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Rated: 13+ · Book · Death · #1740720
In the world of Gawmen, their is a race of people both feared and liked: the Death Seers
         Date: 12-25-2116, Gawmen Calendar

         I have just had a vision of Haley Ashes death. It will happen on 12-34-2116 at 13:34 p.m. exactly. Patty, a jealous classmate, will push Haley onto the subway tracks where a train will finish the job. The reason for the crime is that Patty, who is very disturbed, hates that Haley is dating Randel, a boy from their school.

         Information on Haley: Haley is a fourth year student at Sky Senior School, a public school in the mid-section of town. Her social life at school is average and she that of an everyday senior school girl. After studying her, there is no inference that Haley knows of Patty's rage. The poor girl.

         Scarlet White, Death Seer.

         Scarlet took in a deep breath and closed her log book. Sometimes she was glad that Alexander got this for her, but sometimes she hated him for it. Having to study the subject of a Death Seer was what they had to do when evidence was needed to solve a crime. That was all that Death Seers were for, even the ones only in Senior High.

         Scarlet was only a first year student at Maiden Academy, a private school, but she was not even treated as human. She was only treated a tool that anyone could use in order to play hero. Her parents, representatives in the government, had used her to only further their political goals. Sweeping murderers up under their watch was actually by their daughter's; they just put their name on it.

         A hot tear fell from Scarlet's eye but she wiped it away fast and looked at her log book. It was something that Alexander gave her after she had her first vision. He said that writing down who and a person died would end the nightmares that came after a vision. Unfortunately, Scarlet's parents found out about the log and decided to use it for their own selfish ways. Now Scarlet has to study the person she had visions of and write everything there is to know about that person. It certainly did not help with Scarlet's nightmares. This log was now only used to spy.

         Scarlet whimpered. Alexander was also a Death Seer and was also being used. He told her to stay strong and that the people would regret ever using a Death Seer for their own personal agenda, but it was getting harder and harder for Scarlet to believe that. People, like her parents and the police, had the ability to send Death Seers to Imprisonment Camps, something that the government had tried to do in the past. And it was them that kept the Death Seers from seeing the inside of those hellholes, but at a price.

         Scarlet fell backwards on her bed and just laid there with her log in her head. The light from above showed what was put on the cover in large red words: Death Diary.

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