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Rated: E · Book · Travel · #1779685
I travel the country on business, sometimes the world. Come see where I've been.
#925413 added December 17, 2017 at 11:14am
Restrictions: None
Puddling Around Pismo Beach
Date: Week of December 11th

Locale:  Pismo Beach, California

         I spent the past four days in beautiful Pismo Beach.  This quaint town is on the Pacific coast, about half way between Los Angeles and San Francisco.  Because there's no Interstate nearby, the drive there is long, about four hours.  Well, I could have gone north on I-5 for a bit, but with those wildfires going on, I wanted nothing to do with I-5.  Besides, I'd have to have gone through downtown LA also, and that was something else I didn't want to do.  Instead, I chose to drive up PCH (Pacific Coast Highway) until it joined Hwy 101, then drive straight up that until I hit Pismo Beach.  I think Pismo Beach was immortalized by Bugs Bunny when he once said he must have gotten to Pismo Beach by taking a left turn in Albuquerque.

         The weather was a nice break from the approaching winter of Illinois, and much better than the previous weeks weather in Edmonton.  It wasn't all that warm, but I never wore my coat either.  The wildfires turned the southern edges of the horizon a bit gray though, making it look smoggy.  I loved Pismo though, it was beautiful there.  Then again, it's on the ocean, and the ocean's always had a pull on me.

         I guess I will be coming back here in April for another class. Two were scheduled, but there was some doubt about the second one being done.  However, the radio system manager told me on Thursday afternoon that she wanted me back for the second set of classes, so I guess I will be here.  We'll see what the future holds.

Historic/Interesting Places Visited:

         Mission San Luis, Obispo de Tolosa          http://missionsanluisobispo.org/

         As I described in the Trinket I made of Father Junipero Serra, the mission was built in 1771, but not by him  He had to leave for Mexico, so he left Fr. Jose Cavaller with the difficult task of building the mission. Fr. Cavaller, five solders and two neophytes began building what is today called Mission San Luis, Obispo de Tolosa.  After Fr. Serra left, the difficult task of actually building the mission remained. This was accomplished with the aid of the local Chumash Natives. Palisades were set up as temporary buildings, which were made simply from poles and tree boughs. However, due to fires in the first few years, adobe and tile structures were erected.  The history of Catholic Mission in the Southwest and California have captured me for many years now, I visit them whenever I can, even though I am not Catholic.

Noteworthy Restaurants:

         Cracked Crab          http://www.crackedcrab.com/  One would think that with the name 'Cracked Crab', that I would have had crab for dinner.  O love crab, but hate having to break the shells to get to that succulent meat.  By the time you get to the last leg,  the meat is generally cold.  Instead, i enjoyed a crab stuffed poblano, and Fish/Scallop taco's.  These weren't the usual California Fish tacos, there was far too much lettuce/cabbage in the bottom of the taco for me.  When you taste that more than you do the protein, it's not a great fish taco.  Don't get me wrong, the food was very good!  Just too much of that for my tastes.

         Mattie's Bar & Eatery          https://www.mattiespismobeach.com/    I really enjoyed myself here.  Their Bacon Wrapped Dates were excellent!  I order Fish & Chips for dinner, and was served four fairly large Haddock Filet's, with Fries, and deep fried Brussel Sprouts!  Too much food to eat in one sitting!

         I am currently in Frankfurt Germany to deliver a class for the State Department at the American Embassy.  It's just a normal radio systems type class for their technicians though, so I doubt I will meet anyone like an Ambassador... *Smile*  I get to fly home on Christmas Eve, arriving just in time to welcome Santa!  Merry Christmas to you all.  I hope you have a great, and safe Christmas.

Jim Dorrell

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