Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2144370-The-Spoils-of-War
by Pepper
Rated: E · Fiction · Action/Adventure · #2144370
A captain risks a court martial to intercept the enemy's supply lines.
“Enter.” Captain Nelson nodded as Sidney entered.  Before he could snap to attention, Nelson said, “At ease, soldier.  What have you got?”

“Sir, a report from our spy in the Rebs’ camp.” Sidney handed it over and watched as Nelson read.  When he looked up, Sidney knew the Captain had a plan.

“Corporal, how much time do we need to mobilize our troops?”

“One minute, Sir.”  Nelson raised an eyebrow, but Sidney rushed to point out, “There’s only two of us, Sir.” 

“What happened to the rest of our troops?”

“Defected, Sir.” Sidney shrugged.  “They didn’t like the odds.”

Nelson bit back an expletive and grabbed his Elite Rampage Blaster. “Then, let’s go.  We’re going on a raid.” 

Sidney followed Nelson out of the tent and through the woods.  At the tree line, the two surveyed the back of an old farmhouse. 

“What’s the plan, Captain?”

Nelson grinned. “We’ve got to breech the perimeter and confiscate the supplies. Let’s go.”  Nelson darted from behind the tree and ran zigzag across the open ground, Sidney right behind him.  Nelson leapt up on the porch, diving through the now open screen door.  “Thanks, General.  I got your message.”

His mom grinned. “Yea, I figured brownies would bring you running.  Where’s everyone else?” 

“Still out in the woods playing Nerf war.  We can take them some.” 

Nelson’s mom squinted at him.  “Okay, but make sure you share, or I’ll have you court martialed.”

“Thanks, General!” Nelson grabbed the brownies, and the two boys sprinted back to their tent, where they sat down to enjoy the spoils.

“Hey, ain’t we gonna share?”  Sidney asked. “You’ll be in danger of a court martial.”

“Nah!  This is war, and we just intercepted the enemy’s supply line.”  Nelson smirked, chocolate smearing the corners of his lips.       

Word count: 299

Submitted for
Daily Flash Fiction Challenge  (13+)
Enter your story of 300 words or less.
#896794 by Arakun the Twisted Raccoon

Word limit  300 using danger, hand, report
© Copyright 2017 Pepper (plscholl2 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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