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Rated: XGC · Interactive · Adult · #2251054
You shrink, then end up in a (mostly one-sided) relationship with a giantess.
This choice: Victoria’s Secret Alternate  •  Go Back...
Chapter #3

Victoria’s Secret Alternate [Random Anon's take]

    by: Random Anon
[Author's note: Hey, I hadn't forgotten about this lol, but it took me a while to completely structure what I had in mind for this chapter. Since I'm mostly focusing on my own interactive and commissions, all choices here are free to be taken, I'd like to see where others can take these characters. And without further ado, I present you the first chapter I've ever written for another interactive]

When you first did a blind panic run to get somewhere safe, you didn't expect to end up in a Victoria's Secret. With your adrenaline rush fading, your legs ached and your body felt like it was overheating. Wiping some sweat off your brow, you sighed in relief.

'Guess there are worse places to end up in...' You thought 'Now, I just need to get someone's help...'

You looked around, there were some people, but not as many as you expected. Maybe it was a slow day for Victoria's Secret, who knows... it was probably better off this way, as you were awfully aware that at ground level and at that size, you were in a pretty precarious position. Perhaps you should do as that one famous Jedi and secure higher grounds, though given this specific location, that seemed to also requite Jedi-esque acrobatics, which you weren't quite capable of.

It didn't help that the ladies seemed to be very focused on the clothes they were picking out and after a few close calls, getting nearly squashed under a passing customer's foot, you decided that you couldn't wander around here for much longer, you needed to get somewhere where people didn't walk around so much.

'But where?' You thought. You had never been to any store like this before, so you weren't really sure on their actual layout, so you either had to guess or look for signs, which at your current height was a bit painful for your neck.
'This is gonna be more difficult than I thought' You sighed, mildly annoyed. Then again, it should be safer than just being outside, but you felt that this was probably a poor choice.

You had been so sure you were pretty much invisible unless you openly trying to draw someone's attention, that you never stopped to consider the possibility that someone saw you, and what they might do about it. Something soon you'd come to regret.


You ended up reaching the changing room, a risky bet, as you could imagine it could get you in trouble, but hopefully you could explain your reasoning and show that you are no threat whatsoever. After all, you just honestly were trying to avoid getting stepped on, and weren't in a position to do anything to anyone. You went for the first one where you saw a pair of feet, silently praying for the best...

1) Nothing could've prepared you for what you saw upon entering... A girl that couldn't be much older than her early 20's, but she looked way too massive, like, even at your normal size she'd probably be taller than you. She had raven black hair, tied up into a very simplistic ponytail, but what almost immediately got your attention besides her height was that she had an enormous butt that was currently badly straining a puny-looking thong.

She did several short jumps to try and fully get it over the massive curvature of her jiggling derriere, which was simply excessively fat, yet completely spherical and smooth-looking. You couldn't help but take a few steps back, intimidated by the display, but the next 'quakes' she caused made you fall on your back and groan in pain, which she noticed. The girl gasped and turned around, looking at the floor, since the noise appeared to have come from there.

Her emerald green eyes locked onto you, and her gaze was so intense that you couldn't help but gulp in fear and froze, hoping to somehow blend in. However, her smirk confirmed that she had indeed seen you, and before you knew it, she picked you up in her hand and bringing you close to her eyes. She had a rather chubby frame, with a bit of a belly and comparatively small breasts, though her immense butt and wide hips more than made up for it.

She wordlessly stared at you, admiring your features, and it took you way too long to realize that she had probably seen your chest move as you breathed. When you tried holding your breath, she giggled and lightly poked your stomach with her fingertip, unintentionally knocking the wind out of you.

"Hey there..." She casually greeted you. Not the kind of reaction you expected, she seemed too nonchalant about this.
"Were you enjoying the show?" She then said, moving you a bit farther from her face to see more of her body as she teasingly wiggled her hips.

"S-Sorry, it's not what it looks like, I swear" You decided to speak since pretending to be a toy wasn't going to work at this point.
"I... I dunno how this happened... I can't remember what I was doing, but I suddenly passed out and woke up this small. I was just trying to look for help!"

"Hmm... interesting..." Once again, her reaction wasn't what you expected, and the fact that she didn't seem very surprised by this almost looked like she might have seen this kind of thing before... but there's no way that could be, right?
"Well, you're in luck, I'll be happy to look after you" She said in a soft, kinda flirty tone, which made you gulp. She then offered her pinky finger for you to shake, as if to shake hands
"My name's Lillian, by the way..."

2) When you walked in, you were trying to mentally prepare for what you might encounter, but all that went out the window when you saw an incredibly curvy woman, with bright, shoulder-length red hair. Her shoulders were dotted by some freckles, though they didn't detract from her beauty at all. But everything went out of whack as you looked at her waist and below... it was as if her butt exploded, it was way too big for someone with that kind of body frame. She was wearing some jeans that were so ridiculously tight they looked like they were about to burst. After a couple minutes of staring at the incredibly huge, jiggling fleshy masses, you shuddered, and somehow felt that maybe this was a mistake.

'Nope. Getting the hell out of here' You thought and turned around to leave.

"Leaving so soon?" A sultry voice called out.

"Huh?!" You got startled, and quickly facepalmed for giving yourself away, though it seemed like you had been detected already.

"What's wrong? You didn't like what you saw?" She asked, and you timidly turned back to look at this woman, who had also turned to face you. She was indeed very pretty, with big, greenish-turquoise eyes, and overall a 'hot teacher' or 'hot librarian' kind of aura.

"N-No! Huh... I mean... I was just trying to look for help" You said.

"Is that why you stared for like five minutes?" She asked with a cheeky smile.

"I..." You scratched your head, unable to find a valid excuse "I'm sorry" You replied in a defeated tone. Giggling, she took a few steps towards you and crouched to pick you up.
"I'm not mad, in fact, I'm a bit flattered" She said "How about we have a proper start? My name's Lourdes McAllen, but call me Lulu, please"

You gulped, wondering just what you just got yourself into...

3) When you entered the room, you were instantly assaulted by a steamy atmosphere, as if you had just entered a sauna. But you wondered how that could be, you knew this was a Victoria's Secret, not some spa. There was a somewhat pungent smell in the air too that suggested that this 'steam' wasn't exactly clean. It felt hot enough that it even forced you to close your eyes, but you kept walking and suddenly tripped, making a squelch! as you hit something warm, wet, and as some of the liquid got in your mouth, salty as well.

'The hell is this?' You opened your eyes, which was also a mistake, as the salty liquid, which had gotten to your face, had stung them. You desperately wiped whatever it was off your face, and couldn't help but groan in pain a little, but then you shuddered and froze in your tracks, as you felt you were being observed. Somehow sensing the source, you looked up, and saw a gigantic girl with brunette hair and deep brown eyes, looking at you in shock.

'Well... dammit, talk about making a first impression' You thought. At least she hadn't screamed nor tried to squash you yet.

"H-Hello" You awkwardly waved at her to show that you were alive and not just some doll. She blushed.

"Hey" She quietly greeted you. She seemed anxious, but you weren't sure it was about you, after all, what could yo possibly do to her?

"Huh, sorry about that, I guess I wasn't watching my step" You nervously laughed and tried walking away from whatever you tripped on, only to realize that it was a giant pair of gym shorts. Her gym shorts. Then that warm liquid that got all over you had to be her sweat. You tried to keep your composure and not make this any more awkward than it had already become, but as you took another step back, you slipped and fell, harshly hitting your back, but before you knew it, her enormous hand reached for you and picked you up.

"Sorry about that" You said, hoping that she didn't take offense or think you were a creep.

"Why are you apologizing though?" She chuckled "If anything, I'm the one who should be apologizing, since you tripped on my sweaty shorts" You couldn't help but blush at her remark, and how nonchalant she seemed to be about it. Maybe your size helped ease the mood, or so you hoped.
"So, do you just walk around looking for sweaty clothes to faceplant on?" She asked with a teasing giggle.

"Very funny" You narrowed your eyes, but couldn't help but laugh a little yourself, this whole situation was too absurd not to.
"No, not really. I mean, I don't even know how this happened, I just woke up here, small like this, and figured I needed to get someone's help before someone squashed me like a roach.
"Well, I'm not sure I can help you undo the shrinking, but you could crash with me while we figure out something, I guess" She said "The name's Monique, by the way" she said
*Noteb* indicates the next chapter needs to be written.
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