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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/1071231-Family-Member
Rated: 13+ · Book · Experience · #2171316
As the first blog entry got exhausted. My second book
#1071231 added May 17, 2024 at 2:33am
Restrictions: None
Family Member
When I got married I was told to give happiness to your husband physically and mentally is your duty....

But when married, it came to know that in India a girl is not married to just a boy, but to an entire family in which mother-in-law, sister-in-law and brother-in-law.
And the husband finally comes

Now when I realized it I'm scared that I can't handle myself how can I handle 4 5 people

Just as I got married and a new family adopted me life changed completely in one night I became a home girl to someone's daughter in law,
I saw in my friends that immediately after marriage they started fighting with their in-laws I never wanted this to happen to me

All went well for a few days of marriage but after some time. I was getting shocked in the eyes of the family members

When I spoke this to my husband he told me
First of all get out of your mind that your mother is your house and your in-laws are your in-laws.
Actually this is your house, as open as it will be. And others try to understand the easier you will be

And that's what they said to the rest of the family members he is the member of the same house if it's wrong explain it if you don't get it then scold it
And I also told that if you were a stranger, no member of the family will scold you or explain you.

I also listened to this carefully and I did some work

Started spending too much time with my mother in law, tried to understand her
And I understand the woman who has been handling the house for the past 40 years will never want them to be taken away

So if I had to do anything now I would ask her know she would never deny but still ask her everything
This made them realize that they are still valued at home
Because she was getting old, I would have done her simple work on my side.
Now I was the favorite of mother-in-law at home, my mother-in-law started believing me more than my sister-in-law.
When mother-in-law was happy, she would have praised my father-in-law. When mother-in-law was happy, father was also happy.

Now, sister-in-law, and brother-in-law, did not have to do much for them, just make what they want to eat and if you don't feel like tell your mother they are demanding food.
And besides that both younger than me so behaved like a friend slowly all happy

And today is the situation that I feel that he is my in-laws
And not to my family that this has come from outside

When every member of the family is happy, then husband is also happy and satisfied himself.

Nowadays girls get married and after few days of marriage, they start to break up with their family.

Same thing happened to me too but because of my husband's innocence I stopped it ahead of time
We should first understand that the in-laws have their own home and mother-in-law will be with us for the whole life.
If the family members are happy then the husband will automatically be happy
And what if the whole house is happy

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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/1071231-Family-Member