Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/profile/notebook/ryuryan2409
Please follow an 18+ rating.*
*Music2* Happy Account Anniversary *Cake*
Finally back to writing after being away for altogether too long. Good to be back in the swing of things. Check out my new story, Causalties of War. Probably rubbish (a bit rusty from the hiatus) but any feedback would be appreciated.
 Casualties of War  (13+)
A man comes home from war to find out that not everything is as he remembers.
You;re back :)
Congratulations on getting the fantasy badge *BigSmile*
Congratulations on reaching the veteran status. Hoping you great sucess on you book endeavor.
Congratulations for reaching the veteran status *Smile*
Hi Ryan! My name is Laura, I am the Co-Leader of the Paper Doll Gang - I would like to thank you for your application and let you know you should be receiving a decision very soon from us. In the meantime, you have much of the same taste in literature and cite many of the same influences in your work as myself! I am very excited to read your work and leave you some feedback on it. A pleasure to meet you!
Hi Ryan

I did a review Invalid Review of the first chapter of your story The Light, The Dark. I haven't had a response and was wondering if there is a problem with it.

Have a great Bank Holiday

A E Willcox
Greetings and Salutations! Welcome to WDC! I hope you find this to be a second home. Nice to see you're a member of I.N.K.E.D., if you need help with anything, let me know, would be happy to help.
Hi there! I see you joined "Invalid Item, and I just wanted to stop by with a warm welcome. If I can help with anything, please let me know.

*Vine1**Flowerr* Hi there, Just dropping you a friendly note to say, "Welcome to the site!" I'm sure you'll be glad you joined. If you're wondering how to get started, or if you'd like to come and meet some new faces, why not visit us at "Invalid Item and say hello? *Flowerr**Vine2*

Welcome to the WDC and to CSFS! I see mattab has discovered you!! Lots of friendly and helpful folk about. Just ask if you need a hand.! *Star*
I've just reviewed your flash fiction piece and was amazied. Welcome to WDC, I'm sure you'll love it here. Have you thought of joining "The Coffee Shop for the Fantasy Society there's a dark room there for dark fantasy writers like yourself.
Write On!
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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/profile/notebook/ryuryan2409