Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1202056-Morning-Arguement
by Charms
Rated: E · Short Story · Teen · #1202056
The classic brother and sister conflict. Even before breakfast is over.
“DAVID!” Cassi yelled as she descended the stairs into the kitchen.

“What?” David answered through a mouthful of Fruit Loops.

“What did you do with my white jacket?” Cassi asked putting her hands on her hips. She glared at him when he didn’t answer. He continued to eat his breakfast. “Well?” she asked impatiently tapping her foot.

“I didn’t do anything to your jacket.” David said calmly, swallowing.

Cassi snorted with laughter. “Yeah right, just like you didn’t you anything to my sweatshirt last week.”

“Oh, yeah!” he said excitedly. “That’s right. I left it out in the mud after it had rained.” He laughed and finished the last bite of cereal in his bowl.

“I know what you did!” she hissed at him, shooting him death glares. “What did you do with this jacket!”

“NOTHING,” David yelled standing up and moving his bowl to the sink. He rolled his eyes at her pathetic look. He bumped into her shoulder deliberately as he went upstairs to his room.

“YEAH RIGHT!” she yelled at his retreating back. She sighed as her mom walked in.

“What’s all the yelling about?”

“David took my white jacket!” Cassi whined.

“You mean this one?” her mom asked holding up her jacket. “Your father put it in my closet. I think you owe someone an apology.”

Cassi frowned and took her jacket. She looked over it to make sure that David hadn’t written on it. She smelled it to make sure that it had a clean scent. It did. She sighed and walked up stairs, putting her jacket on. She knocked on David’s door.

“What now!?” he whined through the closed door.

She rolled her eyes and pushed the door open.

“Have you come to ask me again where your white jacket is?” David snarled. “By the way, you’re wearing it!” he added shrewdly.

“I haven’t come to ask where it is,” Cassi smiled. “I came to apologize.”



“No you didn’t!”

“Yeah, I did!”

“No you didn’t!”

“Yeah, I did!”

“No you didn’t!”

“Yeah, I did!”


“Yes!” She held her hand up for silence. “Stop.” David went to retort but stopped. Cassi smiled. “Just accept the apology!”

“Whatever. Now, out.” he pushing her to the door, with his hand on her back.

“Uh, ok,” Cassi gave a puzzled look as he shut the door behind her and she walked down the hall to her room.

Five minutes later a scream could be heard and then marching footsteps down the hallway. “DAVID!”

David smirked and chuckled slightly. “I wondered how long it would take her to find that note taped to her back.”

© Copyright 2007 Charms (charms3468 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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