Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/profile/notebook/bigb2414
Please follow an 18+ rating.*
Hi there. I hope my review was helpful. Are you interested in getting a few more. You should visit us at "Invalid Item. There are a lot of other newbies there and we have a review request page specifically for our group. It helps to start making friends early on when your new and this will really help you get active in the community.

Plus we have a lot of easy to read answers for newbies. I swear when I was new, I'd read a lot of how to pages, but they all seemed like greek to me. It helps to have a place to ask specific questions as they come to you instead of having to look everything up. I hope to see you there.
* Content and content ratings in this area are monitored solely by this member. Page owners have the ability to remove posts and/or block posters who do not follow the content rating or who post unwanted content. In addition, each member can block/ignore another member using the Block/Ignore Members" link on the Account Options screen.
Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/profile/notebook/bigb2414