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Rated: E · Chapter · Dark · #2326554
Dark Society
Via the promenade, the housemates of Evelyn Gardens entered the dorm. From the outset, Karen's endless probing seemed effortless, since she and Lyndsey's heated exchange. Upon which, Alex aspired to keep her distracted.

“Taking in the sights?”

Turning, Karen smirked.

“Of course.”

Suddenly, Alex gathered his phone as a message came through.

“Whom might that be?” Karen inquired, drawing near.

“As if you didn't know.”

Over time, friends had grown uneasy by Luis's earlier exit from campus. As a result, Alex aimed to speak with him again later that day. Meanwhile, Karen's inquisitiveness could always be counted upon.

“What's he up to?”

“Once again, he's not coming.” he proclaimed. “Though, I guess you already noticed that.”

As may be expected, Karen's look altered. Based on this, Alex truly hoped Luis had found Sabrina, because he wanted the best for him, and presumed she did too. Albeit, glances soon shifted as packers were seen removing items from Trina and Jasmine's apartment.

“What's going on?” Tatum demanded, closing in.

From nowhere, a gentleman veered into the hallway, appearing drained.

“Have Trina and Jasmine moved?” Lyndsey requested.

As of today, the girls still hadn't returned, and all attempts to reach them had failed. From this point of view, the housemates remained determined to obtain explanations.

“I'm not positive.” the worker said. “We're here to transfer belongings, now, if you'll excuse me.”

In the wake, everyone stood silent as university officials secured the apartment. As this took place, Alex appeared stunned to discover Kyle and Logan's flat also vacated. Side by side, everyone moved upstairs, where six well-armed magistrates and the university provost stood waiting.

“Tatum Cotour?” an agent bellowed, clutching a manila folder.

“Yes.” she answered. “What can I do for you?”

With a wave, he acknowledged the others.

“Is there a Lyndsey Graham among you?”

“That's me.”

Over the next several minutes, the deputies quietly debated among themselves with the gravest expressions.

“And, whom might you be?” the detective suddenly announced.

“Alex, Alex Littleton." he professed. "And this is my girlfriend, Karen Solomon.”

Predictably, Dean Smith wanted to address the students himself, but instead remained recluse and silent.

“What's this about?” Karen questioned, sneering.

“Can we talk privately?” the officer suggested, motioning.

Subsequently, everyone agreed and followed the agent into the apartment. Not surprisingly, as the door shut, the other officers remained outside. At which point, Tatum and Karen settled on the sofa, while Lyndsey and Alex stood.

“I'm Detective Chief Inspector Daniel Stern of the London Police Department.” he declared. “I apologize for our boldness, but we have a pressing affair to address.”

“How can we help you, detective?” Tatum proposed.

Anxiously, Stern bungled through a bulky envelope and readied.

“How well are you acquainted with Kyle Larson and Logan Hill?”

Shifting, Lyndsey stared.

“I know them better than anyone.”

Naturally, Stern stood intrigued.

“Do you know how we can find them?”

Lyndsey hesitated and glanced toward Karen.

“No, I haven't seen them in some time.”

“Kind of weird, don't you think?”

“Not at all.” she mentioned. “They often take prolonged vacations.”

That said, Stern nodded and reviewed notes.

“Well.” he began. “At this point, Mr. Larson and Mr. Hill are persons of interest.”

“With what?” Karen asked.

“In the disappearances of Ms. St. Claire and Ms. Lloyd.”

Like a shot, Alex converged.

“They're not missing.” he interjected. “They've been on leave since November.”

Sharply, Stern turned.

“So I was told.” he maintained. “But, no one's seen nor heard from them thus far, so it's become a missing person's case.”

Straight away, Tatum rose.

“You're not serious?”

Stern stroked his face.

“I'm afraid so.” he confirmed. “Therefore, any information would be helpful.”

In the end, Kyle, Logan, Trina, and Jasmine were close, so such accusations seemed unfathomable. Though on that basis, Stern's inquisition continued at length.

“Wasn't there another girl?”

“Yeah.” Karen responded. “Sabrina.”

Again, Stern glanced over his notes, while consulting Dean Smith.

“The transfer you mentioned?”

“Yes.” Smith validated. “Sabrina left for America around Thanksgiving.”

Stern paused.

“Did she tell anyone?”

“Not that I'm aware of.” Smith verified.

Unsurprisingly, Alex scowled, knowing Karen was casting doubt on Sabrina at the most inopportune time. For that reason, he grew angered as Stern reverted with a steady gaze.

“Unfortunately, November was the last time Trina, Jasmine, Kyle or Logan visited campus, so does anyone know how to reach Sabrina?”

“She does.” Karen again interjected as Tatum scowled.

“Is that true?”

“I speak with her often, but not as much recently.”

Slowly, Stern presented a card.

“If possible, see that she calls me.”

Staring, Lyndsey shook her head.

“I don't know how she can help.”

Shifting, Stern gestured and groaned.

“Ms. Cotour, if this takes a turn for the worst, I'll need to find her.”

Afterward, Dean Smith escorted Detective Stern into the hallway, leaving everyone to ponder the reality. No matter how, Kyle and Logan stood accused, while attention also focused on Sabrina. More than ever, Trina and Jasmine's absence remained alarming, since there was no sign of foul play. And yet, Kyle and Logan's involvement had added another era of mystery. Not the worse, Lyndsey was inconsolable, knowing the boys as she did. Along the same line, the situation had become a nightmare with few answers.

“What was that about?” Tatum demanded, gesturing.

Shifting, Karen scowled.

“What are you talking about?”

Forbidding, Tatum came closer.

“Implicating Sabrina.”

Angered, Karen rose and tensed.

“Wasn't I supposed to say anything?”

Groaning, Alex crisscrossed his arms.

“It'd been best to keep quiet.”

Gazing, Karen sneered.

“Did I miss something?” she trumpeted. “When did Sabrina become a national treasure?”

“What's that supposed to mean?” Tatum blazoned, angered.

“We should worry about our friends, not Sabrina.”

“Unlike you, she is my friend.”

That said, Alex grimaced, surprised by yet another unneeded confrontation. On a different note, he understood her resentment of Sabrina, and those who didn't share her beliefs.

“What should we do?” Alex asked, wanting to ease tensions.

“I don't know, but we shouldn't sit around.” Lyndsey murmured.

Immediately, Tatum retrieved the phone and began sending messages.

“What are you doing?” Karen questioned, creeping up.

Scowling, Tatum twisted.

“As if it's any of your business, but I'm telling Sabrina.”

Gradually, Alex noted Karen's changing expressions.

“Are you alright?” he implored. “You look a little pale.”

“A bit nauseated.” she confirmed, entering the bathroom. “If you'll excuse me.”

Closing the door, Karen viewed her reflection as a hidden rage intensified. As an effect, she messaged Dena and beckoned the sisters to the Solomon family villa.
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