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Update with Greenfield tornado June 1st 2024.

We got an inspector to come in today (my cousin), and he said that we will have to be prepared to move out because if it was his decision, we'd have to demo pur house. I will be homeless in a few days (most likely), but thankfully I have good friends that have offered me a place to stay if have to. I may not update for a while after June fifth, but I will most likely be back in a couple months to years after that. Please keep me in your thoughts and prayers.
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Good luck with everything. I will keep you and your family in my prayers.
I appreciate all the help that Greenfield Iowa got from all the food trucks that gave their time and product (which equals money lost) an their well wishes for the whole town Greenfield Iowa.
There are several people that have helped clean up debris and there has been a lot of people from the community help their neighbors and their friends. If you want to help, just post something of Facebook, Twitter or instagram wishing well to the people of Greenfield Iowa and their families.
Death total update - 6.
Thanks for your support, prayers and well wishes.
Kenny B.
Greenfield Iowa update number 5. Greenfield is still looking like a bomb went off after the EF-4 tornado ripped through the heart of Adair County which happens to be Greenfield in Iowa. We looked at the house I live in and there are several places where the foundation is starting to look more and more like I will have to rebuild from the ground up. I just hope that when the structional engineer comes to look at it, he or she says it's okay to live in for some more years. Wish me luck.

Kenny B.
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Good luck!
Update from Greenfield. 4 confirmed dead and 20 severely injured and 50 with minor injuries. One minor injury is me after I stepped on a nail today. Got my tetanus shot (booster) and now my whole arm is numb. Oh well. Its better than the alternative. Prayers and thoughts are still appreciated. God bless all of you that have prayed or have helped out in any way. Thanks for all the support to the volunteers that ask nothing in return and expect no monetary or material payment. The support has been overwhelmingly amazing and all the volunteers have been so nice and have been on our side.

This has been a Greenfield IA update.
Kenny B.
Just started going through some stuff I had in my room and mist if it is destroyed or completely water logged. All the stuff there is replaceable and I didn't lose my life so just keep the prayers and thoughts for Greenfield Iowa in the USA coming. I really appreciate them and so do the rest of the town.

Kenny B.
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Dear God, please be with everyone as they deal with this challenging time. Strengthen them, guide them, and sustain them in Jesus' name, amen.
Hey y'all it's KennyBlazek and if you're watching the national, local or Iowa news you should know that Greenfield (my current town) had a EF-4 tornado rip through. I was hit and lost power for three days. I'm okay, but there's a.lot of repairs needed to my house that will total over $200,000! Need prayers and good thoughts.
It wasn't just my house that got hit either. My truck, golf cart and 1965 Chevrolet Malibu are parked back there too. My truck is the main support for the roof of the garage that collapsed on top of it, and my Malibu is in touched. The watering can hasn't moved and all the water is still in it too, but I won't be it since my garden is destroyed. I will not be making salsa this year because ALL my tomato plants were literally ripped out of the ground and crushed under the garage west wall. All in all, I'm going to be rebuilding from the ground up for a garage and with the house total of $200,000 I will be paying over $400,500 in total repairs. Wish me luck and a longer fuse than I have now.

Kenny B.
Writer_Mike -
My insurance has been very helpful through all of this. They are going to pah for all the repairs on full and there won't be anything out of pocket for me besides the deductible.
I am glad your insurance will pay for the damage, but you lost memories and all those nice things you were working on like the garden. I am sorry for your losses. Take care!
tracker -
Thanks for your thoughts and well wishes for us. We all really appreciate it.
Fan'd you back. ;)
I just posted my first "journal" entry in my portfolio. I will to do so daily, but we will see how far that goes.
"My Fun Time Today, Saturday May 18, 2024
I can't decide how to word something. I'm looking for a word that means big or huge without using a word like gynormous. What do I say instead of small words like big?
What's a story you want to hear? What should the plot be? Are there several plots twinsted into one? Make the effort to write something that has never been written and go until your heart is content with the writing. Make sure to include details, but not too many details. Sometimes the detail is very hard because there is a fine line between not enough and too many.

Happy writing!
Kenny B.
Can someone give me a prompt? I'm writing stories and books that follow about the same subject(s). Please. Any prompt will work. Just no sexual fantasy things unless it's anime fantasies.
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There are writing prompts posted every day in "The Writer's Cramp - you can check out previous prompts (for inspiration only, as the deadline will have passed to enter). Or you can check out the latest prompt (and due date/time) and write a story following the prompt to enter (1000 words or less) - or just write something for your own use.

You might also check out https://www.writing.com/main/writing-prompts for rotating writing prompts suggested by members.
I have added item number 2320163 to my portfolio as a comedy attempt. I hope it can make you laugh.
To link it directly use:
which will give "You Do What For A Living?

Makes it easier for potential readers to navigate to.
So the girl I'm babysitting tonight loves sitting on my lap. It may be because I've known her since she was a newborn baby and I've changed her diapers before. She's now 7 years old and her parents have been family friends for years now. I was there when they brought her home, so I've known her for the extent of her whole life. Is it normal for a girl that's known you for as long as they've been alive to sit on your lap, or does it stem from other feelings they have? I'm just a little confused. She is very sweet and loving. I just don't want to hurt her in any way, weather it's emotional or physical. Her and her parents trust me, so I just let her sit on my lap even in front of her parents and they're okay with that. Should I tell her to stop even though she's like a sister to me? She has always said that I'm like an older brother to her. I'm always looking out for her. I get her birthday and Christmas presents. I'm always present at her birthday parties because she wants me there! Anyways, thanks for letting me vent my concerns here and please let me know what I should do.
If you're looking for some of my works here, I purged a lot of them as in almost all of them. I working on new ones that will be better than my last ones.
Happy writing and reading!
Kenny B.
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I hope you've kept copies of them somewhere - on a hard drive, USB, whatever. One thing I tell all writers is never throw anything away that you have written.

Here's an example: I wrote a story in 1993 that, looking back, was rubbish. In 2011, I found it on an old floppy disk, and used the basic story but completely rewrote it. In 2012, I sold the rewritten version. These old works can always be prompts or rewritten when you're in a better writing place.
Has anyone ever experienced the joy of gaining someone that you've come to love, then having them yanked away too soon? Today I did. The ten year old girl I babysat for was killed today in a bad car wreck. I need prayers just to keep me sane and away from booze. I need help and a friend to talk to. Please help!
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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/profile/notebook/kennethblazek