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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/profile/blog/tracker1948
Rated: 13+ · Book · Friendship · #2295863
This stuffed Beanie Baby dog came tagged "tracker" which fits my search for knowledge.

Here are words I like to write
All day long 'til it is night.
Words go up and words go down
When complete approve the sound.

If you complete my little rhyme,
Things will come your way in time.

signature from Gaby's design shop
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Made by Hanna For Members in Veterans Group.2023 Quill Winner
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July 2, 2024 at 6:34am
July 2, 2024 at 6:34am
July 2, 2024
6:25 am WdC time

BCOF Insignia

How do you feel about fireworks? Should they be available to everyone or only professionals?

Fireworks are dangerous for the average person to handle. Fireworks are legal in my city/county. I think they are an accident waiting to happen. With that said, my son spends a small fortune purchasing fireworks similar to the ones used in a controlled fireworks display every year. The videos they send me are awesome. I worry about it, but so far there have been no accidents. This will be about the 20th year he has put on his own display.

The neighbors start their fireworks action at sundown. It continues for about five hours on and off. We keep our two dogs and three cats indoors.

My wider view is that money spent by organizations up to and including the government would be better spent on helping obtain housing for the homeless population.
July 2, 2024 at 6:34am
July 2, 2024 at 6:34am
July 2, 2024
6:25 am WdC time

BCOF Insignia

How do you feel about fireworks? Should they be available to everyone or only professionals?

Fireworks are dangerous for the average person to handle. Fireworks are legal in my city/county. I think they are an accident waiting to happen. With that said, my son spends a small fortune purchasing fireworks similar to the ones used in a controlled fireworks display every year. The videos they send me are awesome. I worry about it, but so far there have been no accidents. This will be about the 20th year he has put on his own display.

The neighbors start their fireworks action at sundown. It continues for about five hours on and off. We keep our two dogs and three cats indoors.

My wider view is that money spent by organizations up to and including the government would be better spent on helping obtain housing for the homeless population.
June 29, 2024 at 10:43am
June 29, 2024 at 10:43am
June 29, 2024
10:22 am WdC time

Blog City image large

Today I am going to answer Blog City's prompt:
Have fun with these words in your entry: settle, continental, try, slam, level, nest, and day.

Once again my day starts by turning on my laptop computer. I run to the kitchen to pour some orange juice and return to settle in for the day. WdC is so friendly I feel safe and secure as if I am nestled in a robin's nest. Reading and reviewing are my favorite activities on the site. I usually read my Newsfeed primarily to check to see where our inter continental member Schnujo's in the Falklands is. After that, I try to make my way through all of my email. I am a rare breed who keeps her inbox to maybe as many as five emails at any one time. I also permanently delete emails frequently.

Occasionally I will read a piece that is so entertaining that I slam my palm on my desk with enthusiasm. I pat my hand on my desk when I read something sad. I level my reviews so each is fair and detailed almost always with at least one suggestion to consider. I try to reach my monthly goal which for June was listed in Habit Heroes as two per day. I just checked my number of reviews here on the day before the last day of the month and I have completed 35 reviews in June. Not near my goal, but an average of 1 per day I can live with.
June 27, 2024 at 5:16am
June 27, 2024 at 5:16am
I started a new blog called Chirps & Chatter located in my portfolio. That blog is being formatted to give an overview, in as few words as possible, of my day. I am a rambling note/blog/email writer.

I believe I will use this one for any prompt activities I do.
June 23, 2024 at 10:04pm
June 23, 2024 at 10:04pm
June 23, 2024
8:45 pm WdC time

BCOF Insignia

Have fun with these words: athletes, yellow, smart, ginger, spinach, work, schedule, and dynasty.

The athletes were lined up on either side of the field. They were introduced to the fans overflowing from bleachers built for fewer attendees. Adele, dressed in a yellow shirt and orange shorts, the school colors, stood up looking for her husband Dan who left work early to attend the game. The football dynasty they enjoyed watching win all season at their alma mater, Greenville University, was long gone.

Thanksgiving was a week away. Adele and Dan drove home from the game, each in their own car. Adele's mind was on the holiday meal. She knew spinach was not a home fan favorite. Her green bean casserole would meet the green vegetable requirement. The fifth grader's schedule called for a half day next Wednesday. She did not like to postpone her holiday meal shopping so close to Thursday, she thought as she drove into their driveway. Tomorrow would be ideal. She walked into the kitchen, sat down with her phone, and programmed her list of items she needed. First was ginger she needed for the pumpkin pies. She had the cinnamon, cloves, and nutmeg.

"Do we have everything for Thursday?" Dan asked walking to the refrigerator. .

"Almost, Adele replied.

"I ran into Bill Barnes and Lois at the beer concession. They invited us to spend the day with them. Remember what a riot they were to be around?" he asked.

Adele rolled her eyes. "C'mon Dan. I know you hate my cooking, but getting us invited to eat Turkey Day's meal and watch football on who knows what kind of television does not excite me. Did you tell them no?"

"Yup. I was firm about it too. I think whatever you cook tastes okay." He walked up behind her giving her a giant hug. "You're my person," he said.

"And I am yours, Danny." She dove in for his kiss and laughed merrily. For at least the tenth time that day, she felt the joy of being with her person. She was smart to select him a dozen years ago. Life was good.
June 19, 2024 at 5:27pm
June 19, 2024 at 5:27pm
June 19, 2024
5:10 pm WdC time

BCOF Insignia

Prompt: What is your night time ritual like? Has it evolved with you over time?

When you get to be my age, rituals are broken down by several decades combined as one.

Growing up had strict schedule. Bath, teeth, bed by 8pm. When I was in high school bedtime moved to 9pm. I was a wannabe morning person.

College: Shower, teeth, and bed by whenever. Moving toward night person.

Kids: Quick shower, swipe them teeth, up at 4:30 am, worked 5 am to 1:30 pm, left work to pick kids up from school take them to different practice fields for sports, soccer and baseball/softball, supper mostly pizza, collapsed in bed by 9:00pm.The kids had a bedtime of 7 pm until they were in middle school.

Kids married and gone: Sleep until almost noon. Long, long hot showers, brushed and flossed those teeth, and to work by 3pm. Totally a night person. Did not see the sunrise, except maybe when I was sick or the cat woke me up early, for years.

Skip to being a VOP (Very Old Person). Up most days before noon, shower optional, day spent doing what I feel like doing along with daily chores, nighttime is the best when the rest of the house is asleep. Usually fit in a shower, pampering, and writing/reviewing/emailing. Around 2 to 3 am I am working an online jigsaw puzzle and playing a few rounds of mahjongg and words with friends to wind down. This morning I went to sleep at 3 and the dog woke me to go out at 4:57 am. Up for a minute or ten then slept until 11ish. I am just now hitting my stride. The family is out so my tunes are blaring while I will not start work on math homework.

Aren't you glad you posed the question?
June 18, 2024 at 2:47am
June 18, 2024 at 2:47am
June 18, 2024
2:40 am WdC time

Out of 1,000 possible points, I earned 1,000 points in my Survey of Alternate Medicine class. My GPA is still not at my goal 3.5. It is 3.48.

Math starts today. Ugh.

3:50 pm
I am focusing on my Quantitative Methods math class. Some things here will have to slide.
June 18, 2024 at 2:47am
June 18, 2024 at 2:47am
June 18, 2024
2:40 am WdC time

Out of 1,000 possible points, I earned 1,000 points in my Survey of Alternate Medicine class. My GPA is still not at my goal 3.5. It is 3.48.

Math starts today. Ugh.
June 15, 2024 at 1:03pm
June 15, 2024 at 1:03pm
June 15, 2024
1:00 pm WdC time

I have 2 contest entries to write.
I may write something with each prompt, but probably not.
I need a break.
June 14, 2024 at 2:00pm
June 14, 2024 at 2:00pm
June 14, 2024
12:25 pm WdC time

Today I have high hopes to meet all of my habit hero goals. I have been slacking off.

I am anxiously awaiting my grade for my latest class called Survey of Alternate Medicine. Fulfills my science requirement for my degree. The grade will be in by the end of the day today. I will get a notification when it is posted. Then, my friends, 2 more classes/10 weeks I get my bachelor's degree. Yippee!!

My granddaughter's home was not damaged by the wildfire, which is finally getting some containment. Today it is 20% contained.

That is all for now!



10:20 pm WdC time
I am getting so much done that I believe I will hit every goal today. I need to make them all accomplished every day.

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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/profile/blog/tracker1948