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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/797644-Wednesday
Rated: 13+ · Book · Personal · #1921220
My thoughts released; a mind set free
#797644 added November 13, 2013 at 8:07pm
Restrictions: None
So things didn't work out as planned; they seldom do. I had plans of getting so much writing done over my four days off, only I didn't get much done at all. The four days is not up yet, and I still plan on hitting it hard, but even so, I can't write as much in one day as I could have in four.

I knew I would not get a lot of writing done Monday, since both Rhonda and I had to go over to the clinic. We got our flu shots, then I talked to the doctor about my medications, and possibly switching a few things around. After, we ran over to a another town that has a better pharmacy, in my opinion, and discussed switching things out. Finally, we stopped at the local grocery store and bought a big sirloin, and came home.

Once home, there was the beef to cut up and put a way, lunch to fix, and then I did get some writing done. I wrote enough to compensate for taking Sunday off, as well as enough for Monday. I hoped to repeat this on Tuesday, but knew I would have limited time.

Tuesday morning we got a later start than we had intended, mostly because it was so cold. We had to run over to Minnesota to get a registered copy of Rhonda's birth certificate. She was due to renew her driver's license, and with the change in laws, we had to provide multiple sources of identification as well as proof of physical address.

We had learned her copy of her birth certificate was not adequate, and had a month after her birthday to get everything taken care off. Time was running out, not so much from procrastination, but because of work, and weather. When we had the time off form work, the forecasts had been for freezing rain, snow, and wind. Knowing it would only get worse as we traveled east, we postponed for a better day.

Tuesday was it, a beautiful day, only quite cold. We made the trip over to a town called Ivanhoe, collected a courthouse certified copy and then took an alternative route back so we could see more scenery and stop at a park for a while. Then it was on to our local courthouse to renew her license and home. By the time we got back home, it was getting late in the afternoon. I was beat, Rhonda was napping in her recliner, and I decided to hell with it, and went to bed for a nice, but short nap; Rhonda woke enough to see this and joined me. We snuggled up and drifted to sleep.

When I got up, I felt better, but it was late and I could not get into writing. We snacked in place of dinner and watched a movie. The day was over and I planned on making up for Tuesday's writing today. I began setting up for writing around three this afternoon, after a Bible Study. Only, Klarissa was acting up a bit, and I didn't know if it was to go out for a potty break, hungry, or just needing attention.

Sure, she's just a dog to most people, but this dog has a story all her own. She is also one of those rare animals that has the ability to reason and to show emotion. Right from the start, I had my eye on a cute little puppy from the same litter. But this five week old puppy had other plans. She picked me, and was so insistent, that I had no choice in the matter except to either keep her as my own, or give her away. And, how do you give away an animal that will only interact and respond to you? I couldn't.

I was recently divorced, and had even more recently broke up with my new girlfriend. This puppy became my best friend and companion. Then, Rhonda became a part of my life, and the three of us set out to find a life of our own. Mostly, though, Klarissa was a part of me, and since Rhonda was also a part of me, now, Rhonda became a part of her. That was in February of 2002. Being a Golden Retriever meant she was in for some difficulties in life. She developed diabetes a few years ago, and we had to change her entire diet. But we caught it soon enough and she has been able to live without shots of insulin.

Only, in the process, she also developed some hip and leg problems. She had always had hip dysplasia, but it became worse. She may also have a canine form of Parkinson's Disease, and developed a sever infection in her mouth. This last summer, she must have bitten at a wasp, we had plenty around, and was stung in the mouth. We believe she must have lain on the wasp, been stung in the tissue next to her eye, around her tear duct. Then, when the pain hit, she snapped at the wasp and was stung in the mouth and throat.

She couldn't eat, her eye was almost bulging out of the socket, and the inner eyelid was severely inflamed. She was already old and frail, and we knew she would not handle much, even in treatment. We also knew, from a past experience, that she could not be left anyplace, even a vet's clinic. She needed to be with me, and it is even hard on her when I go to work. she manages only because Rhonda is with her while I'm at work, and when Rhonda comes in for work, both dogs ride with, wait in the van for a few minutes to a half an hour, then come home with me.

So, we treated her at home, with antibiotics and allergy medications. We also had pain medication to ease her suffering. Little by little the inflammation went down. the infection cleared up, and we had a little more time to enjoy her company. Only, with everything that comes along, it takes a toll on her tired old body. She had a life expectancy of about eight years, nine would be doing great, and ten years is rare. She is going to be twelve in February  and has outlived some of her own offspring.

She still tries to play a little, but tires very fast. Her mind is young and most days clear, but her body is wore out. She needs help getting up on the bed, into the van, and sometimes even getting up from her bed on the floor beside me. She tries to interact with me, but she is just not able to do much anymore. So, the time has come when I must brace for her departure. In the meantime, it's now my time to repay her years of devotion, by giving some back. I don't know how long I have, but if I can provide her with comfort, happiness, and fill her days even a fraction of what she has given me over the years, I will not forsake her.

Unless the time comes when it is cruel and inhumane to keep her alive, she will live out her days at home, in our care. Only if pain becomes something we cannot help her with, or she cannot eat or drink will I even consider any other course of action, and then, only if there is nothing more we can do for her and she is suffering.

So, today, I had to take time from writing to spend with my old friend. Now, it's late and I'm going to write a little for NaNoWriMo.

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