Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1009140-Iron-Morty-Flint-Chapter-2
by Mitch
Rated: 13+ · Chapter · Action/Adventure · #1009140
An adventure story about a pirate. (Rate it please!)
Flint turned over to see his uncles head laying next to him. With wide eyes flint stumped away to the balcony of the ship and threw up.

"Shiver me timbers, I just sent ye to Davey Jones Locker!" Black said, with his face turning red.

Flints clothes were dripping with blood, and his face looked pale. Black looked at Flint with amusement. Black started to smile.

Black pulled out his sword and with a smirk on his face said "Time t' meet your uncles fate boy."

Wide eyed and with a plae face flint said "Please don't kill me."

Black laughed and said, "I'm not going t' kill you son, I have much worse in mind for you boy!"

"Avast ye!" called Black to his crew.

By now Blacks crew had killed everyone that was apart of Rackhams crew, except Flint.

"All in favor for keel haul, say I!"

Keel haul was the act of throwing a man overboard, tied to a rope that goes beneath the ship, and then dragging him from one side to the other and hauling him out. Besides the torment of being dragged under water, this would drag the victim across the barnacle studded ship's hull and cause great pain and injury. This was a serious punishment and not administered lightly.

"I!" yelled the whole crew with excitement.

Wasting no time the crew tied a rope around Flints legs. Black and his crew then made Flint walk the plank. Flint was in no hurry to jump off. Black looked at Flint and luaghed.

"Go on jump boy!" yelled someone from the ship.

Black shook the plank but Flint still did not go in the water, so Black stomped on the plank and Flint fell off the plank and hit the water with a huge splash and the crew cheered.

Before Flint knew it he was underneath the ship being dragged agaisnt barnacles and wood. Flints lungs were burning from being under the water, and they felt like they were going to explode.

Flint barely conscious, reached for the knife he kept in his boot. Flint sliced threw the rope tired around his ankles and with all his strength shot to the surface. Taking a huge breath of air, Flint laughed. Flint knew he had just escaped death. Flint looked around and saw a strip of land. Flint swam as fast as he could to the shore.

When Flint reached shore he laid on the beach staring at the sky, trying to go threw in his mind what had happen on the ship. Flint remembered his uncle's head laying next to him on the deck of the ship. Flint's eyes seemed to turn cold and dark. The boyish look in his eyes was gone.

Flint sat up and looked around the island. Wondering how he was going to get off the island and find Black.

© Copyright 2005 Mitch (mansourm at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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