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Rated: XGC · Book · Action/Adventure · #2314954
Spike Drakeson makes a wish while holding a special ring in a alleyway. Chaos is ensured!
#1064995 added February 27, 2024 at 11:26am
Restrictions: None
Harem War: Spike Drakeson VS. Granny Smith Apple (Part 1)

Sighing, Spike placed a serious face as he looked to Granny Smith. Stealing his nerves, he looked her in the eyes.

"Okay Granny Smith Apple, I accept your wager. May the best one win."

It was then time became frozen, and everything went black.
~Present Time~

Looking around, scared of why everything went dark, Spike began to worry about what he just got not just himself and the two genie sisters truly into when he agreed to the challenge.

"W-What's going on?! W-What's h-happening?!"

Hearing a chuckling, he turned to see Granny Smith perfectly calm. It made him feel as if she knew something he didn't.

"Oh, calm down Spike. Your more jumpy then that new born pony you tried to ride when ya was a kid, only to fall off after it started to run at full gallop . Time has been frozen and we are just being sent to the arena for our little challenge. Whatever the challenge may be, of course..."

Looking to her, he raised a brow at what she said, totally confused at what was happening.

"Wait! You promised you wouldn't tell anyone of that day! And on another note, what do you mean by arena?"

Chuckling, Granny began to only laugh as the twin genies began giggling. It wasn't everyday that they could hear about a funny story on a master's past.

Calming herself, Granny eyed the two genies near Spike, wondering which she'll be facing. It kind of confused her of how he had only a single ring, and yet had two genies standing at his side.

'When Day Breaker spoke to me, she said something about his ring being special somehow. But for the life of me, ah just can't seem to remember what it was all about though...'

Watching the two girls acting lovingly to the young man made her heart ache. Knowing she had to take them from the young man she helped to raise, she almost wanted to call off the challenge, and surrender her one of her rings.

'No! Ah have to do this! I'm a loyal servant to Day Breaker! Even though it pains me, ah can't back out now!'

It was then a bright flash erupted through the darkness, blinding all who was present. Within a moment, Spike felt new ground below his feet, and was amazed at what he saw around him.

'We are so not in Kansas anymore.'

Looking around, he see's that he was what looked like a collesseum from Roman times. With it all built out of granite, he see's that it could easily fit over a million people. Looking around, he noticed that the rookie genies from his store were there, waving flags, and dressed as cheerleaders, just cheering him on.

~"Let's go Spike!~
~Let's go Spike!~
~Kick some ass and do it right!~
~Gooooo..... Spike!!"~

To hear them cheering made his heart flutter. Yet, at the same time made him blush a new shade of crimson as he saw there assets shake and jiggle all about freely in bikini like cheerleader uniforms as they danced around.

'I love these girls, but they really know how to make my mind go straight to the gutter when I need it to be focusing on what I'm doing. But then again, maybe I could have a few televissions wished up and hold a sports day with them dressed as cheerleaders. If I ain't mistaken, it was in the suggesttion box.'

Seeing him looking to the 'cheer squad', both Sci-Twi and Twilight became a bit miffed. Wraping themselves around his arms, they turned him back around, being sure to dig his arms into there breasts, causing him to blush a few shades of crimson.

Hearing a bit of laughter, Spike's focus returned to Granny Smith. Watching her laughing and doing her best to calm down, he relaxed as remembered times when the two of them often playef pranks on one another. Sometimes it would of ended up in a all out prank war with her winning most the time.

"Hahaha! You should see your face! It hasn't been that red since ah found ya looking at pic's of girls wearing skimpy cosplaying outfits on the computer during your last year in highschool! HAHAHA!!"

Hearing this, the twin genies smirked towards Spike, causing him to blush even harder as part of his past was revealed to them for future references.

'~HAHAHA! Granny Smith Apple! You really know how to crack me up and liven things up around here!~'

Hearing a ominous voice from out of no where, Spike looked around frantically, searching for the source of the new voice.

Hearing a ominous voice from out of no where, Spike looked around frantically, searching for the source of the new voice.

It wasn't till a flash of light was seen between him and Granny that the source was found. Standing dressed in black combat boots, black pants, and a white shirt with black stripes running horizontally, stood a brown haired man that looked to be in his sixties. With a sharp tooth coming out of his upper lip, and yellow eyes with his scalera being blue in his left eye, and red in his right, he stood at five foot six.

"Haha! Discord, good to see ya again. Kinda wish it was under better circumstances. Meet my next challenge, Spike Drakeson. Spike, meet the owner of this place, the Lord of Chaos himself, Discord Dragonicus."

Looking to Spike, the now named Discord is surprised at meeting a new master. Yet, at the same time he felt like Spike looked familiar to him. Like a friend he met centuries ago.

"So, your the young Spike Drakeson? Granny told me so much about you young man. Gotta admit though, never expected to see you going against Granny here for your first Harem War."

Putting a hand out to him, Discord waited to see what the young blood would do. Sensing no ill intent coming from him, Spike carefully reached out and shook his hand.


Only to quickly pull back from a shock that was so intense, his hair stood straight up, and was smoking from the tips. Hearing laughter, he looked around and saw everyone present laughing at his misfortune, only to soon join in on laughing at his own humility.

"Joy buzzer, a classic that can't be beat. I bow my head to you Discord in utter defeat."

Calming himself, Discord snapped his fingers. In a flash of light, a gold crown, and for some reason ,a pair of giant googly eye glasses appeared on his head. Wrapping a arm around Spike's shoulder, he pulled him in close.

"I like you kid. You know how to take a joke and have some fun with it."

Chuckling, Spike handed him a bussiness card for the cafe.

"Well, if you ever want to come by, your always welcome. That is as long as you promise not to cause any trouble for other customers, and employee's of course."

Raising his left hand up, and his crown turning into a small cap from a scout troop, he placed his hand over his heart. Smiling, Discord magically placed the card away.

"Scouts honor! If I ever do visit your cafe, I'll be as kind to everyone as you have been to me."

It was then everyone in the place went quiet and stared at the man with deadpan faces. Looking to him, all but Spike had the same thought running through there minds.

'He was never a boy scout.'

It was then Discords face became serious, getting the attention of everyone present. Clapping his hands, a spinning roulette wheel appeared on a wooden table with different challenges listed in place of the numbers ussually seen. Pulling a metal marble from out of nowhere, Discord looked to Spike.

"Now then, seeing as this is your first time here Spike, I'm going to explain how this works. When placing a challenge for a harem war, both competitors must agree upon a bet. When that is done and both parties are in agreement, they are brought here, where there challenge is chosen via roulette wheel. In place of the numbers are different challenges for your genies to compete in. May it be a simple game of strip poker, which is a very high favorite by most masters of genies. All the way up to a difficult battle between genies from both sides."

Nodding his head, he didn't notice as both Twilight and Sci-Twi began to fidget at the mention of strip poker.

"So, without further a do, lets see what challenge you shall face! Roulette, ready, GO!"

Snapping his fingers, Discord ran magic into the roullet wheel, causing it to start spinning at a high speed. Placing the metal ball into the wheel, everyone watched with bated breathe as both the wheel and metal marble began to slow.

Watching closely with anticipation, everyone watched as the wheel came to a stop, with the marble in one of the slots. Looking, Discord grinned with pleasure at that the challenge shall be.

"Alright! Congratulations, for your challenge to compete in has been chosen, and boy is it a doozy of a challenge. Today, you'll both be taking on the challenge known as..."

Somewhere off in the distance, a pair of gloves were playing a drum set, adding to the anticipation of what is to come.

"...the a-MAZE-ing Race! Haha! Ya see what I did there?"

With that, he snapped his fingers, placing both Granny and Spike on opposing sides, with Twilight and Sci-Twi back in his ring. Looking at where he was, he noticed in the area he was in was a padded stonr royal chair both he and Granny were currently sitting in with what looked like multiple ring case's in front of him. Looking across from him, he spotted Granny sitting in a similar seat as his.

But what he saw below him was what really got to him. Down below was Discord standing in front of the entrance of the biggest maze he ever seen full of twists, turns, and dead ends. Just looking at it, it reminded him of his Dungeons and Dame's contests he used to enter when he was younger.

"Okay you two, listen up! Here is how the challenge goes. You'll each choose a ring containing a genie to enter the maze. They enter, and try to reach the center first. But be warned, there are traps, riddles, and creatures roaming the place to slow them down. First genie to the center of the maze is the winner! Now, choose your genie ring!"

Confused of how to choose, Spike looked to Granny and saw her remove a ring. Looking to his own ring, he gently grabbed it and was surprised that he could remove it.

Shaking the shock off, he took a guess of placing the ring into a case, and closed it. It then he watched as a beam of light shot out of the case from both his and Granny's respective places, both aimed at the entrance of the maze.

Watching his stream, he saw it split into two seperate streams before forming into Twilight Sparkle and Sci-Twi, both dressed in there respective harem attire. Looking to Granny, he saw her jaw literally drop at seeing two genies come from a single beam.

"What the hay?! Why did two genies come from your beam?! Discord! Is this aloud?"

Going into the rulebook, Discord looked through the chapters before going to Spike's space and indeed seen two seperate souls inhabit the same ring. To his surprise, he found nothing in the rule book on it.

"I find no rule against it, and I sense two genie souls inhabiting the same ring. Given the evidence, I'll allow the two genies to participate in the challenge."

Grumbling, Granny looked down to her beam as it too formed a person's shape. As the light died down, Spike's eyes almost bulged out from the beauty that stood at the ready was Granny Smith's choice.

There standing with a well tanned feminine muscular build at a height of six foot seven, Spike can see that the mystery girl was no slouch. Wearing light brown sweatpants with matching tube top containing her generous D-cup breasts, only to be partially covered in a short sleeved flannel shirt tied just under her bussom, allowing her well toned abs to be on display for all to see. He also took notice thst she was wearing brown cowgirl boots, brown leather work gloves, and a large brown stetson hat. For a belly ring, she had a emerald with a picture of three red apples inside.

"Holy crap! Amazon's do exist!"
~Author's Note~

Oh man! Will Spike be able to lead Twilight and Sci-Twi to victory?
Or will Granny Smith come out on top and get a few new hands to help out on the farm?
Which ring did she choose to enter this challenge?

Only one way to find out: "Stay Tuned..."

Dang my fingers hurt like heck. Glad I got the chapter up for all to enjoy!

"May your creativity continue to run wild for all to enjoy!!"
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