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Rated: E · Other · Spiritual · #1190021
How can you discern the truth?
What is Truth?

Just asking...

The truth. What is truth?

Contrast that with lie. How can you tell one from the other? How can you really tell?

Maybe logic can help? Maybe investigation would? But can we always afford those tools? Can't they at times be rather circuitous, or laborious, or too time-consuming? At any rate, are they really foolproof?

And the fact that we feel we have to prove… well, why do we have to prove anything really?

And there’s opinion…
What exactly is the point of opinion? Do they lead us to the truth?

When somebody speaks up, usually we go one of three ways: (1) believe him, (2) do not believe him, or (3) do not decide yet. But the thing is, what’s the basis of our choice or decision? Credentials? Position? Age? Color? Looks? Name? Money? Force of voice? How are these things related to the truth? Cannot a habitual liar say the truth? Cannot a president tell a lie?

Why do we get angry when we are lied to or misled? Why do we blame the speaker or actor for our inability to hear the truth or untruth behind the words and the moves? People will say or do what they will. Regardless of how they are related to us.

Again, how can we tell the truth from the lie? Or perhaps the question is, how did we lose our capacity to hear the truth? Discernment is a natural ability of a human being. In fact, perception is a function of the entire body. Our body is a highly sophisticated instrument for sensing or perceiving. A receiver set. A vessel. So how did perception get distorted? How did our capability to receive light become impaired?

How about if we truly knew how to listen and to truly tune in? How about if we were clear enough to hear? Really clear and as finetuned as an instrument could possibly be? That even if truth were dressed in tattered clothes or had tattoes all over, we would recognize it?

What have we done to the instruments? What have dulled the instruments?

We have spent fortunes to make them look good though.

One more thing, why become a believer if there’s no need to be that? Why become a skeptic if there’s nothing to be skeptic about? Maybe all we can do is admit that we don’t know. At least not yet. And then perhaps we can find out for ourselves whether it’s true or not. Or perhaps simply shrug it off. Maybe we don’t care at all. Or we could check our instruments. Why aren’t they working well?

Whoever has ears to hear, let him hear…Isn't it strange that those words had to be said at all?

So, how can we recognize the truth?

And how can we recognize The Truth?
© Copyright 2006 LILY (bluegreen at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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