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Full Speed Ahead!
Ode to a Lover

God willed me to you
God willed you to me
but the devil stepped in
and ripped us apart
In hell we both suffer a broken heart

Lust took you
It took you to the perils of the deep
And jelousy took me to a river to weep
We have many rivers to cross
And many crosses to bear
Ode to a lover
"No more love" we swear

The passion flew then
A burning flame
Our hearts were tender playing the game
A meloncholly little love affair
"He loves me, He loves me not"
"She loves me, She loves me not"
Its better to love not ,
Ode to a lover.

So we stand here growing old
Eccentrically fading away to the past
shunning a future we could embrace with love
but too scared to venture out
Too much pain to remember
Ode to a lover
End of the game?

So We roam
from pillows to post
mourning the ode of a lover's ghost
Tatching our roof of shattered love
for it leaks of salty willowed tears
its burns from embers of hidden fears
Just as a heart is broken,
So shall dreams be shattered....The End

Sherryanne M Burke © 2014

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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/profile/notebook/sherryanne