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Rated: E · Message Forum · Activity · #2096137
Gold Coins and more treasure for the lucky WDC member who wins this challenge
Treasure, Treasure everywhere If You Dare!

This is a drawing for gold and other prizes which can be prospected for when you enter the forum with your post according to the instructions.

Our "disABILITY WRITERS GROUP offers to you treasures from our "DWG Shop which you can collect for yourself or for friends or to give in activities for or to help other groups, as long as you share where you found your treasure.


!. one post per week unless specified as a special event.
2. Please use your member name and handle in your post.
3. Share this exciting prospecting with a friend so that they can have fun with you.
4. At the end of the week/round by dice roll the winners will be chosen and the decisions are final.
5. Occasionally there may be a challenge posted for special occasions, be watchful and you amy win extra treasures.
7. Please visit often.


WE are honored to provide the opportunity for WDC members to prospect for treasure. Anyone who wants to have the fun and enjoyment of adding to this expedition and further this cause towards bigger and better things, please consider gifting prizes so that we are able to offer a variety of unique and valuable treasure items for this adventure.

200 gift points gives you honorable mention in our Awesome Donors List.
500 gift points gives you a gold coin inscriber with: Treasured Donor. DWG Shop
1000 gift points gives you a 500 gp gift certificate to our DWG Shop, and a gold coin.
2500 gift points gives you a 500 gp gift certificate to our DWG Shop, and 2 gold coins, and a 500 gift certificate for a friend.
5000 gift points gives you a 1000 gp gift certificate to our DWG Shop, and 5 gold coins, and a 500 gift certificate for a friend and your choice of a custom made item valued at 500-1000 gift points.
10.000 gift points gives you 2 gift certificates 1000 each, 10 gold coins, and a 1000 gift certificate for a friend, and a surprise.
40.000 gift points gives you a MB.
70.000 gift points gives you 2 gift certificates 1000 each, 10 gold coins, and a 1000 gift certificate for a friend, and a surprise, and award icon valued at 10.000 to be placed on the item I or a DWG member reviews for you.


We thank our dedicated, loyal, and wonderful donors for their gifts to us, and prospecting participants, for this activity adventure. We can not thank you enough for the smiles and joy you gift to everyone. *BigSmile*

*BigSmile* *BigSmile*

*BigSmile* *BigSmile*

*BigSmile* *BigSmile*

*BigSmile* *BigSmile*

*BigSmile* *BigSmile*

*BigSmile* *BigSmile*

*BigSmile* *BigSmile*
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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/forums/item_id/2096137-DWG-Shop-Treasure