Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/profile/notebook/anukisray
Please follow an 18+ rating.*
Hi Lolita-New Book! Just wanted to tell you thanks for noticing my blog and port. Sincerely, Tina.
You are most welcome! See you around! *Bigsmile*
Greetings to a Fellow Brainstormer. Happy Writing! Megan

Hey Lolita,I just wanted to come and say hi, from one Brainstormer to another! I read your bio and noticed that you're currently doing your Masters degree, how is that going? conflict Resolution is a subject that really intrigues me! jo *Smile*
Hello. *Smile* It is going all right so far..I should be done soon. *Smile* Thank you for the concern.
Hello, my Dear. I always review your work and I thought I would say Hi. I see that you are with the Brainstormers, too. Happy Writing! Love: Megan

Brainstormers Sig
Thank you Megan! *Heart*
Happy Birthday, Nataly! *Heart* Hope you had a great one and got lots of pressies!
Thank you so much Adri for the Birthday wishes! I really appreciate it! *Smile*
*ConfettiBL**ConfettiP**BalloonP**BalloonBL*Happy Birthday Nataly! I hope you had a wonderful day!!*BalloonP**BalloonBL**ConfettiP**ConfettiBL*
Thank you so much, Jilly! *Smile* I really appreciate it! *Smile*
I don't have any cool streamers or balloons to put up, just a heartfelt birthday wish.

Happy birthday Nat!
Thank you so much, UD! *Smile* I really appreciate it! *Smile*
*RainbowL* *FlowerB* *FlowerP* *FlowerR* *FlowerT* *FlowerV* *FlowerY* Happy Birthday Nataly!*FlowerY* *FlowerV* *FlowerT* *FlowerR* *FlowerP* *FlowerB* *RainbowR*

*ConfettiBL* *ConfettiGR* *ConfettiO* *ConfettiP* *ConfettiV* May you have many more!*ConfettiB* *ConfettiBR* *ConfettiG* *ConfettiY* *ConfettiR*

*CakeP* *CakeB**CakeP* *CakeB*
Thank you so much! *Smile*
Didn't Saul try to kill David?
Yes he did...But his other flaws were forgiven by God..That is all I was portraying in the poem..*Smile*
Happy Holidays to all the wonderful people I have met this year, and those I have yet to meet. I wish you all well this holiday season. *CandyCaneR* *GiftP*
Right back at ya, Nat!
del-rey published your book? or is it more than one? If so, what are the titles and genre? I got a Literati for Chrismas, are they abailable e books?
Gongrats on publication . . . I'm sure all of us here at WDC are extremely proud of YOU ! ! ! . . . Way to go girl . . ! !
Awe Thank you! ^_^
Guess who's No 2 in the rating charts . . . YOU ! ! . . .
Really? Mwah? lol. Yay! ^_^
Thanks for the review! Im glad you enjoyed my work. Also I believe I spot a pagan background to your bio.

Lord and Lady guide your work and Blessings !
You're very welcome! Brightest Blessings to you as well. ^_^
Thanks for the review, and congratulations on your published book!
You're welcome, and thank you! ^_^
*Star*Wow! nataly, youare 3rd on the most active reviewer list. Way to go! and to be published soon!! Congrats! *Balloon* Hope you will let us know when it comes out! *Star*
Thank you! Awesome! I didn't even know there was an active reviewer's list. lol. I will post a link with my new website and book attached when I get it up and running! ^_^
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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/profile/notebook/anukisray