Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/profile/notebook/pudding502
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Balloons 1

*Party* Happy Writing.Com account anniversary. *Party*
I dunno who keeps buying these membership thingies for me or why, but uh, thanks!
HELLOOOOO FRIENDS AND FANS AND OTHER! AFTER AN INCREDIBLY LONG HIATUS, I AM...still not returning to the SPT here. I made a new one though! On discord! It doesn't have much just yet, but I did just make it yesterday. Lemme know if you're interested!
Another addendum. The first instance of participate in my last message should be "join"
Is this still open?
What the discord link?
Oh gosh, someone else gifted me a membership too! Y'all are too nice! Thank you tho!
  •   1 comment
Sorry if me saying it publicly is annoying. The gifts are always anonymous. I got no other way to tell the sender thanks!
Oh! Someone just bought me a one year membership. Thank you, whoever that was!
Awesome! Congratulations! *Heart*
To whom it may concern: I made a new Tournament! Go do things there if you wish!
Well... looks like email notifications are broke.
Hey, so it's been a while since last time I did this... and it was a poll then. But now, we've got just way too many Pokémon to choose from! I wanna know, out of all the Smelly Pokémon Tournaments, who's your favorite character?
That one Zzzap guy.
Hehe, It varies from time to time, but right now I'm really digging Gina.
But, this can vary whenever I feel like it. One day I might like Gina, another I might like Shiver. It all depends on how I'm feeling, but Gina's definitely up there.
Alright, the Elite Four contest is closed. (I know I'm late, shut up.) And the winner is the magnificent MagnificentMudkip! All the Elite Four member's character profiles can be seen here:


One author is still in the process of making theirs, and I will put the Champion there as well once I'm done making him.

I'm still accepting gym leader suggestions, but I think I'm going to scrap the preset trainer idea in favor of making the main character's appearance more ambiguous.
Alright! The concept for the new story is coming along pretty well. Right now I'm working on an Elite Four. I've already given three of these positions to certain writers and figured I'd have a bit of a contest for the fourth. So anyone who wants to can send in a trainer bio complete with age, appearance, and personality along with their team of four to six pokemon. (Pokemon on any gym leader or Elite Four team must be based around one type. They can have dual-type pokemon but they all have to share at least one type.)

I'm also accepting similar bios for gym leaders, though you will also have to include which number gym they are and their strength and team size must be scaled appropriately.

Aaaaannnnddd (yes, there's more!) I'm only going to have ten character slots for the main character. Five male and five female. So if you want to get an OC or something in there, don't hesitate to send me a trainer bio. Of course, they won't include pokemon teams since they'll just be starting out.

Also, the minimum age for all characters is sixteen.
Whoops! Forgot to mention that the deadline for the fourth Elite Four slot contest's deadline is Friday. (The three already guaranteed a slot need not worry about this. This is for the contest only)
Hey guys, I gots another story idea! Or a sort of branch for my "Adventure" story, not sure which yet.

Anywho, I got the idea that maybe I'd create a version of the Adventure story in which the pokemon are supposed to smell bad and all traoners battle through stink. So the story would follow a fresh trainer trying to become a champion in their region. (Also not sure if I should use the actual regions or make up one for the story. If it's the latter, might need help coming up with gym leaders and an elite four.) And there could be some sort of stink "leveling" system in play. What do you think?
that sounds like a fun idea!
Well, this is going to be a narrative story as opposed to an RP, so you wouldn't actually "be" the characters. But if any of you had ideas for said characters, I'd love to see 'em. And of course, I'd put in the thing who created what character.
Okay, most of you guys probably know by now, but I'm going to say it anyways. Each branch in any of my Smelly Pokemon interactives is completely independent of another branch. That said, there are a few events that are continuous throughout every storyline. I've created a document to keep track of these 'canon' events so I know what can and cannot be done with certain characters. There's only about three things on the list right now so if there's any developments you want added to the list, don't hesitate to tell me.

On another note, I'm considering creating a new interactive. If anyone has any ideas, I'd love to hear them.

On a different another note, I'm thinking about maybe allowing characters from the trainer tournament cross over to the adventure story, let me know what you guys think!
I'm not entirely sure if people are notified when I make a new item so I'll just leave a little note here...

I've got a poll going on wether or not I should upgrade to the next membership level so I can have a few more interactive story slots to play with, so please take a look at that and let me know what you guys/girls/both/other/etc. Think!
No offense, but wtf is Kaafan?
It's stuff related to Kaa from the Jungle Book movies. Stuff involving snakes and hypnosis.
Yeah, I don't think I'm going to do that Kaafan one, I don't seem to have very good luck with normal stories anyways.
*CandleB* *ConfettiBL* *GiftV* *ConfettiY* *CakeB* *ConfettiP* *BalloonY*
I just want to wish you an happy account anniversary!
Already *BalloonO* 4 *BalloonR* years at WDC, that's AWESOME!
*BurstGr* Don't forget, keep writting.*BurstY*
*PartyHatB* *PartyHatR* *PartyHatY*

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Okay, so I've added a few held items now. They're on the title page of the story. If you want your existing teams to have any, just send me an email and I'll edit them in!
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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/profile/notebook/pudding502