apple.

Infact, as we move to the center area, we see a renovated giant red barn turned two story house, was a eighty-five year old woman, with white and grey hair, dressed in a green sun dress with frills along the bottom, and two rings on her right hand fingers. Rocking in her wooden rocking chair on the porch of her home, she took in the piece and quiet of the farm itself as a whole.

Looking out to the fields as the night sky showed it's star filled beauty, she took time to close her eyes and take a small nap. Allowing the peaceful sounds of nature to sooth her mind of all thoughts of work done during the day.



Only to be abruptly opened as her cell phone decided to pull her back to reality as it began to ring. Picking her phone off the table, she grew tense at seeing who was calling.

Picking it up, she swiftly answered it, and began to internally pray that everything was okay.

"Well hello Miss Day Breaker. How can ah be of service to you this fine evening? Need more of my apple treats for you to enjoy?"

Hearing a light giggle on the other end, she relaxed a bit.

'No, but I do have a job for you. That is, if you want some more hands working on the apple farm.'

Raising a brow, Granny began to wonder what she had in mind. With harvest time just around the corner, and tens of thousands of apples to pick, she needed all the help she could get.

"Oh? Okay then, what do you have in mind Miss Day Breaker?"

'Well, there is this new little cafe in town. It's called 'The Dragon's Harem Maid Cafe.`

Getting a bit serious, Granny began to wonder where this was all leading to.

"Oh? And what pray tell is so interesting about the cafe?"

Hearing a giggle, Granny's interest perked as Day Breaker said the next few words to hook her into the propolsal.

'Let's just say the place is a goldmine for genies just looking for a new master.~'
~Author's Note~

And so, Spike's day with the twins was amazing!
Yet, it seem's Day Breaker has decided to get right to work on obtaining Spike's genies.
Will he be able to handle things? Will he end up losing everything?
Only one way to find out, stay tuned...

"May your creativity continue to run wild for all to enjoy!"
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