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Project PARC: A sign that communicates and enlightens

By Badylon Kawanda Bakiman

As soon as you arrive for the first time, or not, in front of the multi-purpose hall in the commune of Kazamba, in the town of Kikwit in the south-west of the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), you are struck by a symbol that politely asks you to stop and read on a sign that conveys a message relating to development. It's a sign for the PARC project (Programme d'appui à la participation des OSC dans la gestion du bien commun).

Under a white background, the green and black lettering is legible. This channel of communication appeals not only to the population in all its diversity, but also to civil society organizations (CSOs), who have an obligation to participate actively in the management of their entity, which must ensure their development for a better life, which, incidentally, is a human right.

The sign is placed by LIDEPROV-LDH (Ligue pour la défense, la promotion et vulgarisation des lois et droits humains) in a strategic location to attract attention. It reads: "Democratic Republic of the Congo, Programme d'appui à la participation citoyenne des OSC dans la gestion du bien commun (PARC) with funding from the 11th European Development Fund)".

The communication also presents the names and logos of all the partners involved in the project. These include: 1) Ligue pour la défense, la promotion et la vulgarisation des lois et droits humains (LIDEPROV-LDH); 2) Inades-Formation Congo; 3) La voix de sans voix (VSV); 4) La Nouvelle société civile du Congo (NSCC); 5) ADESO/RDC; 6) CRONGD Kasai oriental; 7) COFED.

With this sign communicating, the message remains permanent.
  •   1 comment
French bureaucracy comes straight from Ancient Rome. What is the actual message? No right turn on red?

Eating fruits and vegetables is beneficial for human health, according to scientists

By Badylon Kawanda Bakiman

Several scientists around the world have conducted methodical and thorough research in order to unearth the values of fruits and vegetables regarding human health. Indeed, in several countries around the world, agricultural work facilitates access to fruits and vegetables without major difficulties.

It is curious to note that a lot of people are unaware of the value of these fruits and vegetables in their organisms. For example, in the town of Kikwit, an economic and political bastion of the province of Kwilu in the south-west of the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), 45 people among the 60 questioned on this subject, or 75 percent, do not know these values.


RD Congo : La LIDEPROV-LDH a renforcé les capacités des OSCs et autorités publiques de la commune de Kazamba pour booster le développement

Par Badylon Kawanda Bakiman

La Ligue congolaise pour la défense, la promotion et la vulgarisation des lois et droits humains en milieu rural (LIDEPROV-LDH), une des structures des droits humains en République démocratique (RDC), vient de renforcer les capacités des acteurs de la société civile ainsi les autorités publiques de la commune de Kazamba, ville de Kikwit, dans le sud-ouest du pays.

DR Congo: Election Campaigns Hit High Gear

By Badylon Kawanda Bakiman

Since midnight on Sunday, November 19, 2023, the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) in Central Africa has been vibrating to the rhythm of the electoral campaign for the presidential, legislative and local elections to be held on December 20. So far, no major incidents have been reported anywhere in the country


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