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*Party* Happy Writing.Com account anniversary. *Party*
IMPORTANT TO ANY FOLLOWERS OF MINE: I'm moving Viral over to a new website that I'll leave a link the Rules page and a chapter page of the interactive to the new place I'll have as an option off-site.
For those that follow me here, I set up a survey for that good ol' Viral thing. Check it out there or here. https://forms.gle/8MkBA6RpPesg1gZC6
Checked it out and replied to it to the best of my abilities I hope you can manage to set up a different site due to how writing is but if you can't that is no big deal
Finished the survey for you, hope it helps! Love your work *Heart*
Do you have a FurAffinity or Twitter? It would be great to see if you have any other stuff outside of this website.

In your Viral story, I love how you've built up Jackal and Lace very slowly, building the pieces one at a time, forcing the readers to wait for a scene where the two get closer. At least, I think that's your intention! Instead of immediate satisfaction, each character's traits hold them back: Jackal's reluctance to admit his own feelings, and Lace's head being ultrafocused on the mission (except when someone blatantly throws an opportunity in his face). I also like the general openness of it, where interactions with Hex or other characters don't get in the way of that core plotline. It's a clever use of links! I hope to someday see the payoff for this particular plot arc. :3
  •   1 comment
Awh, well thanks man, I super appreciate that! When I was originally writing it, I toyed with the idea of it being an on-and-off thing between Lace and Jackal for those that want that kind of relationship, but I kept with the idea that it won't happen until maybe later down the line before the final confrontation/ending. Considering how long Viral's been going incomplete, I might indulge that sooner rather than later.

Thank you for your kind words though, that's really nice of you! I appreciate everyone that shoots me a message. As far as other contacts that I have, I don't really have much other work to show. I occasionally sketch drawings, but I don't really upload much. My twitter handle is CasketCat. I also use Discord. My FA account is really just a lurker account to favorite art.
Viral has officially reached over one million chapter views. Like, holy crap, that's a lot. I'm impressed some people can even read interactive chapters anymore, but as long as there's someone out there that reads Viral, I'll still add to it. Seriously, thanks to anyone who adds to it or reads it every now and again. It makes me damn happy.
  •   1 comment
Been reading it on and off for years now. Personally It's one of my favorite vorish works out there on the web. I was reading this back when the Ekans naga was the latest Predator. I really hope you never stop working on this till at least the fall of ( or the bad end with ) Damien.

I know this is a few months old but I just wanted to say you have at least one fan that is unlikely to ever stop checking up on this interactive unless it disappears like so many others have.

Anyways Thank you for all of your hard work. I'd love to know where I could find your FA account if you have one as despite my searching I have no idea if you are a known artist or just someone who only contributes to Wrighting.com. I look forward to any future additions and hope you are staying safe in these troubled times. Take care!
Jesus Christ, Viral turned eight years old last week. Can't believe it's been that long since I first made it public. Still though, I'm happy that people still read and keep up with it despite Writing.com doing everything in its power to stop people from doing so.

I'm gonna try to be more consistent with it. So far so good this week. I've nearly done ten chapters in a few days thus far.
Also, points to anyone that saw that I shamelessly used a JoJo reference in one of the recent Girafarig chapters. It's very obvious that I'm just now catching up on that anime, and after asking mutuals if I should've added it, I was answered with a resounding YES! YES! YES!
This totally started a snowball (even if it's a tiny one) and I'm currently working on my next chapter and mapping out prrretty much how the rest of the story is planned to go! :D
Remember when I wrote for writing.com? H-Hahaaa...I'll try to get back to Viral, add to the Pokemon Vore interactive that I intended to do a tournament on, and maybe even start a new interactive that's more furry based. Or even Pokemon Mystery Dungeon based. We shall see.
Guess who's back
Back again
Whitescarf's back
Am excite
Can’t wait to see what you come up with! Welcome back.
So I changed the rules to not be so damn limiting to add to Viral. Dunno why they were like that in the first place, I guess maybe to keep my own storyline in check but who am I to limit others.

Ferals can talk or act normal-ish like other anthros if you wish. Your character doesn't have to specifically search for a cure. Etc. GUESS I WAS LIKE FIVE YEARS LATE IN THIS CHANGE BUT WHOOPS, WHAT CAN YA DO.
Considering that I might skip out on getting Pokemon Sun and Moon, I don't think I'll be adding many of the new generation of Pokemon to my Viral storyline. Maybe one or two, but the main reason is that I don't like a majority of their designs. XP

But I'd certainly approve of any other author wanting to use 'em for Viral!
There's a few that are pretty great, at least. Lycanroc, Ice-Tales and Salazzle are the only ones you really should consider (that's IMO).

*BalloonV**BalloonV* https://67.media.tumblr.com/2dfc3369827df9b981e111d7fd8fc732/tumblr_mvemcyarmn1r... *BalloonV**BalloonV*

But seriously, thanks to everyone who has ever added to Viral and continues to read it. This was just a silly little idea and personal project I had years ago, but I love what it has turned into now. You guys are the best, and I probably wouldn't be this far into writing my own Viral storyline without you guys and your support. Stay fresh, you lovely bastards.
  •   1 comment
ahh always a pleasure to see more of viral~ easily my favorite interactive on here!
Boy oh boy, I love the 10,000 character limit for interactive chapters. It's f***in' great when I try to rush the ending of a chapter seeing my characters run out, EVEN though they run out anyway which leaves me having to go back and take out sentences and details I'd rather keep in. </3

Like with several chapters I've written as of late, I've run into that case of exceeding the limit. I don't wanna have to split up a vore or sex scene across two chapters. Hrrggrrffk!
Man, I've just given in to the fact that some things I write have to be split up into multiple chapters. It is a bit aggravating, but removing details to make things fit sucks. I'll typically come up with a random branch to add so it's not just a "continue" button, even if it's something I'm not interested in writing. With 10,000 characters, there's usually some place where something could happen differently.

I personally don't pay attention to the character counter and I only realize I have to split something up when I hit "post" and it doesn't work. However, your interactive is a different story (heh) in that you're the only one writing it, so there's no real point in leaving blank choices like that. It's all personal preference, but I favor splitting things up to avoid cutting out details. And that's my two cents.

I'm back to writing to Viral. Again. Yet again. What'd I miss?
I was actually back to writing for it again while I was at work! :D Should be posting on that soonish. Hopefully.
Ah sweet! I really look forward to it man!
Not much I did get to work on an Alt path where Fizzon joins the party. x3
SHIET. There's even more Pokemon coming out. I don't have Unova Pokemon, let alone...whatever the place of Gen VI was called to where its name escapes me and I'm far too lazy to Google it. Fack. I guess I better put Gen V and VI Pokemanz in my Viral storyline, or else I'll look like a retro chode living in the glory days of Gen I-IV.
I'm one of those who's played all the pokemons, so it's not hard for me to be inclusive with my writing. Honestly though, I don't mind people who only use Pokémon from early generations, what really matters is whether it's well-written.

All you gotta do is cherrypick the sexy ones
I wouldn't mind either way! I'm more of a Kanto through Hoenn kind of person anyways, so if they aren't added, it wouldn't be a bother to me at all. If they are, I've no trouble googling it really quickly. Also I've been planning on starting my own storyline, however I still need to get a sense of direction with it before I start posting anything... I've got a rough idea as to what characters I'm going to include, however I've no clue how to actually start it off... Workin' on it, though.
Are there people that are okay with bad end chapters where Lace and the gang are captured? I figure I'd have some endings that weren't just a typical vore or infection scene, so for instance there's a chapter where Lace is detained as a sex slave for Damien and his men. That's a fine enough option that can be explored on, yeah?
Yeah, honestly, just write what you enjoy writing about. I've personally enjoyed the story, it's really the only reason I still check in to Writing.com. And, uh... As for the interactive I wrote (of which there are two that come to mind but both ended up being completely half-assed and forgotten), the only one that would deal directly with vore was actually inspired by this old interactive that I can't find anymore, I don't even remember the name at this point. It as a survival story where a group of 'survivors' were trapped on an island with mythical creatures and various tribes, where of course, everything revolves around vore.

As for the interactives I wrote, they were all rather shoddy. Now, my writing skills have definitely improved, -and I've contributed to interactives in the past and have been satisfied with how the chapters turned out- it's just a matter of actually DOING it. I've considered starting my own branch on your 'Viral' interactive, but as of now I'm not sure if I'll actually end up going through with it, or if it'll end up being only five chapters long.
I'd say just go for it. I'm really not bothered by people not finishing their storylines cause I mean, hey, I haven't finished mine yet. I'm always interested in seeing some new characters in new situations!
Then I might just give it a go and see where it ends up.
My boyfriend was nice enough to suddenly gift me a membership to here again. Woop!
You never asked?
I'm just pullin' your leg, scarfy. Nice to hear you got the membership back.
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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/profile/notebook/whitescarf