Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1202520-It-Is-All-A-Question-Of-Trust
Rated: E · Article · Inspirational · #1202520
Trust yourself so that you may trust others...
    Trust is one of the biggest unresolved issues of the world and will never fail to be. There will never be a time where you can turn to the one standing next to you, tell him your most private thoughts, and trust him fully not to tell the one standing next to him. Then again, there is also the issue of trust in one's self. They say, "A man who doesn't trust himself can never eally trust anyone else." One may ask what trust in one's self is; another may answer, "It is to trust your instincts and to believe in yourself." It is a scary thought, though, that one cannot trust even himself, heightening the level of difficulty in trusting others. William Shakespeare once said, "Love all, trust a few." This quote gives room to wonder if a person can love those whom he cannot trust. After all, is it not trust that is the foundation of all good relationships? And then one takes that leap; they tell someone; they trust someone. And then they wait. It is a cruel process--the waiting and the believing. But sometimes, people surprise you. They maintain that trust. Other times, however, they fail you, and you lose trust not only in them, but also in yourself. And that is the most cruel of things.
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