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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/222720-What-a-guy-will-do-for-his-girl
Rated: GC · Book · Emotional · #594306
My life is about as interesting as the next person's.
#222720 added January 23, 2003 at 6:13pm
Restrictions: None
What a guy will do for his girl
three piss ants (8:07:41 PM): bunksteve!
Bunksteve (8:09:23 PM): Heya
three piss ants (8:09:34 PM): whats up?
Bunksteve (8:09:49 PM): Not much.
Bunksteve (8:09:51 PM): Tired.
three piss ants (8:10:11 PM): i kinda am myself
Bunksteve (8:10:26 PM): Had school all day, then went and worked for 6 hours.
three piss ants (8:10:33 PM): i had school all day as well...
three piss ants (8:10:52 PM): and i almost slayed one of my teachers. thats about all.
Bunksteve (8:11:01 PM): What for?
three piss ants (8:11:34 PM): because he was being the fucking dickhead fruitcake that he is.
three piss ants (8:11:44 PM): ive had it in for him since day 1
Bunksteve (8:12:07 PM): hmm
Bunksteve (8:12:08 PM): interesting.
three piss ants (8:12:14 PM): lol i guess
Bunksteve (8:12:58 PM): So what'd you end up doing?
three piss ants (8:13:16 PM): to him?
three piss ants (8:13:19 PM): my teacher
three piss ants (8:13:20 PM): ?
Bunksteve (8:13:28 PM): yeah
three piss ants (8:13:50 PM): well...
three piss ants (8:15:35 PM): he was looking for this paper that i didnt leave on the desk just to piss him off. and he came to my class to search for it. i told him i didnt have it. and he left. but he came back...and he went through my bag and said, "all you had to do was come clean." i told him that i didnt remember putting it in there. i dont think he believed me, but he cant prove anything. so, screw him. i want to chop off his head or something...i just hate him. and ive gotten straight ds throughout his class all year and its just really really made me feel like shit. and i feel like am not a good writer at all. <sigh>
Bunksteve (8:16:12 PM): bah
Bunksteve (8:16:15 PM): what's he know anyway?
three piss ants (8:16:19 PM): i dunno
three piss ants (8:16:23 PM): but hes brought me down all year
three piss ants (8:16:33 PM): he doesnt like my style of writing or something
Bunksteve (8:16:43 PM): Fuck him.
Bunksteve (8:17:08 PM): Most teachers who teach writing are struggling/failed writers themselves... and the only pleasure they get in life is by shooting down the dreams of other people.
three piss ants (8:17:09 PM): thats what everyone says
three piss ants (8:18:09 PM): i just cant force myself to believe it. i just know he hates me. and only me. because im not preppy and spunky like the other losers in my class. i like my style of writing and i like the way i am and i dont care about him. but he still has killed my spirit
Bunksteve (8:18:43 PM): Don't let him get to you.
Bunksteve (8:18:52 PM): If he's really mistreating you like this, report his ass.
three piss ants (8:19:26 PM): ha. well, ill be out of his class in a few more weeks anyway
three piss ants (8:19:31 PM): the semester is changing
Bunksteve (8:19:37 PM): cool
three piss ants (8:19:39 PM): i have never hated a teacher more than him..
three piss ants (8:19:52 PM): but tomorrow i am in that class for 5 hours
three piss ants (8:20:00 PM): holy shit, im going to burst
Bunksteve (8:20:01 PM): not cool.
three piss ants (8:20:15 PM): right...sooo not cool
Bunksteve (8:20:28 PM): Is there anything I can do for you?
three piss ants (8:20:35 PM): nah
three piss ants (8:20:38 PM): not really
three piss ants (8:20:49 PM): thanks for offering though
Bunksteve (8:21:05 PM): <puts his hand on your leg>
Bunksteve (8:21:09 PM): are you suuuuurrreeeee?
Bunksteve (8:21:11 PM): *Wink*
three piss ants (8:21:24 PM): well, now that you mention it...
three piss ants (8:21:25 PM): lol
three piss ants (8:21:30 PM): could you give me a foot masage
three piss ants (8:21:31 PM): ?
Bunksteve (8:21:44 PM): <shrugs>
Bunksteve (8:21:47 PM): Sure.
three piss ants (8:21:51 PM): wonderful
Bunksteve (8:22:12 PM): <grabs your right foot and starts to knead the sole of it with his thumb, rubbing the top with his other hand>
three piss ants (8:22:29 PM): no, my left foot
three piss ants (8:22:30 PM): lol
Bunksteve (8:23:10 PM): okay..
Bunksteve (8:23:16 PM): <switches to the left foot, doing the same thing to it>
three piss ants (8:23:22 PM): thanks
Bunksteve (8:23:40 PM): <puts a little kiss on the top of your foot>
Bunksteve (8:23:43 PM): no problem.
three piss ants (8:24:02 PM): i havent showered in a couple weeks, you might wanna think twice about doing that again *Wink*
Bunksteve (8:24:27 PM): <shrugs>
three piss ants (8:24:35 PM): lol
Bunksteve (8:24:37 PM): If it's for somebody I care about... it doesn't matter.
three piss ants (8:25:01 PM): aww, you care about me?
Bunksteve (8:25:03 PM): <runs his fingers up and down your leg slowly>
Bunksteve (8:25:11 PM): You'd be surprised what a guy does for a girl he cares about.
Bunksteve (8:25:14 PM): Of course I do.
three piss ants (8:25:26 PM): thats sweet
Bunksteve (8:25:44 PM): You're a very nice girl...
three piss ants (8:25:52 PM): nice?
three piss ants (8:25:53 PM): lol
Bunksteve (8:26:00 PM): Any guy who knew you and didn't car about you is an idiot.
Bunksteve (8:26:03 PM): *care
three piss ants (8:27:20 PM): stop, you're making me blush :-[
Bunksteve (8:27:38 PM): You deserve it.
three piss ants (8:27:45 PM): i deserve it?
Bunksteve (8:28:09 PM): Yes..
Bunksteve (8:28:16 PM): You deserve to be treated well...
Bunksteve (8:28:23 PM): And you deserve to be called beautiful...
Bunksteve (8:28:33 PM): And you deserve to be with somebody who appreciates you.
three piss ants (8:28:52 PM): i guess
three piss ants (8:28:58 PM): ill probably never get that
three piss ants (8:29:02 PM): i always choose the wrong ones
Bunksteve (8:29:15 PM): It's not your fault.
Bunksteve (8:29:20 PM): You just have a clouded judgement right now.
Bunksteve (8:29:33 PM): Some day you'll be able to know exactly what you want out of a guy... and you'll pick the right one.
three piss ants (8:29:51 PM): hopefully
Bunksteve (8:30:13 PM): And he will sex you up like you have never been sexed up before..
three piss ants (8:30:26 PM): lol
three piss ants (8:30:29 PM): and here it comes
Bunksteve (8:30:39 PM): ?
three piss ants (8:30:53 PM): the perverted remarks
Bunksteve (8:31:18 PM): <shrugs>
three piss ants (8:31:31 PM): its funny
three piss ants (8:31:36 PM): not a bad thing..lol
Bunksteve (8:31:55 PM): Oh sure... you say that no..
Bunksteve (8:31:56 PM): now..
Bunksteve (8:32:10 PM): But pretty soon you'll either fall for my wiley ways... or you'll hate my guts.
three piss ants (8:32:20 PM): hate you? never
three piss ants (8:32:24 PM): ive seen worse
Bunksteve (8:33:16 PM): i shudder to think.
three piss ants (8:33:49 PM): lol
three piss ants (8:33:56 PM): its alright
Bunksteve (8:34:16 PM): I have to take off though..
Bunksteve (8:34:25 PM): My fuckhead friend got stranded at school.
three piss ants (8:34:35 PM): aww
three piss ants (8:34:38 PM): will you be back?
Bunksteve (8:35:05 PM): Probably not before you have to go to bed.
three piss ants (8:35:11 PM): too bad
three piss ants (8:35:17 PM): well, its been nice talking to you steve
Bunksteve (8:35:21 PM): Because it'll take my 40 minutes to drive there, 20 minutes to get him home, and then another hour to get me home.
three piss ants (8:35:33 PM): lol alright
Bunksteve (8:35:33 PM): Why? Did you have anything special planned for us tonight?
three piss ants (8:35:41 PM): maybe...
three piss ants (8:35:41 PM): lol
Bunksteve (8:35:48 PM): Tell me.
three piss ants (8:35:51 PM): no no
three piss ants (8:35:57 PM): we'll save it for another night *Wink*
Bunksteve (8:36:05 PM): nononononononononooooo...
Bunksteve (8:36:09 PM): Tell me, please.
three piss ants (8:36:11 PM): nah
three piss ants (8:36:20 PM): just think all about it, steve
three piss ants (8:36:23 PM): in the car
three piss ants (8:36:29 PM): on your way to the school
three piss ants (8:36:30 PM): back home
Bunksteve (8:36:36 PM): *Frown*
Bunksteve (8:36:38 PM): Think about what?
three piss ants (8:36:47 PM): whatever it is i had planned
Bunksteve (8:37:00 PM): Please tell me..
three piss ants (8:37:05 PM): nah
Bunksteve (8:37:17 PM): You're being unfair.
three piss ants (8:37:24 PM): no im not
three piss ants (8:37:32 PM): its fun to make people wonder
three piss ants (8:37:39 PM): its more fun that way, dont you think?
Bunksteve (8:37:43 PM): No it's not. *Frown*
three piss ants (8:37:53 PM): ah well.
Bunksteve (8:37:58 PM): I've got a couple of minutes..
three piss ants (8:38:01 PM): lol
Bunksteve (8:38:02 PM): He can wait.
three piss ants (8:38:02 PM): riiight
three piss ants (8:38:07 PM): thats wrong
Bunksteve (8:38:07 PM): *Smile*
three piss ants (8:38:08 PM): just go
Bunksteve (8:38:17 PM): No it's not.
three piss ants (8:38:26 PM): why isnt it?
Bunksteve (8:38:32 PM): The asshole hitchhiked to school, then expected me to take him home...
three piss ants (8:38:45 PM): why cant he hitchhike back?
Bunksteve (8:38:45 PM): And he doesn't tell me this until I get home which is 40 minutes away.
Bunksteve (8:38:53 PM): He saw me all day and never mentioned it.
Bunksteve (8:38:56 PM): I have no idea.
three piss ants (8:39:00 PM): and why are you getting so angry?
Bunksteve (8:39:06 PM): But he's acting all whiney and stuff... and believe me... I'd rather not go.
three piss ants (8:39:11 PM): aww
Bunksteve (8:39:20 PM): I just got home..
three piss ants (8:39:21 PM): whys that? because hes a girly-boy?
Bunksteve (8:39:26 PM): And now I get to go back out... do that..
Bunksteve (8:39:41 PM): And then I'll probably go straight home and go to bed, since I have early class tomorrow.
three piss ants (8:39:47 PM): im sorry
Bunksteve (8:39:48 PM): And he's pretty much ruined my night.
three piss ants (8:39:53 PM): why couldnt you say no?
three piss ants (8:39:57 PM): too good a friend?
Bunksteve (8:40:08 PM): Because I don't have that strong of a conviction to say no.
three piss ants (8:40:16 PM): lol
Bunksteve (8:40:22 PM): And because I know he's the type of person who would hold it against me for as long as I knew him.
three piss ants (8:40:30 PM): thats stupid
three piss ants (8:40:38 PM): but have fun all the same! *Smile*
Bunksteve (8:40:49 PM): What did you have planned anyway?
three piss ants (8:40:58 PM): nothin, you shouldnt worry about it.
Bunksteve (8:41:09 PM): Tell me.
Bunksteve (8:41:14 PM): It may make me get here faster. *Smile*
three piss ants (8:41:22 PM): lol
three piss ants (8:41:26 PM): guess
Bunksteve (8:41:38 PM): Honestly Hilary... I have no idea..
Bunksteve (8:41:42 PM): I can never tell with you.
three piss ants (8:41:50 PM): ha
three piss ants (8:41:58 PM): theres nothing to try to interpret
Bunksteve (8:42:24 PM): Then just tell me.
three piss ants (8:42:41 PM): steve, dont worry about it
Bunksteve (8:42:54 PM): I am going to worry about it.
Bunksteve (8:43:02 PM): And it's going to drive me crazy until I talk to you again.
three piss ants (8:43:08 PM): why?
three piss ants (8:43:10 PM): its nothing
Bunksteve (8:43:20 PM): Because that's the way I am.
Bunksteve (8:43:23 PM): I harp on things.
Bunksteve (8:43:27 PM): If it's nothing, then why did you bring it up?
three piss ants (8:43:32 PM): i was just teasing you, gees
three piss ants (8:43:41 PM): i didnt suppose you'd take me literally
Bunksteve (8:43:45 PM): *Frown*
Bunksteve (8:43:49 PM): okay fine..
three piss ants (8:43:51 PM): tomorrow if we talk, ill have something for real planned
three piss ants (8:43:55 PM): dont get bent
Bunksteve (8:43:59 PM): ok
Bunksteve (8:44:02 PM): I'm not.
three piss ants (8:44:08 PM): uh huh
three piss ants (8:44:09 PM): suuure
Bunksteve (8:44:17 PM): I'm just kind of upset with my friend... and I'm sorry if it's rubbing off towards you.
three piss ants (8:44:25 PM): mkay
three piss ants (8:44:27 PM): if you say so
Bunksteve (8:44:39 PM): sorry..
three piss ants (8:44:39 PM): why dont you plan something? you're better at it than i am.
Bunksteve (8:45:00 PM): Because anything I plan will either be sexually related or just boring.
three piss ants (8:45:17 PM): so what
three piss ants (8:45:25 PM): sexually related is fine with me *Wink*
Bunksteve (8:45:58 PM): Well...why don't we both come up with something, and see whose idea is better.
three piss ants (8:46:23 PM): haha, ok
three piss ants (8:46:27 PM): if you really want it that way
Bunksteve (8:46:37 PM): ?
three piss ants (8:46:43 PM): nothing
three piss ants (8:46:51 PM): i was just agreeing and making sure you wanted it that way
Bunksteve (8:46:55 PM): What way?
three piss ants (8:47:05 PM): that we both come up with something
three piss ants (8:47:07 PM): nevermind..
Bunksteve (8:47:13 PM): Ohhh.... I gotcha.
three piss ants (8:47:15 PM): lol
Bunksteve (8:47:15 PM): Sure... why not?
three piss ants (8:47:18 PM): mkay
three piss ants (8:47:23 PM): this should be interesting
three piss ants (8:47:29 PM): not that im gonna come up with anything good
Bunksteve (8:47:30 PM): don't take this out of context, but do you have a digital camera?
three piss ants (8:47:34 PM): yep sure do
three piss ants (8:47:41 PM): why?
Bunksteve (8:47:43 PM): oh... alrighty.
Bunksteve (8:47:46 PM): Me too.
three piss ants (8:47:49 PM): why though?
three piss ants (8:47:50 PM): lol
Bunksteve (8:47:53 PM): I was just checking.
three piss ants (8:47:57 PM): uh huh
three piss ants (8:47:59 PM): whatever
Bunksteve (8:48:22 PM): I guess we'll just have to see. *Wink*
three piss ants (8:48:32 PM): ugh!
three piss ants (8:48:36 PM): now you're doing it to me
three piss ants (8:48:38 PM): i despise you
Bunksteve (8:48:43 PM): My how the tables have turned..
three piss ants (8:48:52 PM): screw me!
Bunksteve (8:48:58 PM): Well here's my idea... I was going to..
Bunksteve (8:49:02 PM): Maybe later..
three piss ants (8:49:11 PM): going to screw me?
three piss ants (8:49:12 PM): lol
three piss ants (8:49:33 PM): who would want to do that
three piss ants (8:49:34 PM): ha
Bunksteve (8:49:37 PM): Anyway... I was going to take a few pics of myself, and then have a list of 10-20 personal questions or something... see what I could learn about you..
Bunksteve (8:49:46 PM): woah..
Bunksteve (8:49:55 PM): I think my friend just got another ride.
three piss ants (8:49:59 PM): really?
three piss ants (8:50:02 PM): how do you figure?
Bunksteve (8:50:13 PM): he said, "I may have found another ride. hold on one sec."
three piss ants (8:50:18 PM): lol
three piss ants (8:50:19 PM): ok
Bunksteve (8:51:08 PM): Yep... he got one.
Bunksteve (8:51:09 PM): yay.
three piss ants (8:51:38 PM): lol
Bunksteve (8:51:51 PM): Wait..
three piss ants (8:51:51 PM): why so happy? dont wanna go out again?
Bunksteve (8:51:53 PM): Fucker..
three piss ants (8:51:55 PM): i loooove driving
Bunksteve (8:51:56 PM): Now he's saying he doesn't.
three piss ants (8:52:02 PM): whats up with that?
Bunksteve (8:52:12 PM): So do I... but I've been out of the house all day, and the roads are shitty.
three piss ants (8:52:20 PM): here too
three piss ants (8:52:34 PM): how can he have a ride one second and not the next?
Bunksteve (8:52:49 PM): He thought he did...
Bunksteve (8:52:58 PM): Well anyway..
Bunksteve (8:53:03 PM): How late will you be on tomorrow?
three piss ants (8:53:19 PM): i dunno
three piss ants (8:53:20 PM): why?
Bunksteve (8:53:48 PM): Because Friday nights I usually have dinner with my parents until around 7:00/7:30..
three piss ants (8:53:59 PM): what time is it there?
Bunksteve (8:53:59 PM): And they want to watch a movie afterwards. <rolls his eyes>
Bunksteve (8:54:17 PM): It's 5 minutes until 9pm.
three piss ants (8:54:26 PM): oh alright
Bunksteve (8:54:50 PM): So I might be on at 9-ish my time... maybe before then..
three piss ants (8:55:02 PM): yea, ill be on until 10 hopefully
Bunksteve (8:55:17 PM): Wouldn't that be 9 my time?
three piss ants (8:55:27 PM): um, no
three piss ants (8:55:32 PM): its 5 til 9 here too
Bunksteve (8:55:43 PM): oh
Bunksteve (8:55:45 PM): cool
Bunksteve (8:55:54 PM): Don't forget your assignment then.*Wink*
three piss ants (8:56:01 PM): ill try to remember
three piss ants (8:56:10 PM): have fun picking him up!
Bunksteve (8:56:11 PM): lol
three piss ants (8:56:14 PM): *Smile*
Bunksteve (8:56:18 PM): I'll try.
Bunksteve (8:56:21 PM): Later.
three piss ants (8:56:23 PM): and think all about me
three piss ants (8:56:28 PM): *Bigsmile*
Bunksteve (8:56:35 PM): I will.
three piss ants (8:56:38 PM): yay!
Bunksteve (8:56:39 PM): Trust me... I will.
three piss ants (8:56:43 PM): hmm
three piss ants (8:56:44 PM): ok
three piss ants (8:56:48 PM): wouldnt know why
Bunksteve (8:57:03 PM): Why not? *Smile*
Bunksteve (8:57:11 PM): you'll be the last person I've talked to today probably... not counting the friend..
three piss ants (8:57:12 PM): dont know that either
three piss ants (8:57:18 PM): aww
Bunksteve (8:57:27 PM): <hugs>
Bunksteve (8:57:31 PM): See you tomorrow, Hilary.
three piss ants (8:57:35 PM): alrighty then
three piss ants (8:57:41 PM): farewell
Bunksteve (8:58:03 PM): farewell/.

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