Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/profile/reviews/cardawnia
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78 Public Reviews Given
233 Total Reviews Given
Public Reviews
Review of Unbreakable  
Review by Cardawnia
Rated: 13+ | (3.5)
I totally understand the feelings you are expressing here!

The saying that 'power corrupts' is so apt... for power is an easy thing to abuse. When someone realizes the 'strength' they have in any way , that seems 'stronger' than others around them, it is so easy to become 'accustomed' to exerting that 'strength' to over-ride any and all opposition in any form. That strength then becomes a weakness to the one 'exerting' it because they then believe that their 'might' becomes 'right' and never allow any OTHER thought to divert them from THEIR 'rightness'.

We who are at the 'receiving end' of that 'abuse' - (abnormal use)' - of power, must NOT allow it to harm us into a negative way of thinking or 'retaliating' because then that 'power' has spawned even MORE 'unrightness'!

You have a good way of finding words that express the emotion you are trying to describe - I did notice the word 'quite' when I'm sure you meant 'quiet'. But that is a minor typo. I like the way your words - basically - 'rhyme' - I know that is not always easy to do! I think 'coward' might be better as 'cowardly' since you are using it to describe 'him', or separate the words with a comma to denote 'coward' as the object and 'male' as the descriptive.

For myself, I have learned that re-reading and re-reading again really HELPS to 'refine' our thoughts and of course, reading it ALOUD to another person (whether willing or not! lol!) helps make you see it through someone else's feelings!

Yes, we ALL reap what we sow, therefore we must ALL be very careful of the thoughts in our OWN hearts because they too can sow 'wrongness'.

Write on!

(If we did not dream, we could not imagine a better way, a better place!)
Review of Coincidence?  
Review by Cardawnia
Rated: 18+ | (5.0)
Awesome! Yes, God knows where each and every one of His Children are and exactly what they need and when. Thank you for sharing this, it hit me personally. None of us are above feeling 'useless' and 'left out' at one time or another. We all need 'lifting up'.

Short and concise, but tells it all.
Review of Blue M&M  
Review by Cardawnia
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)

Another well-written story. But again, so sad.

Talk about poetic justice!

You have quite a way with your imagination.

The story is very believable and flows nicely. Just the right amount of suspense and horror!

I will be looking back now and then to see if you have anything new.
Review of Alone with Lana  
Review by Cardawnia
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
I find this to be very well written. It definitely evokes many emotions that all come rushing and crashing through my heart and mind!

Makes me want to scream and holler, "Stop! Wait! Don't!" and "Run!" and "Hide!"

It is so very sad!

I hope you have written other more upbeat stories!
You have a very vivid way of writing!
I will have to go check out your portfolio!
Review by Cardawnia
Rated: E | (4.5)
I find this writing to be very insightful and thought-provoking. I think it paints as descriptive a picture as one who is NOT autistic can hope to imagine.

I am a firm believer that ALL life is important no matter HOW it is lived.

If we did not have those we must try to understand and to care for how could we ever hope to learn the fulfillment of being compassionate?

If we did not have those in the world that others call "bad examples" how would we know who and what were GOOD examples?

Seeing how a person treats animals, older persons, handicapped and other seemingly unuseful or unloveable persons tells a LOT about that person's TRUE character. (Another very good reason for ALL types of souls upon this earth!)

I enjoyed reading this poem and I am interested in reading more of your writings.

Keep up the good work!
Review of Nature Never Told  
Review by Cardawnia
Rated: E | (5.0)
What a wonderful way you have of expressing your great sorrow without being maudlin.

Even in the midst of your pain you express a beatific way of looking at the event and it is so uplifting to realize that you are comforted to know your precious daughter will be in Heaven waiting for you.

I sorrow with you for your loss and I, also, look forward to Heaven.

Review by Cardawnia
Rated: E | (5.0)
Wonderfully well put!

You have explained this relationship we are to have with our Lord with great wisdom and insight!

Thank-you!!! I know people who need to read this so they, too, will have greater understanding and can also draw closer to our God!
Review by Cardawnia
Rated: E | (4.0)
What a downward spiral of emotions you have depicted here! Whew! Must have been a horrible time!

I, too, have been down to the bottom of my barrel, called "luck", and have only survived, by what some have called "pluck"! (My three sons and I were considered "homeless" for two years, 1981-1983.)

I've definitely found that sometimes you have to get facedown, in the mud, before you can roll over and realize , now, the only way to go is "up"!

Heaven is usually all that listens when you cry!

I think you did a nice job with this writing.

Review of A Way with Words  
Review by Cardawnia
Rated: E | (4.0)
I , too, love to explore ALL the meanings I can conjure for "words". Words said, words written, words meant and words "mis-spent"!

I guess that is what makes us "writers", in all the senses of that word!

I'd say, yes, a compliment like this one you received, is like a "kiss upon a wrist"!

Keep on going with "your way with words"!

Happy creating!
Review of Caution  
Review by Cardawnia
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
Very nicely descriptive and humorous also!

My father was "deathly" afraid of spiders, and I could never really relate to that about him.

However, I do not like to go wandering through their mazes of sticky threads, nor have one drop down on me for a visit! Nor do I like their "homes" hanging around mine!!!

Good poem!
Review by Cardawnia
Rated: E | (4.0)
This was a very interesting tribute!

To me, it's not the meter that counts so much as the feeling that comes out.

I can tell that you have a bonding of sorts with Phil Hartman, and miss him greatly.

Yes, it is always sad that so many people feel that drugs make things better and more fun and then lose their lives to them. Whether by physical death or mental impairment. Their lives are forfeited...and for what? Pleasure?? So sad.
Review by Cardawnia
Rated: 13+ | (4.0)
Interesting dissertation.

"War is hell"! No doubt. But if we did not have men and women who are ready, able and willing to place their lives upon the line to fight for the preservation of freedom and liberty wherever and whenever the need arises then where would any of us be?

We certainly would NOT be "free" as there are so MANY unscrupulous souls who LOVE to put other people under their rules and regulations and the ones we are presently at arms with would definitely LOVE to rule US with their IRON FISTS and BLOODY SWORDS!

If we, who VALUE "FREEDOM" so MUCH, do nothing to stop the spread of terrorism and ANTI-FREEDOM practices, who will? I say, GOD BLESS and PRESERVE the SOULS of ALL our AMERICAN HEROES!

As one of our Early American Heroes is reputed to have said, "Give me Liberty or give me death"!

Can we, with any conscience at all, do any less?
Review by Cardawnia
Rated: E | (4.5)
This poem is very wonderful and inspiring and it is so nice to read a REAL Christmas Love story with hope! Not just triviata about tinsel, food and gifts of a more material form!

If only MORE people could understand that the TRUE meaning of Christmas is about LOVE and HOPE for ALL GOOD THINGS and LIFE after this one!

Great poem!

Review by Cardawnia
Rated: E | (5.0)
I really connected with you through this very finely written poem. Thank-you.

There is such a sense of loss when someone you care about is called on to the next realm and leaves us behind with only our memories; which can be so fragile and fleeting, and sometimes very fickle; only occasionally wafting through our minds and callously being stifled by new happenings in our everyday Life.

But perhaps 'the day after WE go', we WILL remember ALL!

Review of Fixation  
Review by Cardawnia
Rated: ASR | (4.5)
I think this poem is very "cute" and definitely humorous! I really like the way each line is
"buttoned" to the next in such an alluring fashion!

It is a very visual rendition that is exciting and titillating to the imagination, making one want to see what else will be buttoned or unbuttoned!!!!
Review by Cardawnia
Rated: E | (5.0)
How blessed you are for having had such a wonderful gift in this life, your sister.

To have shared this quite special bond was an amazing miracle for both of you.

I have 9 brothers; I did not get a sister until I was 11-1/2 years old. By then I felt I was too old; I became more like a little "mother" to her.

As such, we did not get to share the laughter and tears of growing up; no secrets known only to us.

I left home at sixteen; she was only four. Only when she had grown to seventeen herself, and became a mother, were we able to find a level we could almost relate on.

Now, she too, is a Grandmother, and although we are thousands of miles apart; we still feel close because of the bond in our hearts.

As I am sure you, too, still feel close with your sister; no matter that she has left this earth; because of the bonds you have forged in your hearts.

God Bless you and may He continue to comfort you.
Review of Touched By Love  
Review by Cardawnia
Rated: E | (4.5)
Ah, yes, a happy day! It feels so good to love and be loved; and to feel that all is right with your world. nothing is better than to have someone who adores you and anticipates your very presence, day and night!

Thank-you God, for giving us Love, and for giving us the ability to share that Love.
Review of Novels  
Review by Cardawnia
Rated: E | (4.0)
I think you did fairly well with your writing technique, but I have to admit I don't really like horror, scary stuff anymore!
I've found I have too vivid an imagination and I usually end up having nightmares!!
It makes for a restless night of sleep and then it takes awhile to shake off the depressive feeling I get.
I actually read your work yesterday and didn't know quite what to say so I thought I'd sleep on it, and yep(!), nightmares!
Well, that doesn't mean you don't write well. Maybe you do, TOO well! HAH!
Good luck with your novel(s) to come!
Review of Golden  
Review by Cardawnia
Rated: ASR | (3.5)
As I totally disagree with the subject of this "short", I am greatly saddened by it. Pain is never fun, (I have had and am still experiencing much!) but I believe to end our life should NOT be our decision! As we had not the right to decide when we would be born. I believe in ALL of life. Death IS a part of that. Each moment we live is for learning, whether for our own knowledge or for another's. If there were no suffering, how would we learn compassion?

And no, I obviously don't think taking another's life is compassionate. No matter what the pain. Perhaps that soul (and those who say they care about that one) needs to have that time to truly ponder what comes after death?

As far as your writing style, it definitely put across the picture. I will be looking at more of your work, to see more of your thoughts.
Review of Item Statistics  
Review by Cardawnia
Rated: ASR | (4.5)
Thank-you very much for giving this guidline for understanding the statisics. Still being fairly new to Writing.Com,it has helped me a lot. I am very excited to be a part of Writing.Com and want to know and understand as much as possible of the inter-workings!

As I don't have as much free time as I would like, to be able to spend just "exploring", it is wonderful to have information pointed out.

Again, thank-you!
Review by Cardawnia
Rated: 18+ | (5.0)
I'm laughing so hard I'm nearly falling off my chair!! How right and how scary! Unfortunately, that attitude is pretty much standard in most states anymore!

Thank-you for the humorous visualization of a not-funny-at-all reality! You have hit it right on once again!

This is another to send to friends!
Review of Brain Lock  
Review by Cardawnia
Rated: E | (4.5)
Some times when it seems no one even cares to TRY and listen to what I'm trying to express, I wonder why I'm even trying at ALL! Then, even if they DO half-heartedly listen, they attempt to tell me how I"M thinking WRONG instead of just trying to perceive MY point of view! I don't ALWAYS have to be RIGHT!!! Just let me state MY opinion and feelings!!!
Then, after many attempts on my part, to converse, to explain how I think, and I find no audience caring enough to bear with me, I find I can NO LONGER even try!! Then, I too, find I have nothing to say anymore!! Why talk, if no one is listening? Why write if no one will read??

IE - writers' block!

I think you have a LOT to say and I'm sure whatever "writers' block" you have had or ever will have did not and will not last long! HAH!
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