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Essays written to give opinions to newsletters!
I really loved the editor’s explanation of God's purpose. It is such a very hard question to answer. I also think, as all of us look inside spiritually, we come up with very different points of view. I don't know if that makes any sense but it does to me because we all worship in so countless ways.

I know, like you, I wasn't reared in a Christian home. One bright sunny day God sent a cherished missionary to witness to me and my family. Her name was Mrs. Shultz and she stopped by on a Saturday in the early sixties. My Grandmother and Mother were very protective and a little shy. Much to my surprise they must have felt her generous spirit because I was going to be on my way to church that Sunday, then Sunday night, Wednesday night, and Friday night. In the summer time my favorite, Vacation Bible School. Imagine me remembering her when I can’t remember where I put my car keys ten minutes ago. I knew when I felt her spirit that there was something in her I lacked in my own life. Some of you are scratching your head. This is a six year old child but you are forgetting a huge part of Jesus’ ministry was the children. Jesus loved the little children. He would say “Come unto me, little children.” I can see the parents in my mind saying, “Now don’t bother Jesus, He’s important, He has things to do.” Nothing was as important to Him as innocent little children. They trusted from the bottom of their heart because faith is so easy as a child. It’s the negativity from adults that takes our faith away. I remember thinking that I could sing until a teacher said I couldn’t. I could write a book when people told me I couldn’t. The good jobs were for others. The nice houses were not for poor people. I know live in a two story log cabin house because I always believed I would have a Bonanza house and I do! I just lack a maid and I guess that‘s because someone really told me that would really never happen but I don‘t count on not having someone help me. I never under estimate the will of God. People also said I wouldn‘t have an education, write, or paint and I’ve done all of these things and more. God knew I could because He lives in me.

I was so excited because my Mother and Grandmother agreed that I could go to church with her. I was all of 6 years old and when I went to church I knew what my purpose was. As I’ve aged I know God’s purpose was for Mrs. Schultz to spread the word and that was her joy! She loved the Lord and loved children. I don’t ever remember her having a husband or children and her purpose and God’s purpose was the same.

Oh, what joy I had singing hymns; my favorite was "He Lives." “I know He walks with me and talks with me along life's narrowing ways...you ask me how I know He lives He lives within my heart.” God is in me. His holy spirit lives in me! So our purpose and His has to be the same because we are one. If God leaves us His Holy Spirit in us and dwells in us, aren’t we and God for the same purpose? Remember the song "You've got the same Spirit that raised Christ from the dead living in you?" Our problem is not believing what and where our potential really is. Can you image what we could be if we totally trusted and gave our heart, soul, everything that we are to Him? We would be like Him because we were made in His image, right? I understand we use just a small portion of our brain, this is a proven fact. If we used all of all brain we would be able to do anything in God’s name because He gave us that gift. It is our own doubt that stops us from being all we can be.

I think God's purpose is to have all of His children in perfect will with Him. No matter how far I stray, God pulls me in with such love that it's not explainable. I do have one explanation about how deep His love has to be for us. I do this in comparing the love between a Mother and a child. When I think of being a Mother and how much I want for my children I think of how God must hurt when He looks upon us in our struggles. My son is a drug addict and has been incarcerated several times. When I am absent from him I hurt so deep in my soul but I am still with him. I think the same about God. He is our Father. In Rembrandt’s painting, “The Prodigal Son look closely and examine the hands of the Father when He is welcoming His son home. One of the hands is the hand of a man, weathered, work, and rough hands. The other hand is a woman hand, smooth like that of a Mother. So I believe in my heart that God loves us not only as a Father but as a Mother loves us. When we are not with Him he feels deeply but He is still with us. We are still as much His children as my son is my child. So in my small little mind I really do think God's purpose is in seeing us succeed in our purpose. When we are creating God's purpose in our lives and we realize it, that's when we are in His will. I do know my gifts. I can't quote the scriptures as well as I used to my brain is a mere 52 years old. As my husband says I’ve worn out at least 8 brains but I'll do my best. God gave all of us special gifts. My gift is my love for people especially the elderly, children, and people of different cultures. There isn’t a time that I have not had tears come to my eyes when meeting an elderly spiritual black man. It’s like being in the presence of someone so God like because their belief is so strong. It is also my gift to write, to communicate and you know what ever I decide to do God always puts me back where He knows my gift is best used. That's the awesome power of God's purpose. You know in the depths of sin He brings me to Him through someone, something, a book, a friend, and again, I believe so strong that it is because the Holy Spirit dwells in His children.

I know this will be hard to understand because it’s such a difficult thing to explain but then again it’s very simple. God is living in us and if we let Him guide us instead of taking our lives back let him lead us. I know we have the ability. We just need to remember the childhood hymn “Trust and obey, for there’s no other way, to be happy in Jesus, but to trust and obey.”

I rest my case. What’s your opinion? Don’t be scare! I think we should share our beliefs. I started not to share but I guess God had different plans. Amen? Amen!

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