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Rated: 18+ · Book · Women's · #1268197
Drop by drop the snow pack dies, watering the arid lands below.
#556898 added December 24, 2007 at 10:36am
Restrictions: None
And yet another questionnaire
13 Masa'il 164 B.E. - Monday, December 24, 2007 about 6:48 AM PST

NOTE: This questionnaire was posted on a journal group.

1. What time did you get up this morning? 5:00 AM PST - I had to get the cat out of the fridge.

2. Diamonds or pearls? Sapphires and emeralds.

3. What was the last film you saw at the cinema? Lord of the Rings, Return of the King

4. What is your favorite TV show? Are You Being Served

5. What do you eat for breakfast? I haven't eaten breakfast yet, but I'm going to fix oatmeal this morning.

6. What is your middle name? Florence it means Prosperous

7. What food do you dislike? I haven't found a food I dislike. If I don't like it at first, I presume it's an acquired taste and try to acquire the taste.

8. What is your favorite CD at the moment? The Long Healing Prayer

9. What kind of car do you drive? A Toyota Camry.

10. Favorite sandwich? Grilled Ham and Cheese on Rye with hot mustard and red onion.

11. What characteristic do you despise? Prejudice

12. Favorite item of clothing? This winter anything that keeps me warm.

13. Favorite piece of jewelry? A necklace with the ring symbol of the Greatest Name.

14. If you could go anywhere in the world on vacation, where would you go? Haifa

15. What color is your bathroom? Blue with wallpaper that has flowers on it resembling demons.

16. Favorite brand of clothing? I don't pay for the band name.

17. Where would you retire to? Anyplace that is warm all year round.

18. What was your most recent memorable birthday? I haven't had a memorable birthday since I was a child. Then my siblings we allowed to open one of their Christmas presents when I opened my birthday present.

19. Favorite sport to watch? Ice dancing

20. Furthest Place you are sending this?.I'm posting this to my writing.com blog Snow Melt.

21. Who do you least expect to send this back to you? It's posted to my blog so I doubt that anyone sends it back to me.

22. Person you expect to send it back first? I don't know who will read this entry first.

23. Favorite saying? This to shall pass, but not damn fast enough.

24. When is your birthday? December 24

25. Are you a morning person or a night person? This depends on how late I stay up and on-line.

26. What is your shoe size? I think a size 71/2 or 8. I haven't bought any shoes in a while.

27. Pets? Midnight (he gets lost when he"s by himself and sits in the middle of the dining room and meows), Lion (he rides on my shoulder), Troubles (she's lying on my lap now), Prince (he gets into the fridge), Spot (he sleeps with me), Beauty (she likes to look out the living room window), Rusty (Mom cat), and Balou (Grandma cat).

28. Any new and exciting news you'd like to share with us? Yes, my brother's daughter-in-law in Colorado had another boy. His name is Elijah.

29. What did you want to be when you were little? A writer

30. What are you today? A writer

31. What is your favorite candy? Candy corn

32. What is your favorite flower? Roses any color

33. What is a day on the calendar you are looking forward to? March 21, 2008 Naw-Ruz

33. What is your full name? Neva Florence Darbe, my first name means Snow, my middle name means Prosperous, and my last name means either Where the Wild Things Live.

34.What are you listening to right now? The central heating unit and Midnight in the dinning room meowing.

35. What was the last thing you ate? Corn on the Cob last night.

36. Do you wish on stars? Yes, when I can see them. There is so much light pollution in Las Vegas that seeing the stars is difficult.

37. If you were a crayon, what color would you be? Emerald

38. How is the weather right now? Cold

41. Favorite soft drink? Wild Cherry Pepsi

42. Favorite restaurant? Outback Steak House

43. Hair color? Dark brown turning gray

44. Siblings? Tom, Frank and Faye.

45. Favorite day of the year? I don't want to remember the past year or any of it's days, I will however remember it for the rest of my life and beyond.

46. What was your favorite toy as a child? A doll

47. Summer or Winter? Spring

48. Hugs or kisses? Both

49. Coffee or tea? Coffee

50. Chocolate or Vanilla? Chocolate

51. Do you want your friends to email you back? That would be nice.

52. When was the last time you cried? A real cry? Yesterday and I don't want to discuss it yet.

53. What is under your bed? Most likely dust bunnies, but there could be a monster under there. I haven't looked recently.

54. Who is the friend you have had the longest? She passed into the next world.

55. What did you do last night? Went online

56. Favorite smell? Roses

57. What are you afraid of? Spiders

58. Salty or sweet? Both at the same time.

59. How many keys on your key ring? Two one to the house and one to the car.

60. How many years at your current job? Right now I'm looking for something to supplement what little I make online.

61. Favorite Day of the week? Any day I can get out of bed.

62. How many towns have you lived in? Two - Blackwell, Oklahoma and Las Vegas, Nevada

63. Do you make friends easily? No.

64. How many people will you send this to? I'm posting it to my blog so I don't know how many people will read it.

65. How many will respond? I don't know, but I hope everyone who reads it responds.

© Copyright 2007 Prosperous Snow celebrating (UN: nfdarbe at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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