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Rated: XGC · Other · Erotica · #1795127
My view of the future after global warming has devastated our planet. Should I finish it?
Mantis: The Volunteer Clause


Barefoot Bob

James was delighted when the all female family moved in next door. James was shy, but he eventually discovered that the mother’s name was Marissa. She was tall with full black hair, nearly black eyes, and a light brownish skin tone. She was a woman of about forty but could have easily passed for late twenties. Marissa had one of the most splendid butts he’d seen on a woman, narrow waist, and long shapely legs. Her two daughters, Marnie and Molly, were age eighteen and nineteen respectively. Both girls were cheerleaders at the local college where James attended. The girls were shorter than their mother, about five foot three, with a sexy body they inherited from their mother. Marnie had black hair and brown eyes. Her sister, Molly, somehow ended up with blonde hair and brown eyes. Both girls had the usual sexy bodies of girls who had made the cheerleading squad, ample but tight butts and smooth, toned legs. James loved to peer out the window at them when they sat around on the patio, scantily clad to be more comfortable in the super-heated environment of 2075.

It was early Summer when he watched them bring a meat slave home. The man had been selected by Mantis to be food for women. He had been purchased by Marissa and her daughters at some man meat store and was destined to be devoured. He watched intently as they ordered the man out of their car, controlling him by a remote control shock collar. He walked solemnly behind them, powerless to stop them from his fate: to be eaten by these three visions of loveliness. He stared as the two girls licked their lips at the man. It perplexed him that such a site would turn him on sexually. The man was going to die. He was about to be eaten alive. Later that day he heard screams coming from the house. James easily surmised that the poor man was being eaten alive, his flesh bitten into, chewed up, and sent to stomachs of these females for nourishment.

James couldn’t get that experience out of his mind. He realized that if Mantis, the world-wide, all female governing body had chosen him, he could have the same fate. Such was not the case. The vast computer data base run by Mantis, the computer that hideously decided at random if a man was to live or die at the hands of hungry females had not selected him. But as the Summer wore on, he couldn’t help but fantasize what it would be like to be eaten by Marissa and her daughters. He was also aware of a special clause in the Mantis doctrine, it was called the Volunteer Clause. A man who had not been chosen by Mantis could actually volunteer to be eaten by women, and in return, the women were ordered to do anything the man wanted before being devoured. That was the part that so invaded his mind and sense of reason. James had a fetish. He wanted to be used as human furniture by women and sat on. The thought of Marissa and her daughters sitting on him, all over him, on his chest, his stomach, and even planting their sexy butts right on his face was beginning to get to him. If he volunteered to let them eat him, they would be obliged to do it. But in a world where men were viewed with such little value as to be food, these girls would probably grant his request easily, without any concern over hurting him.

One day he decided to put a lawn chair outside and sat reading a book, hoping the girls would come out. An awning kept the blinding 2075 sun off of his head. He didn’t have long to wait. Molly and her sister came outdoors. He was excited to see that they each wore short and thin sun dresses and each had a piece of Torful in their hands-- Torful, the synthetic food that was the only source of nourishment these days besides human flesh. The girls sat down on a bench and crossed their legs, casually, unknowingly allowing him to view part of their bikini panties underneath. He peered over the top of his book at the two girls sitting so nonchalantly on the bench and envisioned himself as the bench, with the girls sitting on him. He watched them open their mouths wide and sink big, sharp teeth into the Torful, tearing off pieces of it, chewing it, and swallowing it into the mysterious depths of their bodies.

The sexual feelings that ensued over powered his rational mind, and he began to consider submitting himself to them via the Volunteer Clause. He could be sat on, as they were sitting on the bench. He could watch and feel their sharp teeth sink deep into his flesh as they ate him alive. But then his rational mind intervened. What was he thinking! He would die! If the girls-- no matter how lovely they are-- ate him, he would die. He thought of the Meat Slave they had brought home a couple months ago. He was gone now. He was, quite literally, a part of those sexy, tanned legs, a part of the butts which dominated the bench, a part of the perky breasts which pushed out at the sun dress. The man had been dominated in the ultimate way: eaten and forced to become part of their bodies, as well as supplying energy for them as they bounced and jumped while cheerleading.

While peering over the top of his book, he saw them looking at him. Molly, her blonde hair braided in back, leaned closer to her sister and whispered something. Marnie grinned and suddenly yelled over to him.

“You can come over, you know,” she offered. “We won’t bite.”

“Well… Maybe,” added Molly. She giggled and touched her upper lip with her tongue.

It was the first time they had actually invited him over to their house. He smiled and took them up on their offer. He had wanted to get a closer view of them for a long time.

“Have a seat,” said Marnie. “We see you in the yard next door, but we haven’t really talked yet.”

James took a seat on a lawn chair next to the bench they were sitting on, the bench he was envying with his mind’s eyes.

“Would you like some Torful?” asked Molly, extending a piece to him.

“No thank you,” said James.

“I don’t blame you,” said Molly. “I get so tired of eating Torful.”

A question formed in his mind, a loaded question. He knew the answer. He wanted to hear her say it. “What happened to the man you brought home a couple months ago?”

Molly frowned. “What do you mean what happened to him?” she asked as if the question was absurd. She paused a few moments and he saw that familiar hungry desire for flesh men often saw in women these days. “We ate him.”

“He was only a meat slave,” added Marnie. “We didn’t bring him home to play cards.” The girls giggled. Molly added: “We ate the last of him a couple weeks ago… and know we have nothing but this dreadful Torful to eat.” She kept her lovely brown eyes trained on him as she bit into the Torful. “And I am so hungry,” she continued while chewing on a bite of Torful, “for more man meat.”

“Yes,” said her sister Marnie. She also trained her dark, seductive eyes on him as her sensual lips parted and her white teeth sliced easily through her piece of Torful. “It’s too bad you haven’t been chosen by Mantis… We could eat you.”

“I… I know,” stammered James. He felt a bulge beginning to push out at his trousers. He crossed his legs in an attempt to conceal it. The thought of these two beautiful cheerleader types biting into him and eating him alive had inadvertently activated his manhood.

“I haven’t been chosen,” said James.

“Well, obviously,” said Marnie. “If you had, you wouldn’t be outside taking to us like this… you’d be on our dinner table.”

“I need to ask,” said James. “Didn’t you feel anything? I mean… when you bit into that meat slave and ate him alive?”

“Of course not,” answered Molly. “He was only meat… He begged us not to eat him-- they always beg-” she added. The girls giggled. “He kept right on begging,” continued Molly, “as we bit into him and started eating him.”

“It must have really hurt,” said James.

“I’m sure it did,” said Molly. “We have sharp teeth.” She opened her mouth wide and brought her teeth together in a mock bite. “Why do you ask?”

“Oh, replied James. “I was just curious is to how a meat slave feels when women eat him.”

“Curious, huh,” said Molly. She looked at her sister and grinned. “If you really want to know how a meat slave feels when we eat him, I could bite you.” James gazed at her face, so beautiful in a wholesome way. Her soft lips looked so sensual. It seemed contradictory to her wholesome femininity in her offer to sink her teeth in him.

“You want to bite me?” he asked.

“Sure,” said Molly. She brushed her braided blonde hair with a soft hand. “I’ll bite you.”

James couldn’t resist. He got up from his chair and offered his arm to her. “Are you going to bite hard?” he asked.

“Well…” said Molly. “You haven’t been chosen… I’m not allowed to eat you… but I’ll bite you.” She took hold of his arm and raised it to her opened mouth. As soon as he saw her sharp teeth, he winced and started to reclaim his arm. “Do you want me to bite you or not?” said Molly.

“Um… Okay,” said James. He relaxed his arm and allowed Molly to bring it to her mouth. She sank her teeth into his forearm, squeezing flesh between sharp upper and lower teeth with a vise-like grip. It hurt like hell and he grimaced. He tried to reclaim his arm, but Molly continued to bite down hard on his forearm.

“You can’t eat him,” cautioned Marnie.

“I know,” said Molly, reluctantly removing her teeth from his arm. James stared at the deep teeth marks and damp saliva on his forearm. Molly reminded him: Well, you wanted to know what if feels like to be a meat slave… It hurts like that… only much more, I’m sure.”

“James,” said Marnie, bluntly. “Would you like us to eat you?”

“We can’t,” Molly reminded her.

“Actually,” said Marnie. “We could.” She paused a moment. “The Volunteer Clause.”

“Oh,” said Molly. “The Volunteer Clause… Men never do that.”

“Some do,” said Marnie. “For whatever reason, I don’t know.”

“Interesting,” replied Molly and grinned. “How about you, James? Would you sign the Volunteer Clause so we can eat you?” Her tanned face turned hopeful.

The truth is,” said James. “I’ve been considering it…. However,” he added. “If I understand the clause right, you have to do anything I want before you eat me.”

Molly looked at her sister and shrugged then back at James. “What is it you want?”

“I want you to use me for something to sit on.”

“You want us to sit on you?” asked Molly. “You want us to sit on you like we’re sitting on this bench?”

“Um… Yes,” answered James.

“Is that all?” said Molly. “We could sit on you, couldn’t we Marnie.

Marnie shugged. “Sure… We could sit on you… if you don’t care if we squish you.”

Molly added: If you really want us to treat you like some kind of human seat… I’ll sit on your face.” She grinned, mischievously.

“You’ll sit on my face?” asked James.

“Sure… Why not… If you’re suppose to be a seat, why wouldn’t I sit on your face.”

“Me, too,” said Marnie. “I’d come over and plop my butt right on your face.”

“But we couldn’t sit on his face for very long at a time,” Molly considered. “We’d suffocate him… and I want to eat him alive.”

“So… How long would we do that?” asked Marnie “I mean… use you for a seat?”

“A week,” said James.

“Use you for a seat for a week?” asked Molly. “And then we can eat you?”

“Uh-huh,” said James. He couldn’t believe he was actually getting himself into the Volunteer Clause.

“And your mother?” asked James.

“Oh, yes,” said Molly. “Mom told us she wished you had been selected by Mantis. She wants to eat you up.”

“I’m sure she would sit on you, as well,” added Marnie.

Just then, as if on cue, their mother Marissa came outside. “What’s all the discussion about?” she asked. “Oh, hello, James.”

“James said he’s considering doing the Volunteer Clause,” said Molly.

“Oh, really,” said Marissa. James stared at her. She had on very short shorts and a halter top. For a woman of forty, her body was magnificent. She nudged Marnie over and sat down on the bench besides them. “You’ll let the girls and I eat you?”

“If we sit on him,” said Molly.

“Sit on him?” said Marissa. What do you mean?”

“I guess,” Molly explained. “James wants us to use him like a piece of furniture and sit on him.”

“Hmm,” said Marissa. “You must like pain… If I sat on you, I’d mash you.”

“Especially if you sat on his face,” added Molly.

“Yes,” said Marissa. “Especially if I sat on your face.”

“But then we get to eat him, mom.” said Molly, excited.

“Interesting,” said Marissa. She gently took a hold of his arm and rotated it, eying the crescent of teeth marks from Molly’s bite. “I see that one of the girls bit you,” she said.

“I did,” said Molly. “Well… He wanted to know what a meat slave feels when we eat him, so I bit him.”

“I see,” said Marissa, gazing intently at him. “If you sign yourself over to us with the Volunteer Clause, I’ll bite you myself… But I’m sure you realize, James, I’ll bite you a lot harder than that.” She smiled broadly, and James stared at her lovely face with voluptuous lips and pearl white teeth. Her expression then became more serious. “Do you realize, James, what you’d be getting yourself into?”

“Y-yes,” stammered James.

Marissa continued: “We would eat you like any other meat slave… We would kill you, James… You’ll end up inside us… digesting in our bellies… Are you sure you want that?”

“Um… I think so,” said James, nervously. “If you do what I want first.”

“You mean,” said Marissa. “Sit on you.”

“We could do that mom,” said Molly. “We could come over and plop our butts down all over on him.”

“Even if you’re wearing a skirt of dress?” asked James. “Would you let your skirt go over my face when you sat on me?”

“Of course,” said Marissa. “If we’re treating you like a chair or couch cushion of something… When I sit on a chair, I don’t care if my skirt goes over the seat… I just go over and sit on it.”

James envisioned Marissa with her sun dress, sitting down on his face, her perfect panty-clad butt enveloping him… her womanly weight crushing him.

Said Marnie: “We would sit on you in our cheerleading uniforms.”

“Sure,” added Molly. “Our cheerleading uniforms have skirts… We would just come over and sit on your face.”

It was obvious to James that the women were playing on his human furniture fetish… They wanted to eat him, and they were promising everything he had long fantasized becoming real.

Marissa and her daughters remained silent as he considered their proposition. He looked at each of them, at the oh so wholesomely beautiful girls and at Marissa as they nonchalantly dominated the bench with their sexy butts, their tanned thighs crossed seductively as they sat. He tried to imagine the pain of each of them sinking their teeth into his flesh, unmercifully eating him as casually as they ate Torful. The bulge in his pants began to grow even more. Marissa noticed it and chuckled. “Hmm… I see that at least part of you wants us to eat you.”

“Yes,” said James. “The mindless part.”

Marissa smiled. “Well… then let’s just take you and your “mindless part” over to Mantis and do this.”

The scene became nearly surreal, as if in a dream. His mindless part took over reason and his mouth was saying okay.

“Wonderful,” said Marissa. “Let’s go, before you change your mind.”

When they arrived at the local Mantis office, he beheld a beautiful blonde girl at a desk marked: “Volunteer Clause.” James estimated her to be in her mid to late twenties. She had full, lustrous blonde hair and green eyes. She was wearing a flowery dress, and sat with her nylon-covered legs crossed. James envied the office chair she was sitting on.

“Good morning,” she greeted them with a friendly wide smile, a smile, thought James, made from the same white, sharp teeth she incongruously uses to bite into a meat slave while eating him.

“I’m Julie,” said the young woman. “I’ll be drawing up the contract you want.” she gazed at James. “I take it that this is the man?”

“Yes,” said Molly. “This is the man.”

“And you name is..?”

“James,” he replied.

Julie placed her hands on a keyboard and began to type. She looked at James and said: “And you are volunteering to let these ladies eat you?”

“Um… Yes,” said James.

“You realize, James, that this is a binding contract between Mantis, these women, and you?”

“Uh-huh,” said James. “With stimulations.”

Julie stopped typing and looked up at him. “And those stipulations would be..?”

Molly answered: “He wants us to use him like a seat.”

“A seat?” said Julie. “And sit on him?”

“Interesting,” said Julie. She typed some more. “How long to you want to be used as a seat?”

“For a week,” said James.

“A week,” repeated Julie, typing some more. Then she asked: “What if one of these ladies wanted to sit on your face? Would that be acceptable?”

“Oh, yes,” replied James, trying not to appear so hopeful.

“Okay,” said Julie, typing. “You want these ladies to use you like a human seat and sit on you… for a week… and then… after the week… you’ll let them eat you?”

“Uh-huh,” answered James. He realized that his little head was doing all the talking for him, and he was powerless to stop it.

Julie typed some more and then printed out a the copy of a document. “Read this carefully,” she told James. “And sign at the bottom.”

James looked over the official Mantis document which stated in legal language exactly what had been discussed. Julie offered him a pen, and his hand shook as he held it to the paper.

“Having second thoughts?” asked Julie.

“Y-yes,” he stammered.

“Understandable,” said Julie. She swiveled her chair around as if deliberately allowing him a better view of her butt and legs as she sat. “You know,” said Julie. “You do look yummy. “I’d love to eat some of you myself… and I love the idea of sitting on you.”

“On my face?” said James.

“Sure I would,” said Julie. “If these ladies invite me over… and you’re there to sit on… I’d sit on your face.” She pulled her skirt back a little, showing him more leg. “I’d sit on your face… just like I’m sitting on this chair.” She let her presentation sink in a moment and then added: “Oh, and I would certainly love to bite you and eat some of you.” She slowly wiped her tongue over glossy red lips. James was feeling a tug of war going on inside his mind, a war between rational thought and the power of his sexual urge.

“You can come over anytime,” said Marissa. “Sit on him… Bite him…”

“Eat him,” added Julie, her greenish hungry eyes on him.

His body was now flushed with desire. He pressed pen to paper and signed on the dotted line. He handed the pen back to Julie and she smiled triumphantly.

“Yes!… Yes!” squealed Molly. “We own you now.”

James looked at her smiling, excited face. He was reminded of a photo he’d seen in a history book of life in the early part of the twentieth century when fish and other non-human organisms were still around-- yet to be extinct from global warming and searing heat. The photo showed a pretty, young girl holding up a fish she’d caught. She owned the fish. The fish was powerless to stop her from sinking her teeth in it’s flesh and eating it. Molly was gazing hungrily at him the same way. He meant the same to her as the fish meant to the girl in the photo: potential food that would end up inside her sensual mouth and shapely body. He glanced at Marnie, their mother Marissa and at the office girl, Julie. They all wore expressions of desire for his flesh. He was filled with mixed feelings of sexual heat and terror at the reality of his situation.

“Good,” said Molly. “Now this…” She brought out an instrument and turned it on. The letter M glowed at its tip. “ I need your arm,” she told James. He held his arm closer to her. He knew what she was going to do and he grimaced as she brought the instrument close to his flesh. She pressed the hot instrument to his flesh until it burned a letter M on it. He was officially meat now. He had no other destiny but to be eaten by women.

“Wonderful,” said Molly. “Let’s go now.”

“Enjoy him,” said Julie.

“Oh, we will,” said Marissa. “Oh, and feel free to come over anytime during the next week.”

“Thank you,” said Julie. “I’m looking forward to it.”

James was looking forward to the next week, himself. Although, he reminded himself, at the end of the week he would cease to exist. He had just signed his own death warrant. It was one thing to fantasize getting sat on and eaten by pretty girls, but this wasn’t fantasy. The world he was in now was real. He was having second thoughts, but the branded letter M on his arm glaringly brought him back into the reality of his situation. The girls ordered him to get in the back seat of their car. He obeyed. He slid over to the middle of the seat. Molly and Marnie got in and sat on each side of him. Their warm hips pressed against his. He was sandwiched between two of the hottest most desirable girls in the college. He glanced down at their tanned thighs that had hiked up when they sat down. Marissa got in the driver’s side door and pulled away from the local branch of Mantis.

After a few minutes of driving, Molly shifted her butt over a little to the side and looked directly at him. She licked her lips and said: “I’m going to eat you up.” She placed a soft hand on his shoulder. “Come here, you,” she ordered. “I’m going to bite you.” She opened her mouth and pressed her lovely face into his. The strawberry scent of her hair and her hot breath filled his nostrils. She grabbed his cheek with sharp teeth and bit down hard. He groaned, but Molly only admonished him: “You might as well get used to getting bit like this,” she told him. “You’re only meat now.” She removed her teeth from his flesh, leaving it stinging and damp from her salvia. He could not even fathom the pain if she had bitten off a piece of his cheek and ate it, the pain he was destined to endure in just one week from now.

-end of Part One--
© Copyright 2011 Barefoot Bob (angst at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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