Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/profile/notebook/skirkling1985
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very excited to share that I have made progress on my fantasy book. I had not felt inspiration to write but, I am enjoying the time I have to write, and I like how the story is progressing and unfolding. hopefully I can finish it befoe the end of the year.
  •   1 comment
That's awesome, Sherelle!
What would you do if you had written a piece but your scard to share it, as it would reveal a secret you had been hiding? Would you share it? Or not and why? note I have been sitting on this piece for about 3 days now and Im not sure what to do with it.
First of all it's writing. You risk more by not putting it out there. Second, unless you know people are going to know it's about you, then maybe put it away Until you are comfortable to share.
Good advice.
Reworking my book...felt fresh inspiration to write...
hey everyone I am rewriting " From Broken to Beloved" and I am absolutely excited about it. Feel free to give it read and let me know what you think so far. I will attempt to update it every week so you can see and follow my progress.
Continuing my manuscript...from broken to beloved.
Working on getting my book Solatian Stones completed. But the death of my father 3 weeks ago is making it hard to focus.
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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/profile/notebook/skirkling1985