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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/797593-Tuesday
Rated: 13+ · Book · Personal · #1921220
My thoughts released; a mind set free
#797593 added November 12, 2013 at 9:44pm
Restrictions: None
I better get this done before it gets too late; I have a habit of getting in here barely on time or just after. Of course, that's partly because it's later in WdC than in South Dakota. Even so, it's still late.

I got up pretty early this morning, hoping for an early start. But, bed felt so good, and when that beautiful brunette I'm married to returned to bed with mischief on her mind, I got up a bit later than originally intended.

Once up, a cup of coffee was required to shake the rest of the cobwebs loose in my head. As I enjoyed the first cup, I notice the temperature outside was much colder than the forecast had indicated, five degrees. That was much to cold to go out and start our road trip. I thought about going out and plugging the engine heater in, and letting it warm up. But, the temperature was rising rather quickly, so I passed on that thought and turned my attention to a second cup of coffee.

Soon enough we were dressed and heading out the door, warming the van up a little and then departing for Minnesota. We had taken the trip over to Ivanhoe and made it a scenic drive, and planned a stop at Oak Woods, State Park on the return leg. We had camped there two years past, and wanted to make a short visit to see it this time of year.

The drive was pleasant and we enjoyed the scenery and good conversation over to Ivanhoe. Once there we stopped at the courthouse and took care of the business part of the trip. Then, it was a different route back, with the park along the way.

After just over an hour we were back in South Dakota, and shortly after that, turning off at the park road. We stopped in a picnic area and let the dogs out. They were both very excited, and it did my heart good to see Klarissa moving about, sniffing and looking at everything around her.

She has aged so much over the last year, and she has suffered age related problems. Her hips are bad, her vision poor. She hears pretty well, but doesn't get around much. Some days it's a battle to get her to eat at all, and it seems her final days are approaching quickly.

But today, she had more spring to her step, and she showed more interest in the world around her. Rhonda went to get her attention, as she was wondering a bit far from the van, and I couldn't help but to laugh and enjoy watching them two.

Klarissa must have thought Rhonda was coming to get her and put her back in the van, so she kept running from her. Rhonda was just trying to get her to come back over where we were at, so kept chasing her. A memory flashed back of years past, when Klarissa was a young pup, and her favorite game was to get Rhonda to chase her.

Once she was back over by me, we walked a little. I found a stick, and for the first time in over a year Klarissa chased it down when I tossed it. She even tried to pick it up and bring it back, but she was getting tired and opted to lie down with it and look at me.

We took a few pictures, then put her back in the van. From there we drove over to the area we had camped at two years ago, and let both of the dogs out again. Klarissa seemed to recognise the area and went right to the spot we had the tent set up. From there she looked around, sniffed a bit, and went straight to the area we had taken them every morning to go potty and then chase the frisbee. She made it over, but her hips were giving her trouble.

I could see she was moving more stiffly, from her running and playing. She also knew it was time to go back to the van. She lead, I followed while holding Rhonda's hand, and Hyko worked the perimeter. I had left the van idling, so it was still nice and warm, and we soon had Klarissa back in on her bedding. She took a long drink of water and then went and lied down with her hips pu close to the heater.

From there it was over to the Hamlin County Courthouse to finish the business  we had set out to accomplish, and then home. I took a break again today from writing in NaNo, only because it was getting late and I was getting tired.

I will pick it up tomorrow, with plans to write enough to make up for today, accomplish tomorrows quota, and then some. I still have two more days off, and want to get close to the end, if possible.

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