Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/profile/reviews/overthedepths
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Review of "Jonah's grin"  
Review by overthedepths
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
It's engaging since the first chapter. It kept me curious of what will happen 'till the very end. As also, the plot is really unique. Unlike the usual horror plots. Very nice job. Keep up the good work!
Review by overthedepths
Rated: E | (5.0)
15 years ago, there lived a prince named Mr. Jim. He was a boring person. One day the prince was bored, so he left his kingdom to go on an adventure. Taking his pet, a Panda, with him, he set off to adventure.

After a long month of walking, he reached a kingdom called "whale". Mr. Jim was surprised by how big the kingdom was. People inside whale told him that there is a beautiful princess named Ploy locked in a shed. She has waited 911 years for someone to save her. Mr. Jim said:" I will save Ploy at any cost, even if it will risk my Panda's life!!"

Mr. Jim came to the shed and he saw a Beauty Contestant there. The Beauty Contestant was an stunning person who wants the princess to be his wife. The princess saw Prince Mr. Jim and called :" Help me handsome prince, kill this Beauty Contestant, save me from terror." Mr. Jim looked at Ploy blankly and asked :" What day is today?"

The princess replied:" It's Friday"

The prince was depressed, and he stammered:" B...bu...but, I...I...cant f...fi...fight on Fridays..."

The Beauty Contestant heard that and laughed:" A wimp! I'll kill you!" and charged at the prince.Hearing the Beauty Contestant call him a wimp, Mr. Jim was so angry that Urine poured out from his feet. He kissed the Beauty Contestant in the head. The Beauty Contestant rolled on the floor groaning.

But a huge Catfish flew over and kidnapped the princess. Mr. Jim ran after the Catfish, but soon lost sight of it. The prince was exhausted, he sat down to rest by a river. Looking into the reflection of the river, the prince found out that he ran too hard and lost his underpants. He searched for it along the path he came from.

He finally saw a girl wearing the underpants he lost. She is playing Warcraft and listening to "It's Friday". She held a stupid Cucumber in her hand. With the other hand, she held a joystick/mouse and is slowly pressing/clicking it. Mr. Jim went up to her and asked:" Can I have that underpants back? It's mine."

The girl look up at him and smiled:"Of course you can, here, have it." and she took off the underpants and handed back to Mr. Jim.

The prince asked her again:" Can you tell me your name?"

The girl said:" Sure! My name is Ami. I like to play with cockroaches, do you?"

Mr. Jim said:" Me too. Let's get married."

And they lived happily ever after with each other.
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