Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/profile/notebook/dinoqueen16
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Hey Jessica--anything ever come of your apocalyptic Anthro story?
And happy account Birthday or whichever day it wass.
One of my current novels has hit 14,549 words at only five chapters in. It's been a long time since I've written anything that has gone on for an extended period of time or that I have actually been proud of. This story is close to my heart and one day maybe, just maybe, something will come of it.
Congratulations! Keep at it! ❤️
if it has your heart it will flower, either directly or through the seeds.

Keep this going. I still remember something about your cheetah anthro--is that still out there? It's not too many things that long ago that I remember. (Sorry I let my then-future-ex turn me off of it.)
I've been working almost religiously on my time-traveling romance novel titled 'Prehistoric Error'. I'm currently at 20k words and 25 chapter. First a 1st draft, I am happy with it.
As of yesterday my revamped poetry book, Diarrhea of the Brain, has gone live. It's available in both paperback ad Kindle version!
Amazon.com, Createspace e-store, and Kindle is where it is for sale.
Nice. Congrats.
Excellent. Everything is going according to plan. (Steeples fingers.) *Wink*
New chapter from my zombie novel has been posted.
I am working towards publishing my fourth book and need just a little bit of help to make this dream a reality.
With each donation you can opt to receive a nice reward; from a thank-you card to a signed copy of the book. Thank you!
Please share, like, visit the link, spread the word, donate, and help an author make her dreams come true!

Looking into creating a Indiegogo campaign to help launch my children's book.
If anyone would know, it'd be you guys. So, Fellow Writers, how does one do about preparing for a book launch?

My children's book is nearing completion - I'm getting closer to it everyday. My illustrator is amazing and we've only had to do minor fixes to her pictures. (I wish I could share them with you)

But yeah. Book Launch! I need help with preparing myself to make one!
I've found an illustrator!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  •   1 comment
Blast. I wanted to use a bugle as an emoticon. What is the world coming to?


How's does this sound? I'm planning on using this for the back cover:

Marbles is a bunny. He thinks he is pretty cool. Being a bunny, Marbles considers himself an expert in his breed and would love to share his knowledge with you.

With illustrations done in a beautiful black and white style, Marbles' story is sure to delight children both young and old. Not only do these illustrations stand out on their own but they offer a unique opportunity for this book to become a lovely, heartfelt keepsake; this children's book has a color-it-yourself option.

You and your child, whether together or alone, can color this book, personalizing it just right for the bunny lover in your life.

~NOTE: I have not found an illustrator yet but I have decided to go with a black and white option.~

I've recently written a children's book and I am in the hunt for an illustrator. So far the quotes I've been giving are pretty pricey but I want to make sure that I'm going in the right direction. I have two styles I am interested in.

For this book, which is about bunnies, I want either a full colored with a water color effect on the pictures. This is going to cost me the most.

Or I want to go with black and white illustrations and let the parent, teacher, or child color the book in themselves to make it just a bit more personal. This one is still high in price but not as expensive and it includes a full colored cover.

But what do you guys think? Should a children's book be colorful or should I allow it to be black and white and let people color it themselves?
Sounds great. Be interesting to hear how it goes - will there be a difference in the success of one versus the other? Have you heard of other color-me storybooks, or is this an innovation, I wonder. Keep us posted!
It's an innovation I think. I haven't heard or seen anything like it before.
awesome! World needs brave souls with new ideas. Forge onward, little hero!
What have you heard about InstantPublisher.com?
So I just wrote a children's book today. Took me about two hours to write it.
I'm on the fence of whether or not I should self publish or go the traditional route. A lot of people are telling me to go with self pub.

Anyway, I'm posting it in my portfolio - I've been getting a ton of sweet reviews from people willing to read it (fellow writers and bunny lovers). I'm just looking into illustrators now. It's hard to find one I like.
So, aside from setting a personal reading goal of 25 books this year (I've already started the third book this year) I am setting a personal writing goal of a chapter a week. Doing this will push me to finish the second draft of my W.I.P novel.
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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/profile/notebook/dinoqueen16