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Rated: 18+ · Other · Erotica · #1764546
A story based upon some of my weirder polls.
Dinner Among Friends

The year was 2075. People hadn’t heeded the warning from scientists that we must reduce carbon emissions and stop polluting the air. Global warming had created a world which bore little resemblance to the one of the early twenty first century. Plant and animal life died off because crops were unable to grow in the super-heated environment. Wide spread famine and starvation was now normal. The only food available was a synthetic substance called Torful which was converted into things such as pastries with artificial flavorings. Torful itself was rather tasteless.

Just as some futurists in the early part of the century had predicted, cannibalism was now a common practice. Human beings are omnivores. The sharp upper and lower teeth of a human being were made for biting off pieces of meat. People still hungered for meat, but the only meat now available was from other people: human flesh. What was once considered a gruesome practice, the eating of another person, was now socially acceptable and controlled by Mantis, the world-wide female dominated government that decided that only men should be eaten by women, while men were allowed to eat only Torful. And once a man was chosen by Mantis, he had but one destiny: to end up in the bellies of females.

Jack Thompson got the dreaded letter from Mantis. He was ordered to present himself to a neighborhood meat shop to be selected by any woman or group of women who wanted to eat him. Even more terrifying was the socially acceptable practice of men being eaten alive, bitten into and devoured by women who’s hunger for human flesh overpowered any mercy. Of course, human blood is innately bitter. The female scientists at Mantis fixed that problem. Selected men undertook a procedure which replaced their blood with a chemical substance called bleetus that was both palatable and delicious to the women while containing the same properties for biological function as real blood. However, women blamed the men who used to be in power for messing up the environment, so they deliberately left a selected man’s never endings intact so he could not only watch but feel his body being devoured.

As Jack stood naked at the meat store, he was both terrified and strangely sexually excited by the promise of being eaten by some of the women and girls who were there shopping for a new supply of meat. Some of the woman who came into the store were positively beautiful with sexy bodies scantily clad because of the never ending heat. He watched as they approached one man after the other, probing the man’s flesh with dainty fingers, often licking glossy lips in anticipation of eating him. When one or more of the woman stopped to check him out, the hungry look they cast at him was close to sexual desire. Yet they had no desire for him as a sexual object. Their hungry gaze was similar to photos he’d seen in history books, photos of women selecting a lobster from a tank, a lobster that was destined to be eaten by them. The women often smiled at him, but it wasn’t a friendly smile, it was a smile of approval, a smile that said you look scrumptious and I want you inside me, a smile made from the same white, sharp teeth they could sink into his flesh and bite off pieces of him as he was eaten alive. Were the women monsters? Not according to the women. A man who had yet to be chosen by Mantis often had women as friends and even lovers. But Mantis, the all-powerful female government, had so indoctrinated women that a man chosen by Mantis was only perceived in one way: as a food source.

Two lovely young blonde women dressed in shorts and halter tops chose the man standing next to him. His cries for help fell on deaf ears as he was led out of the store, a remote control shock collar around him to remind him he had no choice but to be eaten by them. Jack gazed intently at the scene. Two sexy blonde women, tanned thighs and swaying butts as they left the store with the man. He knew that the man was going to end up as part of those sexy bodies after they ate him. He knew that the women’s smooth thighs and ample butts would soon be composed partly of the man’s flesh. Just as they were going out the door, Jack saw one of the women sink her teeth into the man’s upper arm and bite off a piece of it. Her companion laughed and said, “Felicia, can’t you wait.” The other woman chuckled as she chewed on the bite of the man’s flesh and said. “I’m hungry.” The man’s shrieks of pain were stifled by a shock to his neck from the control collar. The women cared nothing about the man or his pain. They only wanted to eat him. The common practice of women eating chosen men was now so socially acceptable that biting into a man and eating him alive was no more taboo than biting into a piece of Torful.

Jack was made to stand in line for several days. He hadn’t been chosen to be a woman’s dinner, yet-- but he knew it was inevitable. One afternoon he was surprised to see two of his twenty year old friends, Amanda and Emily, enter the store. They walked slowly from one man to another, pinching flesh, commenting on this on or that whom they might want to eat. The two girls hadn’t seen him yet. The two happen to separate, each going to different ends of the store. It was Amanda who finally spotted him standing there like a live side of beef. Amanda was a petite girl with ample breasts and a lovely face framed with auburn hair. She was startled when she saw him, but her expression changed to desire for his flesh as she grinned at him with white, sharp-looking teeth.

“Charles,” she said. “What are you doing here?”

“I was chosen,” replied Charles.

“I can see that,” said Amanda. “And you look good to eat.” She gazed hungrily at him, and her tongue flicked at an upper glossy lip. He had known Amanda for several years-- in a platonic way. He knew that she and her friend Emily loved to eat live man-meat, but he’d never witnessed it. He had even fantasized her eating him, opening her sensual mouth and biting into his flesh, but he never told her about his secret fantasies. Those were the days before he’d been chosen by Mantis to be man-meat. But now that he had been chosen, it was as if Amanda had re-arranged their friendship in her mind to include him as just something she wanted to eat.

“Emily,” she yelled. “Come here. Look at what I found.”

Emily strode over to where Amanda stood, looking over his body. Emily was the taller of the two. She had medium brown hair she often wore tied behind her, her ears adorned with hoop earrings. Emily was also very beautiful, with large brown eyes and a lean, but not too thin, athletic figure.

“It’s Charles!” she exclaimed. Her lips widened into a smile and Charles fixed his eyes on her large, white teeth. Emily wasn’t quite as bold about eating human flesh, and he wondered how she would react to him being there in the store for that purpose.

“Yeah. Charles,” said Amanda. “Shall we eat Charles?”

“Are you serious?” asked Emily. “Charles is a friend. We can’t eat him.”

“Sure we can,” said Amanda. “He’s man-meat now. If we don’t eat him, some other women will.”

“Hmmm,” said Emily, stepping up closer to Charles. “You do look yummy, Charles… I never thought I’d be eating you.”

Charles gazed longingly at Emily’s body. She was wearing a mini-skirt and halter top, as was Amanda. It felt strange to Charles that even Emily, who was once a friend, was perceiving him as food. It was a mixed feeling of wanting these girls to eat him and turning his flesh into theirs, along with the reality of losing his life in the process.

“Shall we?” asked Amanda. “Shall we buy him, take him home and eat him… alive, of course,” she added, her tongue licked at her upper lip, and a brief image of Amanda and Emily trapping his live flesh between their teeth and ripping off pieces of it, chewing it up, and swallowing it into the mysterious deepest parts of their anatomy flashed through his mind.

“Sure,” said Emily. “I’ll eat him if you will.”

Amanda swiped a credit card in a machine and the deal was sealed. He was now the property of Amanda and Emily. They led him out of the store to where Amanda’s two seat sports car was parked. Amanda got in the driver’s seat and told Charles to sit in the other seat. The moment he sat down, Emily plopped heavily on his lap.

“I hope you don’t mind if I sit on you,” said Emily. She leaned backwards and pressed her back into his chest. They drove a little ways and Emily asked, “Am I heavy? I love sitting on you.” She paused and then laughed. “Maybe when we get you home I’ll sit on your face.”

“Cool,” said Amanda. “We don’t have to eat him right away. I’ll sit on his face, too.”

The weight of Emily sitting on his lap was getting to be tortuous. He couldn’t imagine how painful it would be if she sat down on his face like that.

Charles finally asked, “Why would you want to do something like that, I mean, sit on my face?”

“Because we can,” said Emily. “We own you. We can do anything to you

we want now. I think you’d make a fun chair.”

“Yeah,” agreed Amanda. “Before we eat him.”

“But we were friends,” said Charles.

“Were,” added Emily. “Actually, I’ll let you in on a secret. When we were friends, I wanted to bite right into you and eat you, but I couldn’t do it then. You hadn’t been chosen by Mantis.

“Me, too,” added Amanda. She opened her mouth wide and clacked her teeth together in a mock bite.

It felt strange to Charles that these two girls who had been friends for several years were now viewing him as a meat source. As Emily continued to sit on his lap with her back pressed into his chest, he realized he’d never gotten this close to her. He also realized that he was destined to become even closer to her curvaceous body, literally inside of it and a part of it, when she ate him. He had no death wish. But the promise of getting ultimately close to--as in inside and a part of-- Emily and Amanda confused him with terror and sexual excitement.

The girls chatted as the drove, Emily seated on his lap as Amanda drove. Emily’s thick brown hair often brushed across his face as they drove. The girls ignored him as the food he was whenever he tried to speak. Emily picked up a sack of Torful pastries from the floor board and selected one. Charles viewed her from profile as she put the pastry to her mouth. He watched as her teeth sliced through it as she took a bite of it. It was an odd feeling-- as if he and the Torful were one in the same to her. She chewed up and swallowed the bite of Torful and then turned towards him.

“Would you like a bite?” she asked.

“Sure,” said Charles.

“Then, unexpectedly, Emily placed a hand behind his head and forced it to her open mouth. She bit down on both of his lips, trapping them between sharp teeth like a pearly vise. The pain was excruciating, and Charles feared he was about to lose his lips to her hungry mouth. She didn’t bite his lips off, though. She laughed and said to Amanda. “He wanted a bite, so I bit him.” Amanda laughed and said, “You should have bit him like the Torful.

“I will,” said Emily. “I’ll bite you a lot harder than that when we eat you.” She was having fun teasing Charles about his fate. But the strangest thing about being bitten by Emily was the sexual feeling that accompanied the pain. Their friendship had always been platonic: no physical intimacy. Emily had just enveloped his mouth with his and bit down on his lips. He had to have been chosen by Mantis for food before he could experience such close oral contact with her. However, as food, he would lose his life for this type of mouth-to-flesh contact. He wondered how many bites the girls would take out of him before he lost consciousness and passed on.

“You know… You don’t have to do this,” said Charles as they led him to the house the girls shared. “You don’t have to eat me.”

“What would you like us to do with you?” asked Amada. “Should we let you go?” She pointed to the letter M branded on his arm. “If we let you go, how far do you think you’d get before some other girls caught you?”

“You could hide me,” said Charles.

“Good idea,” said Emily and smirked. “You can hide in here.” she patted her stomach. She took another big bite of Torful, and Charles had a fleeting vision of his chewed up flesh digesting in her belly along with the Torful pastry she was devouring.

Once inside the house, Emily ordered him to lie down on the couch.

“I’ve always wanted to do this,” said Emily, “even before you were chosen.” Emily approached the couch, turned, and sat down heavily on his chest. She crossed the tanned thigh nearest his head. He felt her buttocks press onto his chest as she sat full weight on top of him.

“You make a nice cushion,” said Emily, bouncing a little atop his tortured frame.

“Sit on his face,” said Amanda, casually.

“I’m going to,” replied Emily, looking down at him mischievously. She uncrossed her legs and shifted her hips over so that her lovely butt was poised directly above him. She had allowed her skirt to ride up over his face, and Charles gazed at the twin globes of her butt, slightly covered by white panty material, hover above his face. He grimaced as he prepared his body for the pain that was to ensue. Emily let her butt descend to his face and engulf it. He was smothering beneath Emily and her entire body weight concentrated on his head. Emily was sitting on his face with what seemed like the same lack of concern for him she would display to a common piece of furniture. She crossed her legs, allowing him a thin slice of vision while his face remained sealed beneath the warm flesh of her bottom.

“How do you like it with Emily’s big butt on your face?” asked Amanda.

“Excuse me,” said Emily in mock indignation. “I don’t have a big butt.”

“You might want to get Charles’ opinion of that,” chuckled Amanda.

Emily arose from his face about half way to a standing position. Charles gasped in the air he’d been deprived of as he stared up at Emily’s rounded butt hovering above him, outlined with skirt material.

“No,” said Charles. “You don’t have a big butt.”

“See?” chirped Emily to Amanda. “ Charles doesn’t think I have a big butt.” She let her butt descend back down to his face, smothering it again in warm flesh and her full body weight.

“How about now?” asked Emily, and laughed. “Do I have a big butt?”

Charles could only mumble beneath her as she sat on him and crossed her legs again.

“Sitting on the meat,” said Amanda. “I thought we brought him home to eat him.”

“We did,” said Emily. “I just want to have some fun with him, first.” She continued to sit heavily on his face, legs crossed nonchalantly. “He makes a nice cushion,” she added.

Charles, masochist as he was, was rather enjoying the mixture of pain and pleasure of Emily dominating him in such a nonchalant way. But then he remembered his reason for being there. He was going to be eaten by these girls. He was going to have to endure the excruciating pain of their teeth chomping off pieces of his flesh and taking it inside of their bodies. He would cease to exist as himself. He would, in fact, become a literal part of Amanda and Emily. Some of his eaten flesh would be used to power their bodies, some of it would be deposited in a toilet, but some of it would actually contribute to the flesh of their bodies, their arms, legs, and, of course, their butts. It dawned on him that eventually he would become a part of the same butt Emily was using to engulf and smother his face with.

Emily remained seated on his upturned face for only about a minute, but to Charles it seemed an eternity. When she arose from his face she looked back down at him and said, coyly, “Did I hurt you?” It was a rhetorical question, of course. She obviously knew she had hurt him. He gulped air into his lungs. His nose and face hurt from getting sat on, and he was rather surprised when he saw no evidence of remorse on Emily’s face. Here was someone with whom he had laughed with, played volleyball with, swam with, and enjoyed the company of, treating him like a nothing: just something she could sit on if she wanted to, and bite and eat-- a striking example of the indoctrination process all girls went through under the control of Mantis.

The girls ignored his presence on the couch as they chatted about clothing and music. Suddenly Emily approached the couch again and sat down on him, straddling his groin. She leaned down, her soft breasts touching his chest, her lovely face close to his, his nostrils filled with the fine scent of her perfume. Her painted lips widened into a smile, but he saw hunger in her large brown eyes.

“Are you scared?” she teased. “I’m gonna bite you and eat you.” She opened her mouth wide as she turned her head and bit down on both his lips again-- as she had bit him in the car, only harder, and, again, he feared she was going to bite his lips off and eat them. But she released her teeth from his lips, opened her mouth wide, again, and bit into his cheek. Emily was toying with him, demonstrating to him how she could, at any time, take a bite out of his flesh and eat him.

She gazed hungrily at him. His mouth and cheek stung where she had bitten him. Then she asked Amanda, “When do you want to eat him?” Then she added, “We should call Wendy. I’m sure she want to eat some of him.”

“I’ll call her,” said Amanda. Emily got up off of him as Amanda called their friend Wendy. Images of Wendy filled his mind. He didn’t know her very well except for a gratuitous “Hi,” as they passed in the hall. Wendy was a beautiful blonde cheerleader… way out of his league. The same as most men, he had wanted to date her but knew that rejection was inevitable. He was sure, though, that Wendy ate men chosen by Mantis the same as any other woman or girl on the planet. He became excited by the prospect of Wendy desiring him for any purpose-- even as something she wanted to sink her teeth into and eat.

Amanda spoke to Wendy on the phone. “Wendy,” said Amanda. “When is the last time you ate live meat slave?” She paused and looked over at Charles. “Yes. I know. They are kind of expensive. But Emily and I pooled our money and bought one. Want to come over? There’s more than enough of him… it’s Charles,” she added. “He’s had a crush on you. Emily has been sitting on him and biting him.” She grinned at Emily as she listened to something Wendy was saying. “Yeah, I know. You’ll have a crush on him, too, when you sit on him.” Amanda chatted with Wendy a few more moments and then got off the phone.

“Wendy’s coming over, Charles,” she told him. “She’s going to eat you up. You should feel honored.”

Charles didn’t reply. Honored? Wendy was the most beautiful girl he’d ever seen. He felt sexually aroused that she wanted to eat him. But the awful truth was Wendy, no matter how lovely and sexy, wanted to kill him! She wanted to sink those big white teeth into his flesh and bite off pieces of him and eat him. He would achieve an ultimate physical closeness with her body when he became a part of it. The down size of that, of course, was that he had to die to achieve it.

Amanda and Emily left him alone until Wendy arrived. His breathing increased when he heard her knock at the door. Amanda and Emily greeted her and Wendy looked at Charles, still lying on the couch.

“Oh, I remember him,” she told the others. She smiled at him, but the hunger in her eyes was the same as he saw in the other girls eyes, a smile of approval… a smile created from desire, desire for his flesh as food.

Wendy was also wearing a mini-skirt and halter top. She had thick, dark blonde hair and big, lustrous brown eyes. Her body looked like it had been sculpted by some ethereal artist: firm breasts, a narrow waist that curved out to form voluptuous hips and butt, and smooth, long legs. She walked over close to the couch where Charles lay and gazed down at him. She placed a finger on his lips and commented, “ Bite marks… Why did you simply bite him, Emily? Why didn’t you eat him?” She lifted a tanned thigh and straddled his groin. The feeling of Wendy sitting on his groin excited him. She leaned over close to his face, and covered it with hot, spicy breath. A pink tongue wiped across her teeth and her pink-painted lips tightened as she opened her mouth wide. Her eyes still wide with desire, she tilted her head to the side and he felt her sharp teeth squeeze his lips between them. Charles felt a strange contrast between the feminine softness of her lovely face pressed onto his, and the pain of her teeth as she bit down hard on his lips.

“Wait,” said Amanda.

“Huh?” said Wendy. She withdrew her teeth from his lips and glanced, quizzically, at Amanda. “Aren’t we going to eat him?”

“Of course,” said Emily. “But we wanna play with him first… We want to use him as a human cushion”

“A human cushion?” asked Wendy. “And sit on him?”

“Yep,” replied Emily.

“Oh, I could do that,” said Wendy. She got up off his supine frame and stood next to the couch. Charles gazed up at her lovely, dominating presence, her long tanned thighs and underlying of her skirt hovering above him.

“A human cushion, huh,” said Wendy. “I’ll sit on him.” She turned her back to him. She placed a hand on the hem of her skirt and raised it, displaying more of her thighs. “I’ll sit on his face.”

Charles gazed upwards as Wendy began to sit down, flipping the back of her skirt over his head. Her legs were together, forming a V shape that met with a rounded, panty-clad butt descending to his face. She sat down heavily on his face, allowing her entire body weight to settle down on top of his upturned face. The twin globes of her butt mashed harshly onto his face, as he smothered beneath her. Then she crossed her legs nonchalantly, as if she had just sat on an object and not a human being. In fact, she spoke to the others as if he wasn’t even there, lying beneath her torturing butt.

“So,” said Wendy, while she remained seated on his face. “What part of man meat do you like to eat?” She didn’t wait for an answer. “I love to eat the lips… and… oh… penis meat is yummy… I remember one meat slave I ate… I started licking on his wiener… He thought I was going to give him a blow job,” she laughed. “He found out it was no blow job… I chomped down on his cock and bit a chunk off… and ate it… Yummy,”

“… sounds delicious,” said Emily. “Amanda and I ate one like that… The look of pleasure on his face and then… chomp chomp.” She laughed. “What a surprise he got… He was yummy… We bit him all over and ate him… till he passed on to that big meat locker in the sky,” she chuckled. “Then we butchered him and ate him all summer… We’ll probably eat Charles all summer, as well.”

Charles had a vision of his butchered body, pieces of him wrapped in cellophane in a freezer like people did with a side of beef he’d seen pictures of in history books. He envisioned the girls merrily chatting while a piece of him fried on the stove. He envisioned Emily selecting a piece of him, placing it between two slices of Troful bread and casually chomping and chewing it. That was his gruesome destiny. Yet, at the same time, these imagined visions had a definite sexual excitement to them. Their hunger for his body, their desire to take him deep inside of them, was akin to sexual intercourse. The fact that he had to die to become one with their bodies seem to be isolated in another part of his brain.

Wendy, the cheerleader, and object of his fantasy life finally decided to get up off of his face. He gasped in air, trying to fill his lungs with air that had been deprived of him. His nose and face hurt from Wendy sitting on him. She looked down at his reddened face but showed no sign of remorse.

“That was fun,” she said. “But didn’t you invite me over to eat Charles?”

“Sure,” said Emily. “But we love teasing him… Let’s bite him, all over. Let’s show him what he’s going to have to endure when we eat him.”

“Bite him?” asked Wendy. “You mean bite him without eating him?”

“Oh, we’ll eat him,” said Wendy. “We just want to play with Charles first.”

“Bite him without taking a bite out of him,” considered Wendy. “You’re asking a lot from a hungry girl, but okay… sure… I’ll bite him.” She looked at Charles, opened her mouth wide, and clacked her teeth together in a mock bite.

“Let’s put him on the dinner table,” said Amy.

“Now you’re talking,” said Wendy.

The girls ordered him to get up off the couch. As they led him to the dinner table, Wendy teased, licking her lips. “You look yummy, Charles. I can’t wait to sink my teeth in you and eat you. Aren’t you afraid?” Charles didn’t answer. “You’re going to end up in here,” continued Wendy’s teasing. She patted her toned belly.

When the girls told him to lie down on their dinner table, the reality of his situation slammed into his brain. He loved the idea of them wanting to eat him, but the reality of getting bitten to death and eaten as a live piece of meat sent a wave of fear through him. He didn’t want to die, yet he was powerless to stop them from their gruesome feast. This was the year 2075. The practice of eating men who were selected by Mantis, even eating them alive, was popular all over the world.

“Yum,” said Emily, as he lay on the table. “Let’s see… Where should I bite you,” she teased. “You’re arm looks yummy.” She grasped his arm and pulled it towards an open mouth and ominously-looking teeth. He felt the pain of her upper and lower teeth sink into the flesh of his arm, deeper and deeper, as if trying to take a bite out of him. The flesh of his arm was caught between her sharp teeth like a burning vise. Her lovely brown eyes remained trained on his as she bit. They were hungry eyes, merciless eyes completely lacking in remorse. Then she removed her teeth from his arm, leaving a deep crescent of teeth marks, damp with saliva.

“I’ll bite you a lot harder than that,” teased Emily, “when I eat you.”

“Harder than that?” thought Charles. His mind couldn’t fathom the pain of Emily eating him alive, of her biting until her teeth came together and chewing off a piece of his flesh.

“Hmm,” said Emily. “…not bad… but maybe I’ll eat your lips.” She leaned over the table and pressed a soft breast onto his chest. Her lovely face was near his. His face was bathed in her hot breath. Emily was truly beautiful. Her thick brown hair surrounded his head as she opened her mouth and her tongue came out and slowly wiped over his lips. His manhood responded as it naturally would to such erotic contact. But then he felt her teeth sink into his flesh, trapping his upper and lower lips between them. She squeezed them between her teeth, and her assault on his mouth became a mixture of sexual excitement and excruciating pain. Emily would have never bitten him like that when they were friends-- before he’d been chosen by Mantis. Then he thought again. But had she wanted to? Was there some primal instinct inside each human female to eat the male of the species like a black widow spider? Was all the friendship, the romance, marriage, a socially re-enforced behavior meant to cover up their real longings? Had women always been, essentially, man-eaters? He thought of how women will often carefully chew on the fingers of babies, which usually elicited a response of delight in the baby. Are the women just playing with the babies, or are they-- absurd as the idea may be-- responding to an innate desire to eat human flesh…a primal need, covered up by layers of social indoctrination?

Amy brought his hand and fingers to her mouth and bit down so hard she drew bleetus from the wound. Completely ignoring Charles’ groans of agony, her pretty face was filled with ecstasy as she licked at the sweet-tasting bleetus. She turned his hand around and bit into the palm of it with what could only be described as casual savagery.

Then her friend Emily took a turn on him. She leaned over, her firm breasts pressed into his chest, her face close to his and told him, “I’m gonna bite your lips.” She turned her head to the side, opened her mouth wide, and pressed her soft face into his. The sharp pain of her teeth penetrating his vulnerable lips seemed so paradoxical to her feminine nature. He saw the hunger in her bright brown eyes. He was meat to her. She wanted to eat him. She withdrew her teeth from his lips and licked at the flow of bleetus from them. She looked at Amy and said, “I’m gonna take a bite of him.” Then she looked back at Charles and told him with an earnest voice: “I’m going to eat you.” She clamped her teeth over both of his lips and bit down again. She bit deep into his lips, ignoring any feelings she might have had when they were friends. Emily squeezed his lips between her teeth until her teeth came together with his lips caught between them.

Charles’ scream became a muffled cry as he felt warm bleetus flowing form his bitten off mouth. Emily chewed her bite of his flesh and sent it to her hungry belly. Then he felt Amy’s soft mouth on his arm, soft until she sank sharp teeth into his flesh, chomping off a piece of his arm and chewing on it as casually as any other food.

He tried to get up off the table, but he was too weak from loss of bleetus. He was powerless to stop them from eating him. He looked down with bleary eyes and saw Wendy, the most beautiful girl he’d ever seen, with his penis in her hand. She licked at it, and Charles was amazed that, even in his weakened condition, his sensitive member responded by stiffening. Wendy cast an expression of triumph at him. She erotically wiped her tongue across pink glossy lips. “Yum,” she said. She opened her mouth wide as if teasing him with the pearly, sharp teeth she was now going to use to eat his penis with. Then Wendy, a popular cheerleader, sought after by so many men, bit into the head of his penis. Her lovely brown eyes squinted as her jaws powered her teeth into his cock. She bit down hard and tore off the head of it, chewing on it while retaining that look of triumph on her beautiful face.

Charles was literally being eaten alive by these girls. They owned him. They desired him, but not as a man, as the food he now was to them. After chewing up and swallowing her bite of his penis, Wendy was now near his face. She opened her mouth wide and sank her teeth into his cheek, biting off a piece of his face. The pain was excruciating, as usual, yet strangely erotic. And he thought to himself how powerful female beauty was to a man that he could possibly enjoy being eaten alive by them.

His body grew weaker as the three girls proceed to take more bites out of his flesh. He felt soft lips along with paradoxical sharp teeth penetrate his flesh as the girls dined on his powerless body. He felt himself being taken inside of them a bite at a time. Strangely enough, he realized, as he had always known, that what was happening now was a natural course of civilization as it evolved, that what had always seemed to be an un-civilized act, cannibalism, was now his destiny, and the destiny of all men.


© Copyright 2011 Barefoot Bob (angst at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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