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Rated: 18+ · Book · Emotional · #2311223
2024. Going anywhere inside my little world.
Come on the adventures of a little mouse as she writes about her opinions and her life.
August 30, 2024 at 6:17pm
August 30, 2024 at 6:17pm
Okay so my lazy days are definitely ending.

Stress and Anger Management Group - Tuesday- 11-12
Creative Arts Class - Tuesdays 1-3

Signing up for CMH to help me find a job.

September World Weaver's Workshop
October October Prep for NaNoWriMo
November is National Novel Writing Month.........

I don't know if I can do it all. My moods havee been all over the place and all I want to do is lay around.

The past week has been a "Who cares? Not me!" kind of thing happening.

Now it feels like the little mice on the wheel in my head are going full speed and there is no breaks. I can't keep up.,

Somethings going to givee somewhere and I hope it isn't in my health department.
August 24, 2024 at 9:34pm
August 24, 2024 at 9:34pm
I belong to so many things around here I lose track of them. For example, I'm part of the Journaling Your Way Group, but I'm not sure if I'm following all the rules. The only journal I have is this blog so if it doesn't qualify than I don't know what to do.

I sat with the girls today as we tried to draw on 8x10 canvases what we would like to paint tomorrow. The best one so far is the 8 yr old, who drew a bunch of butterflies. I tried to draw a mouse .... emphasis on the word tried. Oh well. I showed them that even I make mistakes, and they weren't the end of the world.

I've been laying around the past few days because I hurt so much. It's been feeling like I at least broke my right shoulder and hip. My ankles feel sprained at least. My knees keep popping. My back feels wrenched. Of course, my tension has been up so my shoulders have been in my ears. Life goes on, such as it is. Between that and all the nausea I've been having I've been giving myself a lot of leeway on writing.

The next few months are going to be busy with writing and I won't be able to afford the luxuries I have now.
I'm trying to do World Weavers Workshop in preparation for
October Prep...... which in turn prepares me for
It may not sound like much but for me, it is.
Oh, I'm also doing Wdc 24th Birthday Masquerade.....

And hope to revamp my Raffle to fit in with the 24th Birthday Festivities......

Things are indeed going to be busy.....

August 20, 2024 at 10:54pm
August 20, 2024 at 10:54pm
Went to the Medical Doctor today. Finally got to talk to someone about what's been going on for almost three weeks. I've been burping rotten egg to the point people sitting near me can smell it. I've had a lot of gas. Saturday I almost overflowed my little garbage bin with puke. I've been going back and for with ocnstipation but mostly diarhea. Anyways he (the new doctor, Justin) is putting me on another pill for acid reflux and referring me to a gastroentrologist. Fun. He said to get plenty of rest and don't take this lightly though. If I go into a lot of pain he said to get to the ER. He thinks it might be my appendix or pancreas.

Then I saw Jacob. We expressed my interest in Creative Arts group and Stress and Anger Management. We also put in a referral to IPS(?). It's the program that helps clients find a job. Going to be interesting to say the least.

I got home from everything and went straight to bed. I had been nodding in the appointments so much that Justin made sure I wasn't going to drive.

I've got an appointment coming up with Amy (psychiatrist) and she changed my meds around last time to see if I would get some sleep. Haha guess what? Jacob's report is going to tell her I'm not sleeping......

My Auntie mode has been kicking in a little bit. The girls (most of them) are calming down with school about to start and are starting into that craving knowledge mode. I introduced the two older ones to a multiplication race we used to do when we were kids called "Shoot the Moon"....Basically if you could do all your times tables from 1x1 to 12x12 you got a "moon rock". It was basically a small box decorated to look like a moon rock that would have some little trinket in it. I've also been going through my things (I have a ton of stuff like notebooks and pencils) seeing if I can help with school supplies. I can't wait until they bring home English homework..... or any kind of homework really. We can play school like Cathy and the kids used to when they did their homework.

I should write Cathy and tell her about all the stuff I'm remembering with having these girls in the house. With there being four of them close in age I am seeing the older four when they were growing up. They just don't do the rough and tumble wrestling stuff like mostly the boys did.

I just got an idea of printing some Tai Chi exercises and starting stretching sessions with the girls maybe twice a week or more. Who am I kidding though? I can't even get myself to do the yoga stretches that I printed off..... or get ahold of YMCA about Silver Sneakers.

Yeppers, Aunt Kim does not exist anymore. She has been replaced by Miss Kim who has arthritis and other maladies becuase she is reaping what she sown growing up and not being that active.
I just thought of maybe having just a dance session where we could listen to music and dance around like idiots. Problem is, I don't think Angel would like me teaching the girls how to dance like I do. I tend to dance like a stripper......

And with that, dear fellow members, I bid you Adieu......

August 17, 2024 at 3:54am
August 17, 2024 at 3:54am
Got my first Writer's Digest of this rounds subscription. Chock full of great information along with three contests I might try to enter (so far). I even read this long article about how two mice inspired this one author to write. Cute story.

It seems I'm almost gobbling up everything I come across to read. I've gotten in the habit of reading wrestling news. I don't watch it any more but the articles have been keeping me up on what is going on. They almost make me want to start watching again. I just have no one to share it with anymore.

I've been writing a lot of "Rage of Envy Rewrite Project. I do most of it offline before I type it out in word then copy and paste to my book item on WdC. I have been condensing the parts I had written before into longer parts now; in other words, I just finished part 4, but it was probably like part 6 or 7 before. It's still coming out very confusing and is going to need a 5th rewrite, but I've made this goal to finish it before I start on that rewrite. I read somewhere that an author said he did 100 rewrites of one of his novels and still didn't completely like it when he turned it in. It is never going to be perfect, I know that, but, like my life, i am hoping for some simulation of content.

Angel and the girls were gone from yesterday afternoon to today to celebrate Mackenzie turning 8. I gave her one of my Mom's necklaces before they left. She hasn't taken it off since. I actually missed them. I shouldn't be, but I've been expressing my distaste for Kylie (one of the twins, 5) to Terry. I should be trying to like them all equally. I also have been trying to decide which one is my favorite which again I shouldn't be doing. Oh well. I adore Victoria (10) and Alexis (the other twin, 5). Alexis has this thing where she will come up and hug me out of the blue and say I love you. It makes me feel some kind of way because my granddaughter that I've never met is named Alexis (23). Something inside me says the two things are linked.

Oh well. I better try and get some sleep.
August 14, 2024 at 3:13pm
August 14, 2024 at 3:13pm
Tuesday was a long day at Clubhouse. I went there at 9:00 am and was there until after 7:00 pm. It was a great experience to tell the truth. I spent the first part of the day reading my book and working the Snack Bar. Someone had said we were selling expired merchandise, so Mike and I went through everything checking expiration dates. We pretty much rearranged while we were doing that.
By the time we were done with that it was lunch time. I decided I didn't want the vegetable soup. It was okay. I had eaten cereal bars for breakfast not long before....
After lunch I was able to get on a computer and work on writing. I got another section of my novel typed up and uploaded to WdC.

Polly was having trouble keeping track of her appointments. She didn't know how to put them in her calendar on her phone, so I showed her how. Made me feel very proud that I was able to help someone that consider it a big thing.

After the workday was over, we had Karaoke for social recreation. I was able to do three songs and realized that I have to work on breathing correctly while singing. Still, I was one of the better singers of the night. A bunch of people left before it was over, so I was able to get a ride home.

As I said, it was a pretty great day.
August 12, 2024 at 2:11pm
August 12, 2024 at 2:11pm
Went out with Sally this morning and had coffee (first time in four days). Talked about groups, going to work, and moving out of here.
None of which is happening any time soon. Except that Jacob texted me this morning about Stress and Anger Management to see if I was still interested.

Forgot to mention to Sally or Jacob that I've had to put my diamond painting up so the girls can have the craft table. Ask me if I care anymore.

Did spend this morning from 11:00am to 2:00 pm writing..... It felt GREAT!!!!! Still have all my books on writing and everyone I know who writes telling me I have to schedule my writing. Why? I have nothing else really demanding my time at the moment. I live the writer's dream.

Sally let me have the change from our Coffee and gave me bus tickets. I told her I planned on going to Clubhouse tomorrow.

I want to go to Dollar Treasure and get a hair dye and do it tonight before going to Clubhouse. I don't know if I'm going to get it done. I look like a skunk, but I can't help it with no money and no one to really help me.

I almost stole some hair ties and washcloths for the girls when I went to Dollar Tree today with Sally. I thought someone saw me though, so I put the stuff down on a shelf and booked it out of there.

I don't know. I'm beginning to not feel good again so I'm going to grab some lunch and lay down.

August 11, 2024 at 11:06pm
August 11, 2024 at 11:06pm
Been pretty much laying around and sleeping for a week.

I had one good night on Thursday where I stayed up all night working on my novel. I got part 1 edited. part 2 rewritten and part 3 started. that's where I stalled. Oh well.

The little ones are driving me crazy, especially the twins. They won't leave the poor dog alone. Even when he starts growling at them. I am laying odds that Kaylie is going to be the one to get bit. Prince, the chiuaua, has this shirt I got him for Christmas that is his favorite toy. Kaylie teases him with it until he gives up and then she tries to put it over his head. I think when no one is looking she is going to try to put it on him and that's when she's going to get bit hard.
Other than that all four of the girls have brain damage. I took them out in the garden to check for vegetables. ( I keep forgetting about dealing with four children. I used to do it with my nieces and nephews. My nieces and nephews now have children older than these girls!!!!) I found a yellow squash and a zucchini. well the other two girls had to have something to carry and show David so I told them Aunt Terry wanted some fried green tomatoes so we could lookfor those. The twins started picking all the green tomatoes (and a few peppers) . I'm never taking them out there again and I've told them not to go out there without an adult. I hope I don't hear about it the next time David goes out there. They tore that garden up.

I feel like I'm being backed into my room more and more. I talked to Terry about it but she doesn't understand. I feel like I have to guard my things and I have to stay away from the girls because otherwise I'm going to hurt them. They don't listen when they are told no and they go off and do exactly what they were just told not to.

I don't want this blog to become one long rant so that's why I haven't written much. I'll try to create more happy things to write about.
August 6, 2024 at 7:11pm
August 6, 2024 at 7:11pm
Went to Clubhouse today and sat there for two hours nodding off and feeling sick. Came home early. Didn't even stay for the house meeting. I was too disgusted. I asked about work and all I got was that all their positions were filled. I texted Jacob and told him I want to start with IPS through CMH. He said we can do the referral next time we meet. Basically, hurry up and wait.

Came home and slept most of the day since. Watched a little bit of "Forensic Files" and scribbled some notes. Tried to work on RoE. Still confusing. I wish my characters would just straighten up and tell me what they want.

Trying to watch a movie but it is being confusing. I don't have the mind to focus on anything.

August 5, 2024 at 9:06pm
August 5, 2024 at 9:06pm
The bombing didn't happen. One little thing went wrong in David's plan of the way things should go and he threw a fit and called it off. So I laid around all day trying to find out what is going to happen when. I finally went and asked David who gave me a vague I don't know. So I informed David I am going to Clubhouse tomorrow.....

I wasn't sure if we were going to eat tonight it's 9 pm. We did. Fish and chips. Usually we get four pieces of fish and a boat load of fries. I got two small pieces of fish and I think 8 fries. lovely. I'm going to be losing weight without trying.

Didn't get my night meds until midnight. Now I can't sleep. Oh well. Maybe I can get some writing done.

Merry Meet and Blessed Be
then Merry Meet again!

signature image
August 4, 2024 at 10:16pm
August 4, 2024 at 10:16pm
I don't want to do this blog anymore. It is just repetitive. Most of the time I have nothing to say.

Angel's daughters are 9, 7, and the twins are 5. It's making me feel some kind of way to have children in the house. One of the twins, Alexis, will come up to me out of the blue, hug me, and say that she loves me. My eldest granddaughter is in her late 20s and I've never met her. Her name is Alexis....... I feel some kind of spiritual thing going on.

I am going to try to work with Clubhouse to get a temporary job. I need money and I need something to do with my days. I also think that a work schedule will give my life more structure. I'll talk to Sean about it when I go in on Tuesday.

The house is going to be bombed for bugs tomorrow. Terry and I will be spending the day in the garage. I'm hoping I'll be able to find a comfortable position to write. I'll also take the books I am reading. I'm going to take both my tablet and my laptop.

I bought a new book on writing. How to Write a Book: 12 simple steps to becoming an author. That and I'm still reading "Guilty Pleasures" by Llaurel K Hamilton.

I guess I'm adapting to the changes.

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