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Rated: E · Chapter · Emotional · #2326494
Dark Society
For ages, Five Fields Pub stood renowned for its gourmet cuisine and scenic coastal vistas. But more than that, it's a place Karen often visited to ease stress. Now, she still adored Luis, though recent suspicions were confirmed; Sabrina was an occultist. For that reason, Karen couldn't condemn his infatuation, knowing he stood coaxed.

However, despite everything, there'd been one constant -- Alex. Notwithstanding the fact, their rapport felt constrained due to his romantic pursuits. In lieu, Karen had manipulated sentiments to further her vendetta, and bolster authority. Unsurprisingly, such measures again warranted explanation, so Karen sat at a backside table as Alex advanced with a stern expression.

“You're late,”

Instantly, Alex smirked, unbuttoned his jacket, and took a seat.

“Can I get you a drink, sir?” a steward invited.

Though under the legal drinking age, they enjoyed special privileges. In other words, the Five Fields was an isolated business, so free rein was a benefit of their wealth and stature.

“Scotch neat,”

"And, for the lady?" he asked.

“Chilled white wine,”

As one would expect, Karen appeared unscathed by his subtle candor, thus remained attentive and formal.

“We must stop meeting like this,” he stated, sampling water.

All at once, Karen glowed and seized his hand.

“Perhaps, but I'm glad you came,”

Subsequent, Alex reposed his glass while a three-piece orchestra played in the distance. Another unique facet of the Five Fields and a basis for its surging notoriety. Clearly, Karen often utilized control to gain favor, so Alex observed, taking everything in stride.

“Anyway, how've you been?”

Karen leaned in, altering.

“I've had issues, but I'm managing,”

Herein, Alex breathed, knowing she continually had an unstated agenda. As an example, Karen had grown weary of her place within society and the synagogue. Which entails he and Luis becoming profoundly more concerned about her mounting health issues.

“What's on your mind?”

Turning, Karen whimpered.

“Does there always have to be something?”

Grinning, Alex glanced over the patronages.

“Knowing you as I do, yes,”

Right away, Karen displayed a pronounced scowl, as she closed the menu and arranged it on the table. Not surprisingly, her aimless philandering continued, though Alex kept poised as the attendant reciprocated.

“Are we ready to order?”

Gradually, Karen adjusted, knowing her attire stood revealing without conferring too much.

“I'll begin with the Onion Mullet, followed by the Celeriac Pork,” he revealed. “Then, finish with a serving of the Whiskey Chocolate,”

On a whim, he'd challenged her recollection of French cuisine, for which she wasn't intent on appearing unwise.

“I'll start with Marigold Girolles and the Románico Cod,” she stated. “And for dessert, the Cider Brandy Pineapple Baba,”

Shifting, Alex ogled.

“I'm impressed,”

Directly, Karen's eyes lifted.

“As you should be,”

“Have you spoken to Luis?” he wondered.

Prompted, Karen squinted, while recollecting their last rendezvous. And though painful, she remained discreet and dignified.

“Weeks ago,”

Intrigued, Alex lifted a brow.

“How'd it go?”

Respired, Karen hesitated.

“It went,”

True to form, Alex grew passive, knowing the seriousness of the matter. On a side note, she didn't become angered, so he assumed everything went well. Even though Karen's frequent smirks and irregular body language indicated otherwise.

“We don't have to talk about it,”

Settling, Karen peered.

“I fancy we didn't,” she suggested. “Instead, I hoped to talk about us,”

Gaping, Alex snickered.

“This should be entertaining,”

Moving closer, Karen slouched.

“I was thinking,”

Once more, Alex chuckled.

“Oh boy, first mistake,”

Jokingly, Karen patted his shoulder.

“If you could be serious for a minute,”

“Go ahead; I'm listening,”

Before Karen could speak, the stewards arrived and began dispersing the first course. As guaranteed, service at the Five Fields remained professional and classy, and tonight was no exception.

“You were saying,” he asserted, organizing silverware.

Karen again hesitated, while pondering the various changes in her life. Though, with this encounter, she required complete and total dominance. Because Alex stood resistant in the past and repeatedly defied her wishes.

“This isn't easy,” she whispered, sampling wine. “I've thought a lot about you and me.”

From the start, Karen seemed sincere despite a solemn expression. Although, Alex had been in this situation before and foresaw the same result.

“My feelings clouded my judgment, but a lot has changed,”

Out of necessity, Alex recoiled and squinted, needing to hear something different or discern a side of Karen he'd never seen.

“We've had this conversation,” he explained. “Besides, you don't feel the same, and I understand.”

Immediately, Karen mourned and her eyes sank, considering there was nothing she could say to contradict his opinion. But nevertheless, he'd been there through the dark times and tolerated her behavior.

“I've acted evasive and childish, but now I understand why,”

Slowly, Alex shifted.

“What are you suggesting?”

Seizing his hand, Karen grinned.

“We'd have to take things slow, but tonight's a wonderful start,”

As a rule, he never entertained false promises or provocative behavior, so an aura of honesty felt necessary to substantiate such an abrupt change.

“Prove it,”

“What would you like me to do?”

Like always, Alex shook his head.

“If you have to ask, then I have my answer,”

Gingerly, Karen nestled closer.

“I know what you're thinking,” she retorted. “However, you know what I'm getting at,”

Initially, Alex wanted to believe her, but history spoke for itself. Similarly, she'd hinted at an intimate relationship beforehand, but her love for Luis always intervened. Then again, Karen was now free to see whom she pleased, but nevertheless, Alex remained reluctant to trust her.

“What about Luis?”

Karen groaned, glimpsing.

“He's a tremendous part of my life and always will be,”

From the outset, Alex liked the idea, but Karen's fidelity had always been a concern. But despite that, she remained persuasive, seeking a resolution.

“What do you want from me?”

Explicitly, she smiled and sampled a cocktail.
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