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As the first blog entry got exhausted. My second book
Evolution of Love Part 2
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July 23, 2024 at 1:40pm
July 23, 2024 at 1:40pm

Ethiopia is old, even older than Egypt, but its
antiquity is somewhat different. While Egypt was the world's first indisputable nation-state, unique in its complex politico-religious system augmented by magnificent material remains and a corpus of epic literature, in Ethiopia, the very cradle of mankind, the material evidence of its ancient civilisation alone attests to its former glory.

The Ancient Egyptians, from the earliest times, kept records of their kings and this chronology is central to the chronological structure of the early Aegean, Levantine and Mesopotamian civilisations. It is, however, of no import to Ancient Ethiopia. If the
Ethiopians did keep records, these have either been lost for ever or not yet discovered. The attempts by unnamed writers to compile an Ethiopian king-list -- the Kebra Negast or Book of the Glory of Kings -- from
the Queen of Sheba to the rise of the Zagwe dynasty, is believed to be a 13th-century creation; its aim seems to have been to establish the political credentials of the so-called Solomonic dynasty, an Ethiopian king-list that traces the rulers of Ancient Axum to Menelik I (originally Bin Ha Malik, The King's
Son), the son of the "Israelite" King Solomon and the "Ethiopian" Queen Makeda, the Queen of Sheba.

Confusingly, the Queen of Sheba features prominently in the oral and written traditions of Ethiopia, Yemen and ancient Israel. The Yemenis saw her as a South Arabian queen, the Ethiopians as Axumite. In Arabic her name is Bilquis, in Ethiopia Makeda and in the biblical language of the Israelites she is known as
the Queen of Sheba. To add to the confusion,
historians suggest that King Solomon must have reigned around the 10th century BC. It is difficult to decipher fact from fiction, but archaeological evidence is indisputable and it reveals that Axum was founded a millennium later.

LUCY-DINKENESH: Ethiopia easily claims the longest archaeological record of any country in the world. It is in Ethiopia that the story of the evolution of mankind began. The remains of the earliest ancestral humans or hominids have been found there. Butwhile sophisticated civilisations historically developed on the Ethiopian highlands, in many parts of the
mountains and rugged country, many of its peoples retained a material existence not much different from the hunter-gathering lifestyles of our ancestral hominids.

Two Ethiopian regions stand out as preeminent sites favoured for habitation by the early hominids -- the Omo Valley in thesouthwestern part of the country, and the Afar or Danakil Depression. To this day, these remote and inhospitable regions remain largely cut off
from the outside world. They form different parts of Africa's Great Rift Valley, which runs from central Africa, through the eastern part of the continent, dissecting the Horn of Africa, dividing Arabia from Africa, marking out the outlines of the Sinai Peninsula, and ending somewhat unobtrusively with the
Gulf of Aqaba and the River Jordan Valley.

The Omo Valley and the Danakil Depression are markedly different in landscape and terrain. The latter is a desolate and dreary desert, 100 metres below sea leveland one of the hottest places on earth, while the Omo
Valley is a veritable Garden of Eden with a rich and luxuriant tropical flora and teaming with exotic fauna.

Remains of Australopithecus Afarensis, an early hominid dating as far back as four million years, have been found in an almost complete state in the Danakil Depression, which was not always the arid desert it is
today. When the early hominids roamed the Afar region, it was a well-watered and wooded savanna country. In 1974 archaeologists excavating sites in the Awash
River Valley discovered the skeletal remains of a female hominid whom they promptly named "Lucy" (apparently because they were listening to the song Lucy in the Sky With Diamonds by the Beetles). The diminutive three-and-half-feet tall Lucy -- known as
Dinkenesh or "Thou art beautiful" inAmharic,
Ethiopia's official language -- lived some 3.5 million years ago. Her skeletal remains are now deposited at the National Museum of Addis Ababa, which is also home to a host of other prehistoric remains.

THE ANTECEDENTS OF AXUM: The history of Ethiopia goes back a long way. The profusion of Stone Age tools and cave paintings hint at the industriousness and vibrancy of the lifestyles of the earliest Ethiopians and attests to the country's antiquity. During the Chalcolithic Age (6200-3000 BC) the inhabitants began
cultivating grains and crops that are still much in use in Ethiopia today. Indigenous grasses and grains, such as teff, from which the national Ethiopian sour pancake-like moist bread is made, began to be extensively cultivated as a staple food. The ensete, a
root crop known as the false banana because the plantresembles the banana tree but bears no edible fruit, was also grown in the southern and central parts of the Ethiopian Highlands. Sorghum, barley and buckwheat were also cultivated.

From late prehistoric times patterns of livelihood were established that were to become characteristic of Ethiopia down through the ages and right up to contemporary times. The Early Bronze Age (3000 BC)
witnessed the domestication of cattle, a process which had started much earlier in neighbouring Sudan. At this stage of development, regular interaction between
the indigenous peoples of Ethiopia and their
neighbours first began.

The close proximity of the Ethiopian highlands to the Red Sea has always provided the main line of external communication. This stretch of water has, since time immemorial, provided a means of transport and the Ancient Egyptians recorded voyages to the Land of Punt -- God's Land. To them, Punt was the most ancient country, a sacred territory.

Queen Hatshepsut in the 18th dynasty (1540-1304 BC) dispatched a diplomatic and trading mission to Punt, beautifully depicted on her funerary temple at Deir Al-Bahri. Punt was also the source of a host of exotic goods such as gold, ivory, ostrich feathers, animal
skins and hides.

Egyptian legends sometimes referred to Punt as a land ruled by serpent-kings. Interestingly enough, material and literary evidence suggest some form of serpent-worship before the advent of Christianity in
Ethiopia. Could then, Ethiopia be the Punt of the Egyptians? To carry the argument further, the sturdy tankwas, or papyrus canoes, that ply Lake Tana -- the source of the Blue Nile -- are curiously reminiscent of the Ancient Egyptian reed boats.

The Hebrews, too, seem to have maintained links with Ancient Ethiopia. The marital union of the Queen of Sheba and King Solomon was not the first biblical reference to a Hebrew-Ethiopian marriage. According to the Bible Moses had an Ethiopian wife. "And Miriam and Aaron spake against Moses because of the Ethiopian woman whom he had married: for he had married an Ethiopian woman," we read in the Book of Numbers.

Ethiopia appears in the King James Version 45 times. Most references to Ethiopia are cited in the Old Testament, not always in the most favourable light. Still, there appears to have been some familiarity with Ethiopian geography in the Levant with frequent
biblical references to the rivers of Ethiopia, such as Gihon.

The centrality of the Solomonic link to the Ethiopian heritage is challenged by concrete archaeological evidence. "The Queen of Sheba is clearly recalled as a contemporary of King Solomon, whose reign must be placed around the 10th century BC. There is no archaeological evidence that the site of Axum was settled until one thousand years after this date,"
argues David W Phillipson in Ancient Ethiopia,
published by British Museum Press, 1998.

AXUM: This most celebrated state of Ancient Ethiopia could, in its heyday, be compared in grandeur with the empires of Rome, Persia and Ancient China. Among the most imposing features of its material culture are
monumental stelae that mark the burial catacombs of Axumite kings. Some 120 survive today -- many in a dilapidated state of disrepair. The largest is over 30 metres long, albeit no longer standing upright. It was
the largest single stone ever quarried in the ancient world. The stelae of Axum are grave markers with which catacombs are invariably associated. Shafts, underground passages and chambers are always found nearby. Alas, most of the burial chambers were looted in antiquity, and only a few broken grave-goods were left by robbers

Byzantine Greek and Roman references to Axum -- a prosperous state which at its zenith stretched from Nubia to Yemen and Hejaz, and encompassed much of the Horn of Africa -- abound. The kingdom, in conjunction
with the Nabateans and southern Arabians, apparently held a monopoly over the spice and incense trade.

Relations between Axum and some of its other
neighbours remain unclear. We know that Axum's fabled King Ezana (who reigned from 325 to 360 AD) controlled Mero' (the once thriving Nubian kingdom) and Yemen as
well as the Red Sea coast up to Suakin in Sudan. We know also that Ezana's armies overran Mero' when it was in its last throes. A trilingual inscription, vaguely reminiscent of the Rosetta Stone, was erected by Ezana recording his victories over the Nubians in
three languages -- Sabaean, Ge'ez and Greek.

The Axumite empire's heartland was the highlands of northern Ethiopia and southern Eritrea. The most impressive ruins are to be found in the northern Ethiopian region of Tigray, and to a lesser extent in Eritrea. The capital, Axum, in northern Tigray still
stands today -- a mere shadow of its former glory.

Axum's rulers assumed the title of Negust Nagast, King of Kings, and started minting coins that provide an interesting chronology of the rulers of Axum. No other kingdom in Africa south of the Sahara did this, and
the study of the Axumite coinage system reveals muchabout the development of the political structure, religion and culture of the ancient empire. For example, the earliest Axumite coins bore the crescent and sun-disc, or crescent and star -- designs characteristic of the pagan religion where moon and
sun worship was prevalent. Later, when Christianity was officially adopted as a state religion, the cross replaced the crescent and sun-disc as state emblems engraved on official Axumite coins. Many of the earliest coins also had Greek inscriptions but, as
Axum grew in importance, the Greek inscriptions were replaced by Ge'ez inscriptions (see box).

Christianity was adopted as a state religion in
Ethiopia in the fourth century AD. According to tradition, two Christian youths from Tyre, Aedesius and Frumentius, were shipwrecked on the Red Sea coast of what is today Eritrea. They were taken to Axum, became tutors of the future king, and later Frumentius
left Ethiopia for Alexandria and asked the Coptic Patriarch of Egypt to send a bishop to head the nascent Ethiopian Church. Frumentius was consecrated. He assumed the name Abuna Salama, initiating a tradition, whereby the Archbishops of the Ethiopian
Orthodox Church were consecrated by the Coptic Pope, which lasted until the early 1970s.

ETHIOPIA AND YEMEN: The history of Ancient Ethiopia cannot be separated from that of Ancient Yemen, whose recorded history stretches back over 3,000 years. Archaeological evidence shows that settled agricultural communities were established in the Yemeni highlands by the third millennium BC. Urban
centres soon developed supported by the surrounding farming countryside. Masonry flourished and monumental sculptures and massive stone architecture were erected. Sophisticated irrigation works were also
constructed which attest to a high degree of material sophistication. States like Hadhramaut, Saba, with it capital Ma'rib, and later Himyar thrived as industrious mercantile nations that monopolised the spice and incense trade of the ancient world.

Successive civilisations of Mineans, Sabaeans and Himyarites interacted closely with their counterparts in Ethiopia. The precise nature of the relationship between the people who inhabited Ancient Yemen and their contemporaries across the Red Sea in Ethiopia is unknown. What is clear, however, is that due to geographical proximity, strong cultural and trading links developed between the most celebrated of Ancient Yemeni civilisations, Saba, and the peoples of Ethiopia. Archaeological research based on the results
of excavations and the study of extant monuments and artefacts by Western and Ethiopian scholars reveal growing cultural and trade contacts between them.

It is difficult to acertain how far Axum, the most glorious of Ethiopia's earliest civilisations, can be viewed as a direct heir to Saba. The mystification is deepened by the confusion between Sheba, a variation of Saba, and Ethiopia in the Bible and other mediaeval
documents. Sheba, or the Kingdom of the South, could equally refer to either Yemen or Axum.

That controversy apart, there is no doubt that the cultures and histories of Saba and Ethiopia were inextricably intertwined. The Sabaeans were highly skilled masons and water engineers and, not many centuries after they constructed the Ma'rib Dam,
walled cities and other architectural wonders, similar structures began to be erected in Ethiopia.

Scholars claim that some 2,500 years ago, successive waves of Semitic people from southern Arabia crossed
the Red Sea into what is now Ethiopia, they brought with them their Semitic language and script. Around the fifth century BC, there is archaeological evidence to show that the Semitic influences intensified. Sabaean merchants and perhaps armies moved across the Red Sea into Ethiopia, as attested by the many Sabean inscriptions dating to that period. In time they produced a pre-Axumite culture which ripened into a proto-Axumite culture.

We know next to nothing of the pagan religion of the Axumites. In sharp contrast, much is known today about the Ancient Egyptian religious beliefs and practices. We know the names and attributes of Ancient Egyptian
gods and goddesses, but little is known about the nature of worship in Ancient Ethiopia -- save perhaps that serpents were sacred creatures and maybe the sun, moon and stars were worshipped, as in Ancient Arabia.
Archaeological evidence suggests that South Arabian gods and goddesses were worshipped in Ethiopia before the advent of Christianity. Nothing, though, is conclusive. Archaeological evidence points to the influx of settlers and cultural influences from Yemen, across the Red Sea, into Ethiopia at least about 800
BC, in all probability much earlier. The Red Sea proved no impediment to trade and cultural exchange. Yemen at the time was at the centre of a trading network that linked Egypt and the eastern Mediterranean world -- what is today Greece, Turkey and the Levant -- with Yemen and onwards to Oman, the Arabian Gulf, present day Iraq, Iran and India, perhaps even beyond. In Yemen, the Minaean Civilisation was absorbed or superseded by the celebrated Sabaean Civilisation about 1000 BC. Trade relations were revolutionised when the inhabitants of
Arabia domesticated the dromedary, or one- humped camel, in the 11th century BC.

The domestication of the dromedary made it easier to transport goods over more desolate regions. The spice trade was the mainstay of the economy. The Sabaeans were great builders and the imposing dam they
constructed near Ma'rib, their capital, stands
testimony to their accomplished architectural skills. They lived in multistoried apartment blocks in walled cities with monumental gates. From the windows and door designs on the Axumite stelae, it appears that these particular Sabaean colonists probably settled in Ethiopia in much the same way as Europeans settled in America. Indeed, interaction between Yemen and Ethiopia in ancient times is sometimes compared with
the historical relationship between Europe and America, with the Red Sea as substitute for the Atlantic Ocean.

The Sabaeans united southern Arabia into a single political entity by the third century BC. By the time of the birth of Jesus Christ, they had expanded their empire to include Ethiopian lands across the Red Sea.
With Sabaean power waning in the fifth and sixth centuries AD, their empire was conquered by the Ethiopians in 525. The Sabaean civilisation endured for 14 centuries lasting from around 800 BC to 600 AD. And as Saba declined, Axum arose. The tables were soon
turned and Ethiopia had the upper hand. For many centuries afterwards, Yemen remained under Axumite suzerainty.

Trade and cultural exchanges between Sabaean Yemen and Ancient pre-Axumite Ethiopia were strengthened. Artefacts and stone slabs bearing the Sabaean script
of southern Arabia became more common in Ethiopia. Soon the monumental stone structures similar to those in Ancient Yemen began to appear in Eritrea and northern Ethiopia. The Temple of the Moon in Yeha is
the largest surviving structure in East Africa.

With the rise of Islam in the seventh century AD, Axum lost Yemen and Hejaz, and the once flourishing empire shrunk back to its original core region of the northern Ethiopian highlands.

Ge'ez the sacred tongue > LINGUISTIC affinities between Ethiopia and the Arab world are as strong today as they were in bygone days. Ge'ez, Amharic and Tigrinya are related to Arabic. There are some 80 different languages spoken in Ethiopia, but the country's official language is Amharinya, better known outside Ethiopia as Amharic.
It is the language of higher education, most modern literature and government.
Historical linguists generally hold that the languages spoken by a majority of the inhabitants of Ethiopia today, namely the Afro-Asian languages, have their roots in northeastern Africa. The area covered by
speakers of the Afro- Asian linguistic group spans a huge swathe of territory from northwestern Africa, the Sahara, eastern and northeastern Africa, Arabia and southwestern Asia. The Afro-Asian group of languages
is divided into Semitic, Cushitic and Omotic -- and speakers of all three groups are found in Ethiopia. Indeed, Ethiopia is the only country where all the three linguistic groups are currently in use.

Scholars also suggest that first Omotic and then Cushitic speaking peoples moved into the Ethiopian highlands about 7,000 BC. The Semitic-speaking peoples entered Ethiopia at a later date. Speakers of the Nilotic languages spanning a vast territory in Sudan and other East African countries such as Kenya and
Tanzania inhabit in the southwestern extremities of Ethiopia, and it is not known if they previously inhabited other areas of the country. Of the Cushitic languages spoken in Ethiopia, the most widespread is Oromo followed by Somali and Sidamo. But the recorded history of Ethiopia has traditionally been the domain of the country's Semitic speakers.

The foremost of the Semitic languages of Ethiopia is Ge'ez, widely regarded as an offshoot of Sabaean, held in special esteem.

Ethiopia has one of the longest continuous literate traditions in Africa. It is a literary tradition where Ge'ez plays a central, all-important role. Ge'ez is to Ethiopia what Latin is to Europe. Ge'ez, the liturgical language of the Ethiopian Orthodox Church and the official court language of the Axumites, borrowed 24 symbols from the Sabaean writing system.

Amharic, the official language of contemporary Ethiopia, is derived from Ge'ez. Two other languages are closely related to it -- Tigre, spoken in Eritrea; and Tigrinya spoken in Tigray, northern Ethiopia, as
well as in Eritrea. Both Amharic and Tigrinya use a modified version of the Ge'ez script.

The Axumites left behind a body of written records in Greek and Ge'ez. The Bible was translated into Ge'ez from Greek, and the Ge'ez alphabet bears an uncanny resemblance to both the Coptic and Greek scripts.
Ge'ez , which ceased to be a spoken language in the 10th century.
July 14, 2024 at 6:58pm
July 14, 2024 at 6:58pm
Daughter-in-law I'm not the watchman of this house

Papa we are just leaving. Will be back by evening. You please take care of your home
Yes your food is put on the table. Whenever you are hungry, take it and eat it. Just cooked dinner till dinner. We people will be late to come so no food after we tired and we will eat anyway
And yes locking out on the way. Take care of yourself

Both sons and daughter-in-law walked out of the house with their family. Today these people are in the mood to go to the resort. The intention of having the same fun from morning to evening.
No one ever asked Hardyal ji whether he also wants to go. Got off the sofa and walked by the window and looked down the window both sat in their cars with the kids. Staring outside the window for a while.

Then sadly walked slowly to the dining table and opened the food there. Five loaves in a casserole, thin lentils in a donge, an onion chopped in a plate named salad. As soon as I saw the food, my mind started thinking that it is 8:00 in the morning. This is what I have to take all day today. Won't even get food at night. How will my stomach fill with so much?

Even the last time these guys went for a visit, the daughter-in-law cooked the same food. After coming home at night, Hardyal ji had just said that I am hungry very loudly. Just in that both daughter-in-laws had made us cry and son?
Sons do not speak anything in front of their wives anyway. But the same again today?

Came to my room with a deep breath. Tears came to my eyes after seeing his wife's picture in the room. There was one who never let me go hungry. But after he left I really craved to eat a full stomach. Thought I would hang out with my family after retirement, but not sick here but everyone at home is busy making me sick. I knew there were two sides to everything, but never thought about this aspect.

Earlier, how much was the hobby of traveling. We used to go out twice a month with family but now? Haven't even been out of the house for so many months. These people lock up every time they go. Don't even ask if you want to walk dad? Now it is suffocating. Don't let anyone talk outside and don't like to sit and talk. I don't know nowadays even friends don't get calls, nor their phone. My own sons have kept me as a watchman of their house.

When hands and legs are walking I don't value so the day I hold the bed they won't even ask me. It has become very necessary to reach some decision. Right now, Hardayal ji was thinking that he got a call from an unknown number on his phone,
When the mobile was picked up, on the other hand his friend Kailash ji was speaking,
And Hardyal, how is it? After so many days, your phone is on.
Hey Kailash, how did you remember me after so many days"
Brother, to ask how long will you make sorrow of sister-in-law's departure. Something ahead thought or not
Meaning ?
Meaning that this time we all friends are going to visit Rameshwaram together. You will also walk this time. The last two times you've still refused

I refused? When?
Hey last time went to Vaishno Devi Yatra and before that Kailash Mansarovar Yatra. I don't feel like putting the phone on your phone. After all, I called your sons. Then your sons said father is refusing. Now she doesn't feel like anywhere without mom. This time I called you with another number. This number is amazing.

Hardyal ji was surprised to hear. They didn't know they had two trips already. Means the sons did not reach them. And then their mobile....?
Hey what happened? At least give answer
Suddenly Hardyal ji's sleep broke due to Kailash ji's voice,
Oh yeah, will definitely go this time. Tell me how much payment you have to pay. I will deposit

Let me add you to my WhatsApp group and send you all the details. And the matter of payment, you give it later. At least you said yes. Anyway we are leaving tomorrow. And we already got your tickets. If you didn't pick up the phone, we would have come to your house today

Well well well baba. Details sent in half an hour later
Let's prepare quickly again. I have to leave tomorrow morning

Kailash ji kept the phone saying. Hardyal ji checked his phone as soon as Kailash ji kept his phone. Most of the friends of Hardyal ji were blocked in him.
They remembered the last time the kids went for a trip all four Ooty except me. Hardyal ji's mind was shocked after seeing it. Such a big cheat?

Staring at my wife's picture with tears in my eyes for a while. Again after wiping tears, Hardyal ji unblocked all his friends. Then got up and went to my room and took out my tour clothes from my closet and packed.
Take out your sports shoes and dust cleaned them. Keep some cash and id to yourself. Checked my account on mobile. Keeping my box of medicines. Packed as much as I understood. And the wait for the second day.

Hardyal had slept until the children came home at night. No one agreed to go in their room. Everyone went to their room and fell asleep.
On the other day, when son and daughter-in-law were drinking tea, Hardayal ji came out with his bag. The elder son spoke as soon as he saw them,
Hey papa where have you gone?
I am going to Rameshwaram tour with my friends. I also have a ticket
After listening to Hardyal ji, all four sons and daughter-in-laws started seeing each other's face. Elder daughter-in-law spoke,

But papa ji how can you go like this? Children's exams are about to start and we also have to leave for Bengaluru. My uncle's son marriage
Who will we leave the children. Have you thought too? The younger daughter-in-law also said.

And why spend money on nonsense? If you have this much money, then give it to us, the son also said.

And anyway, where do you feel like roaming at this age? If you fall tomorrow, who will serve? So quietly put your stuff back in the room, elder daughter-in-law said

Who are you to order me elder daughter-in-law? You guys have me as the watchman of your home who leave their children depending on me. How dare you guys block my friends from my mobile

Dad, you are misunderstanding. Woohooo.. Don't disturb you so I was blocked

Good ? That's all I care about my comfort so handle your kids yourself. And the talk of my travel expenses, I'm doing it with my own earned money. No need to tell anyone. Right now I am going to Rameshwaram. Will decide what to do now after coming back. Enough of your arrogance
Hardyal ji left there saying. Can't speak anything to son and daughter in law. After all, everyone kept thinking what will father take.
June 28, 2024 at 2:09am
June 28, 2024 at 2:09am
It is easy to forget now, how effervescent and free we all felt that summer when we were young.” -Anna Godbersen

Let this quote inspire your entry.

Parasol , Agrigento , La Scala di Turki and the lovely Sicilian Sun :

I love things .. random things off random places .. even things that I have come across in paintings . I was in middle school and art was one the subjects that I was passionately in love with . Though there were art lessons in school and our art teacher being the most timidest of humans decided we were better off learning art on our own . Which looking back … I felt was quite the best thing she could do .. Art classes were fun , as we dabbled in paintings , colors and crafts we talked a whole lot .. movies , places , films , boys and off course rock stars . Our universe was not limited to any confines and it was here I did most of my dreaming ..
But , Art lessons in my house was different .. my art tutor being quite a celebrated artist decidedly knew that I had to know techniques, history of art and the great masters . It was then I had my first encounter with Monet and one of his most celebrated painting -Woman with a Parasol . I simply loved this painting .. the translucent sensuality of Monet’s style even in the thick brush strokes that defined the Impressionist style made quite an impact with me .
My Art master ..to induct me into learning various techniques had me copy that great work . I remember being nervous and edgy but when you are young .. you are most impressionable..nothing matters much !you learn to let go of your inhibitions and limitations and plunge right in .
I finally finished the work and .. though it cannot be anyway near, as it can’t be .. cause there can only be one Claude Monet ! But .. my cousin who had quite an eye for art and art objects purchased the painting! It was the first I would sell of my art work .. though I was happy to give it as a present he insisted on paying for the work . Well what can I say .. even cheaper copies of Monet still sell as well as the original themselves !!!
Yes coming back to Agrigento.. years later I find myself in the Sun soaked land of Sicily among the almond , olive trees and Hellenic ruins .. I found the Sun so hot that a refuge in the nearby tourist shop let me to find the very same object I was looking for since a very long time ago .. a Parasol .. the Parasol in Monet ‘s painting .. the one I had painted years back !
Happy with my purchase and equally happy to be off again in the Sun I charged myself on exploring the beautiful ruins and posing in very many pictures .
The beautiful cascading Marl cliffs of Scala dei Turki made an excellent backdrop for me with my treasured Parasol ! What are we humans … if we cannot hold on to our memories and Parasol !

June 25, 2024 at 7:02am
June 25, 2024 at 7:02am
What is A.A.A.D.D. ? It is
Age Activated Attention Deficit Disorder. 😜

This is how it manifests:

I decide to water my garden.
As I turn on the hose in the driveway,
I look over at my car and decide it needs washing.

As I start toward the garage,
I notice mail on the porch table that
I brought up from the mail box earlier.

I decide to go through the mail before I wash the car.

I lay my car keys on the table,
put the junk mail in the garbage can under the table,
and notice that the can is full.

So, I decide to put the bills back
on the table and take out the garbage first.
But then I think,
since I'm going to be near the mailbox
when I take out the garbage anyway,
I may as well pay the bills first.

I take my cheque book off the table,
and see that there is only one cheque left.

My extra cheques are in my desk in the study,
so I go inside the house to my desk where
I find the can of Coke I'd been drinking.

I'm going to look for my cheques,
but first I need to push the Coke aside
so that I don't accidentally knock it over.

The Coke is getting warm,
and I decide to put it in the refrigerator to keep it cold.

As I head toward the kitchen with the Coke,
a vase of flowers on the counter
catches my eye--they need water.

I put the Coke on the counter and
discover my reading glasses that
I've been searching for all morning.

I decide I better put them back on my desk,
but first I'm going to water the flowers.

I set the glasses back down on the counter,
fill a container with water and suddenly spot the TV remote.
Someone left it on the kitchen table.

I realize that tonight when we go to watch TV,
I'll be looking for the remote,
but I won't remember that it's on the kitchen table,
so I decide to put it back in the den where it belongs,
but first I'll water the flowers.

I pour some water in the flowers,
but quite a bit of it spills on the floor.

So, I set the remote back on the table,
get some towels and wipe up the spill.

Then, I head down the hall trying to
remember what I was planning to do.

At the end of the day:

the car isn't washed

the bills aren't paid

there is a warm can of Coke sitting on the counter

the flowers don't have enough water,

there is still only 1 cheque in my cheque book,

I can't find the remote,

I can't find my glasses,

and I don't remember what I did with the car keys.

Then, when I try to figure out why nothing got done today,
I'm really baffled because I know I was busy all day,
and I'm really tired.

I realize this is a serious problem,
and I'll try to get some help for it,
but first I'll check my e-mail....

Do me a favor.
Forward this message to everyone you know,
because I don't remember who I've sent it to.

Don't laugh -- if this isn't you yet, *your* days are *coming*!!

June 18, 2024 at 4:54pm
June 18, 2024 at 4:54pm
"The muse always has wings and nests in fire?"
From the Wonderbook by Jeff Vandermeer
What is your take on this quote and do you trust, distrust, and/or fear your muse, i.e your imagination?

Don’t burn the house :

Don’t burn the house … let me help you cook instead !!!
Well … I never knew how to cook .. though at school there were about 2 years we had to take home science class . Mrs Khurshid was an excellent teacher .. perhaps a bit too lenient as there were some truants like me , who would readily make inane excuses to be off from that class. For me .. I was alwys needed by seniors for some quiz team preps .. some art project commissioned by our Principal herself !
There were no dearth of excuses.. till Mrs Khurshid decided to call the shots . No more excuses ! one had to be in class to pass the annual exam . So I ..grudgingly resigned to my fate in her hands - We both took the middle ground and I ended up washing dishes after the class cooking !
So in school, I never learnt to cook … then fast forward to my days in Scotland . I was done eating Indian curry off cans and I decided to try one of the recipes my mom had taught me on the passing ! She too had very little faith in me . I had put a pan on fire put little oil as she had instructed .. chopped some veggies that I thought I might like . Broccoli , exotic and new to me those days made that cut .. broccoli with potatoes and carrots with a generous mix of some curry powder I had got from the local grocery store. I sautéed the veggies perhaps to kingdom come .. and realized they were getting bit too charred .. I really didn’t know the fix ! The pan was getting hotter by the minute and still I hadn’t thought of pouring water to make the gravy ! To get the now hopeless veggies out of harm’s way I grabbed hold of a dish towel and tried taking the pan off heat . The towel hopelessly caught fire and everything seemed to be in flames !!!
Like a guardian angel my flatmate a very sweet and timid English boy called Ian jumped in .. we had interactions before but nothing as intimate as this : Stop !!! Don’t burn the house down …. Pause .. let me help you ! I can cook food you know and Indian food too , if you like !

That was that .. Ian and I after this house burning incident became two peas in a pod . Only after some days there was Eric another French guy who became the third pea .
Now every day Ian made sure three of us had one proper meal . He would make elaborate dinners of Indian curry and rice , spaghetti carbonara .. or banana toast as a midnight snack ! My only job as you know by now was proficient in washing dishes !!!
Those were happy days .. as this eclectic group settled in my then home with other 5 tenants of what was known then to our MBA class .. as the Tenents of 6 Perth Road ! Dundee . Scotland .
Though many years have past since my Dundee days and I have learnt to cook .. well somewhat decent meals .. I still remain indebted to Mrs Khurshid and Ian Hamilton - my first teachers !
Now at least till today , thank god .. I have not burnt any house down .. except the occasional burning of hands and fingers in action - like today !!! But that story is for another day !!!
The muse always has wings and nests in fire?"
June 17, 2024 at 12:52pm
June 17, 2024 at 12:52pm

Don't marry me that far
Where to meet me, for the sake.
You have to sell the goats of the house.

Don't marry in that country
Where more than man
God resides

Where there are no jungle rivers and mountains
Don't come there my lagan

There is no where
On the streets of the world
Motor-cars run faster than respect.
Tall houses
And shops are bigger

Don't connect my relationship with that house
With no big open patio
Where there is no morning on the chicken's bong.
And the evening from the backyard to where
Can't see the sun setting on the hill
Don't choose like this
The one who is often drowned in pochai and hadia
Kahil-Nikamma is
Expert in flying girls from the fair
Don't choose such a bride for me

Is there no thari-lota
That later when I want to change
On being good and bad

Who in the conversation
Talk about stick and stick
Take out arrows and bow, axe
Whenever you want to go to Bengal, Assam or Kashmir
We don't want such a bride

And don't give my hand in her hand
Whose hands never planted any trees
The hands that did not grow the crops
The hands that never supported anyone
Didn't lift anyone's burden

And so more !
Those who don't know how to write hand, hand with 'H'
Never give my hand to her!

Marriage is there marriage
Where go in the morning
Return to the evening on foot
If I ever cry in sorrow, this ghat
So you bathing in that pier river
You can hear my mourning

Mahua's lat and
I can make date jaggery and send message for you
Someone's hands coming and going from there
Can I send pumpkin-fog, khekhsa, barbatti
Time to time for Gogo too

Fair-Hat-Bazaar on the way
Can I find someone close to me
Can tell the condition of the village and the village.
News of Chitakabari Gaia's seed
Whatever someone passes through
Such a place to marry me!

Marriage in that country
Where God less men live more
The goat and the lion
Where you drink a pier of water
Exactly marry me!

Marry with the same one who
Pair of pigeons and panduk like birds
May your hands always remain.
From working in the farms outdoor
Until the night shares happiness and sorrow
Selecting on like this
The one who plays the flute melody.
And you are mastery in playing drums

Joe can bring in the days of spring
Plash flowers for my couple

The one who can't be eaten
On my stay hungry
Marry me to the same!
June 11, 2024 at 4:37am
June 11, 2024 at 4:37am
Let's learn something from the birds:----

1. Don't eat anything at night.

2. Don't roam around at night.

3. Teach your child life skills at the right time.

4. Never eat solid solid. How many have you done
Even if you have added grains, you will eat a little and fly away. They take nothing with you.

5.. Will sleep as soon as the night comes,
Will wake up early in the morning,
We will rise up with singing.

6. Never change your diet.

7. Will automatically choose spouse.

8. Let's take work out of our body. No rest except night.

9. Will leave food when illness comes,
Will eat only when we are fine.

10. Will give your child lots of love and time.

11. Hard work to heart, kidney,
Liver does not have diseases.

12. Take from nature as much as needed.

13. Make your home eco friendly.

14. Don't speak other's language except your language.

Life is simple if we can learn a little bit from them,
Be beautiful and successful.
June 8, 2024 at 12:37pm
June 8, 2024 at 12:37pm
*When I was YOUNG,*
*I found it DIFFICULT to WAKE UP.*
*When I am OLD,*
*I find it DIFFICULT to SLEEP.*.

*YOUNG fill OLD*

*When I was YOUNG,*
*When I am OLD,*

*When I was YOUNG,*
*I was WAITING to HOLD someone's HAND.*
*When I am OLD,*

*When I was YOUNG,*
*I wanted my parents to leave me alone in my bathtub*
*When I am OLD*
*I am worried to be left alone*

*When I was YOUNG,*
*I HATED being ADVISED about customer.*
*When I am OLD,*
*there is NO ONE around to TALK or ADVISE.*

*When I was YOUNG,*
*When I am OLD,*
*I see BEAUTY in THINGS around ME.*

*When I was YOUNG,*
*I felt I was ETERNAL.*
*When I am OLD,*
*I know SOON it will be MY TURN.*

*When I was YOUNG,*
*When I am OLD,*

*When I was YOUNG,*
*When I am OLD,*
*I am WORRIED when will MY HEART STOP.*

*LIFE is not a essay, it NEEDS to BE EXPERIENCED.*

LIFE needs to be lived dribble AND DICTATE WITH LOVE & LOVED ONES . You are surely one of these.* Thank GOD For this wonderful journey called LIFE. 🙏

June 4, 2024 at 9:22am
June 4, 2024 at 9:22am
"Old age doesn't always start at 60. Not even at 70. For some it starts at 45 or maybe even 35. Paradoxical, isn't it?
Look around you and you will see so many women who are still young for years, but aged early. And other old age, but with the youth that abounds in their eyes. Know that the silver in the head does not define the old age. Not even the appearance of the cane.
Old age comes when your soul says: ,I'm tired". You grow old when you no longer believe you are worthy of love. When you consider yourself insufficiently beautiful to be admired on the street, when you don't feel like looking in the mirror one more time, when you respond to a compliment with: "Yes, that's not right. You exaggerate".
Your old age begins when interesting things tire you, when you have no interest in learning, watching, hearing something new.

When the entertainments of young people irritate you, the crying of a child in the trolleybus brings you headaches, when you prefer solitude more than communication. When maybe the first gray hairs start to appear, but your heart is already withered, without moisture. When you say "I don't want" too often and you rarely make plans and draw dreams. You grow old when you have managed to accumulate in your experience too many disappointments, falls, pains and...every time you feel that getting up from the bottom is getting harder and harder. When you find refuge in your home and don't feel like going outside.

When you mourn more often and find reasons to be happy and grateful less often. To God, to people, to life, to yourself. The lower limit of old age does not exist. For some old age begins at 80, for others at 40."

June 1, 2024 at 12:37pm
June 1, 2024 at 12:37pm
Once a radio presenter asked Nigerian billionaire Femi Otedola in a telephone interview,

"Sir what do you remember when you got the most happiness in life"?

Femi said:

"I've been through four phases of happiness in life, and I finally understood the meaning of true happiness. "

The first step was to save money and resources.

But at this level I didn't get the happiness I wanted.

Again another phase of collecting valuables and items.

But I realized that this thing is also temporary and the glow of precious things don't last long.

Again the third stage of getting the big project. That was when I had 95% of diesel supply in Nigeria and Africa.

I was also the largest vessel owner in Africa and Asia. But even here I didn't find the happiness I imagined.

Phase 4 was when a friend of mine asked me to buy a wheelchair for some disabled kids.

Almost 200 kids.
Friend said I immediately bought a wheelchair.

But dude insisted I go with him and hand over wheelchairs to the kids. I dressed up and walked with her.

There I gave these kids these wheelchairs with my hands. I saw a weird glow of joy on these kids faces. I saw them all sitting in a wheelchair, roaming and chilling.

It was like they had reached a picnic spot where they were sharing winning the jackpot.

I felt real happiness inside me. One of the kids caught my leg when I decided to leave.

I tried to slowly get rid of my legs, but the baby looked at my face and held my legs tight.

I bowed down and asked the kid: Do you want anything else?

The response this child gave me, not only shocked me but completely changed my attitude towards life.

This kid said:

*"I want to remember your face so that when I meet you in heaven, I can recognize you and thank you once again." "*

The meaning of the magnificent story above is that we should all look into our inner self and meditate that, in this life and all the worldly activities
After leaving *why will you be remembered for? *
*Does anyone want to see your face again, it all counts? *

If you are able then hold the hand of the unable 🙏.

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