Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2144436-Eight-Eyes-Watching-1st-Place
by Pepper
Rated: E · Fiction · Drama · #2144436
A woman awakes to find a giant spider ready to pounce.
Voices from the den penetrated my sleep-induced fog.  I tried to snuggle deeper into my pillows, but groaned when I realized I had to go to the bathroom—again. 

As my eyes fluttered open and adjusted to the dim light, movement on the ceiling snagged my attention.

I froze—not breathing.

At the foot of my bed and to the right of the ceiling fan sat poised the biggest spider I had ever seen. Legs, covered in black hair, extended a foot in diameter.  One leg dangled down, poised, ready to strike.

You are dreaming.  No spider is that big.  Yet I could clearly hear the TV, and I could see the entire bedroom.  I wasn’t in some dream-like world.  No, I was wide awake, but…. You must be dreaming

I tried shutting my eyes and opening them again, but the fanged monster still hovered, only closer.  We both stared, the creature unblinking—all eight eyes.

I thought about crying for help, but I feared any action would make the spider pounce.  It was a moot point, because the monster lifted another leg and began scurrying across the ceiling.

I screamed and jumped from the bed.  Or rather, I tried.  My legs were trapped in the sheets, and I went head first.  By the time I had untangled my limbs and stood, my hero had arrived and flipped on the lights.


“Can you see it?  It’s really there.”  Or at least it had been.  It must have dropped from the ceiling and was lurking on the other side of the bed.  I shivered.

My husband had the nerve to chuckle.

“Do something.  Kill it!”

“Honey, you are dreaming again.” 


“You—are—dreaming.” Grinning, he once again set about proving no giant spider existed.

Word Count = 296

Submitted for
Daily Flash Fiction Challenge  (13+)
Enter your story of 300 words or less.
#896794 by Arakun the Twisted Raccoon

300 Word limit using voice, dream, and help.
© Copyright 2017 Pepper (plscholl2 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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